How hard is he regretting it right now?
How hard is he regretting it right now?
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Sloppy job mossad
More tasty dead Jew tears
Rachael Maddow is a he now?
you should see the Dahan family. the look like the biggest bunch of spic Mexican criminals
wait I take this back. that's too much of an insult to the spics
>oy vey, it was terrible
>first, he burst in and did a white power sign
>then he shot at me, but this brave jewess bodyblocked and saved my life!
>i was lucky his semi automatic death rifle only shot my left pinkey off
>this totally happened!
how can someone so young have so much hatred in his heart?
wow. he's a deader meme than 'somebody toucha my spaghett' all in a span of a day.
im pegging you for a middle aged jew
Why didn't he kill himself, what does he have to live for now. Wasted his life. Didn't even kill a lot of people so even by his own measure the attack was a failure. Should have just become a doctor or something desu
if he wants to an hero they should let him.
moot 2.0?
i hope he gets ass raped over and over
The Maddow haircut? Its what set him off.
not following every shit, not here every day, who is this even
he let the memes take over
i think the UN should issue a mass shooting license: must be age 30 or older
Looks familiar. Maybe a Bogdanoff brother?
>'somebody toucha my spaghett'
Jewish Minds: the post
>off medication
if he was related to the bogdanoffs he would have killed gorillions
About as hard as the nigger dick up his ass.
wait, this fucker survived?
hope he's getting fucked in the ass now
Imagine being so autistic you believe killing random jews or muslims will change anything. Nothing will change until there will be a movement against them in society and random shootings won't do that
Somebody give me a quick rundown on these guys
Literally hasn't even come up on the radar, which takes effort when a Jew dies. If I had to guess, MSM isn't interested in pointing out that the shooting was stopped by an off-duty border patrol guard armed with a gun.
There's no death penalty in California. The taxpayer will no pay for his free ride through life
rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control france with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
he called the cops on himself
He'll get charged with a federal hate crime though, where he could get the death penalty.
He still have a nightly TV show so he's probably thinking no problemo
imagine writing such a faggot manifest to shoot a grandma at your local synagogue just to give up, incels need to get sterilized
just think, he could have saved those bullets for someone who matter and people would be treating him as as hero instead of just a few whiteniggers trying to defend his retardation
>the only fatality is an old woman mourning her dead mother
>gun jammed
>gave himself in
>no stream
That's hilariously pathetic
Which story below is correct? Different people reported administering CPR:
those are rookie numbers but desu it's the thought that counts.
the jews do this all the time. they keep more bullshit to the story. like the Israeli looking jew fuck military vet punching the car window
like, "fuck, maybe I should have spent a little bit of time getting familiar with my weapon instead of just storming into a synagogue the day after I buy the fucking thing"
fucking sloppy job indeed
>How hard is he getting it right now
Tyrone hard, that's how hard. And he sure is getting it.
How did They both do cpr on a dead person..
Is this the New "and then everyone clapped?
>and then, I heroically entered the frsy and started doing CPR all over thr place while people patted me on the back and said "youre a hero""
>how can someone so young have so much hatred in his heart?
Jews are really, really good at what they do.
In 5 years 37 people will have performed CPR.
You're still a few mana short.
Pic related.
California prison. Whites are controlled by the ABs. He killed an old lady though, not sure how they'll react. If they don't protect him he's dead. Although if he's significantly high profile he'll be PC and guarded like a fucking endangered species anyhow so it might not matter.
the entire scenario sounds like it was written by a screen writer.
i'm pegging you too.
wait no. two screen writers with slightly modified scripts
>If they don't protect him he's dead.
Why would niggers and spics care if he killed some random Jew?
how come white right wing terrorists are all pussies and never kill themselves?
>love and honor
>killing defenseless worshippers with a semiautomatic rifle
This is your brain on ideology
In his case, sin. In Tarrant's, a burden on the system.
>This is your brain on ideology
No, that's your spirit on purpose.
unlike the christchurch guy I'm not even going to bother reading this losers manifesto.
God and Satan aren't real though.
He killed an old woman for memes. That's not respectable. Also he's a 19 year old white boy who looks weak and pretty and likely has zero experience with criminal activity and lifestyle. He won't know how to carry himself and he's about to be surrounded by long timers. They'll have a field day with him. It's hard enough to be a white in cali jail even if you're associated with the brand. They're just outnumbered so bad out there.
Huh? Jewgle wouldn't be much help here. Since it'd just swamp me with stories about adolescent niglets building Personal Computers. So could you make an exception and spoon feed me what PC means in this context?
>God and Satan aren't real though.
To you, maybe. But that's irrelevant. You're not the one rationalizing motivates of a mass shooting you committed.
>for memes.
Lurk moar,
Hahaaaa, I got 88 on the other post. Probably explains why I don't need spoon feeding on the AB one
>good and evil doesn't exist
It's crazy he is only 19. I changed so much from 22 to 25. He's still 6 years out from his brain finishing development. And he's going to spend it all inside a jail cell.
Can't think of a bigger self JUSTing
Its 1 less Jew. Its not an epic win but its one more step in the right direction.
Ah, no that was this one. Shit. I need my eyes examined. Too bad there's a 16 year wait list for that in our socialized health care
Protective Custody. Entire yards are PC , but a lot of these high profile media monsters get absurd measures of protection. They spend their entire lives in their own little cell being guarded like they're fucking royalty.
I bet he will become a born again Christian Zionist evangelical
At least you're white senpai.
Thank you for your service, that makes perfect sense. Snaps and pickled herring on me.
except love, honor and purpose are complete spooks though.
>The Chad Aussie shitposter
>The virgin Cuckifornian underageb&
kek what a fucking moron, absolute COPE from Jow Forumstards calling this retard mossad
the Virgin Synagogue Slaying vs the Chad Live Streamed Kebab Removal?
what does it matter? just join the nazis there, suck a little hep c cock, who cares its the 201x
>complete spooks
I don't understand.
His parents are regretting the day he was born, They must wonder, what the hell went wrong?
>He killed an old woman for memes. That's not respectable.
Pretty accurate. There's a kind of saying here. Rough translation
>Be nice and respectful to little ladies (strangers clearly implied in gibberish). You don't know who their son(s) might be.
Wasn't he home schooled? So they controlled every aspect of his upbringing.
Well he’s a CIA asset sooooo
Daily reminder that zion don shills are paid to attack John Earnest because he btfo their rabbi in chief in his manifesto
hes young and did something stupid. shame. He could have done great things and instead wasted his life on this one half assed moment.
This guy was a normie nigger trying to impress Jow Forums the 400-pound Facebook hacker. So cringe. So lame. So obviously should have lurked more. If this is the new generation of Anonymous, it may be best to just blow it all up, or go hyper progressive left to educate these deluded fools. Bet the kid was thinking that pol was not satire and that the aproval of some basement incels was worth it. If I was the cancer that killed /b/ then this kid got the highscore for killing Jow Forums and infinity.
Bet they drugged him up the wazoo and he is not feeling anything at all.
Cause this Easter worshiper was fucked in the head, like all those much more numerous Muslim mass murderers
its grasping for straws, portraying an ideal which cannot be accurately described nor measured. what does honor really mean? does it change? can one thing which was previously honorable be dishonorable and vice versa? who decides? the bible?
my connotations are that honor is a rustic term, and has little application in modern life. you try saving a drowning nigger and see how well the honor of that merit serves you six feet under the sea Floor.
Maybe he's regretting not killing more.
He is a Hero and /our/ Martyr
>go hyper progressive left to educate these deluded fools
I think this is the only way but the way I've seen people acting lately, it seems like there are people interested in ethics (their soul) versus just the material world (not always good for your personal development) if that makes sense. Some age of Aquarius stuff, you gotta resist the temptation for violence and stuff because this is a test of who can evolve by looking within and who can't. Personal development is the best way forward and that isn't just going to the gym.
Guy is an idiot who should have lurked moar. He probably chickened out after the smell of blood in the air. It really does a thing to you.
California has the death penalty. The good thing is that he will still get to vote thanks to Bernie and Harris.
Why are you virtue signaling on fucking Jow Forums?
>takes out a 60 year old woman; now spends life in jail at 19
The aryan brotherhood can't wipe your ass for you. You're largely repsonsible for your own safety whether or not you're an associate. But if they outright reject him the whole white car will too because the ABs control the white car. He needs them to accept him just to have a chance to survive, but he shouldn't join them. Joining a prison gang only increases your odds of dying in prison. He just needs to car up with the whites and build up cred and a rep.
>Muslim mass murderers
Did you mean
>Mohammed worshiper dindu's?
>tfw your gun jams, you get shot at immediately and you call the cops on yourself
they got lost on their way to reddit, kiwifarms or somethingawful
This, he's prime twinkmeat for the big hosses in the pen. and the jewish prosecutors will ensure he is sodomized.
Earnest needs to be made an example of. Take that however you like..
What's honorable to some won't be to others. It encompasses many things like your tribe, and religion. It doesn't matter to John, doing what he did, who might find it dishonorable, because to him they are his enemy, or don't understand.
Just because you can't apply the term "honor" to many things in modern life doesn't mean that it's a term no longer applicable. It just means that modern life has very little in respect to honor.
>you try saving a drowning nigger and see how well the honor of that merit serves you six feet under the sea Floor.
Honor must be about two things then. The person on the sea floor, and the people above aware (or unware) of the person's intentions. The person who drowned to save a life thought to himself "it's ok if I die, because what I'm sacrificing myself for is bigger than myself." He accepts his fate and moves on with what he feels like he has to do. Same as firemen, or policemen to a degree. Those that don't ask "is dying on this job really worth it", but say "dying on this job is worth it if it saves my community, my family, my children."
To some this reasoning is well enough. It is in my case as well.
A year late yeah?
>Skid Row, 18 and life to go