Should Japan apologize and pay reparations for raping millions of Korean and Chinese women?
Should Japan apologize and pay reparations for raping millions of Korean and Chinese women?
NO , the past is the past
Yes, also they need to realize that they have intellectual privilege and should allow people from less well-off counties immigrate.
>raping millions of Chinese women
Imagine not having any taste THAT BAD
i have this argument with a tranny about koolaid. Pleasd explain what koolaid is/redpill me on koolaid.
Quick, or i will lose the argument. No chance for trannies!
I thought they already did, twice.
>apologize for improving a shitholes genetic code
When Mexico says sorry for the illegals
>I should note that a lot of Korean anons have said that Feminism is batshit crazy over there
>any greentexts or stories?
Koolaid is flavored sugar that is added to our water. If you drink too much you get diabetes. Black people like it
Who told the women they were raped?