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Someone find her name so we can put it on the wall.

imagine caring about some politician on your death bed instead of family / friends.

This is what makes the whole (((Trump))) question so confusing. Our jews hate the fucker, their jews love him. Which jew is actively fucking us harder, ours or theirs? Which ever one it is, thats the immediate problem. The rest is just logistics.

No u

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Trump curse strikes again!

>wasting your last words on some trivial political matter that will be irrelevant in 20 years

good riddance

>and then everyone clapped...

How meaningless does this woman consider her sisters life to be that she feels it necessary to bring it relevance by lying about something so trivial and hollow?

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I'm gonna make sure my last words are "Fuck niggers and fuck jannies!" I'll make sure to slip the hospital janitor $100 so he uploads the recording here.

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something something rent free

It's probably good and bad that our jews hate him. It's a replay of ww2 user. America goes full Hitler, concentrates the jews, Israel gets wealth and a bigger population, the evil baddies are defeated and jews have a Holocaust 2.0 to consolidate power.

So in the sense that we might see a full nazi America with Gen Z, that is pretty comfy.

But in the sense that it's all a Jewish plot to consolidate power like they did in the 1930s and we will all be tried for war crimes and reviled for the next century, it kinda sucks.

Did the heart monitor clap?

>(((jews))) and ((Israeli's)) are problems of equal magnitude

Israel is just a leach, and if roles were reversed you would do the same as them. (((They))) are the real problem, and most of (((them))) despise Israel as much as they do the US.

may the curse strike down thousands

Last time I communicated with an ex from many years ago, the cancer she had been treating somewhat comfortably for a while was getting the better of her. She may even be gone now. She was several years older than I.

What makes me really sad is that she kind of went out with that mentality. When we were younger, as little as I knew then, I recognized her as a cut above the rest. Although what you'd might call a post-hippie liberal, she wasn't unaware of the absurdities of welfare-state thinking, the minefield of the implementation of civil rights legislation which in many cases didn't even make sense and her manifest view that a huge swath of society (she never specified, but it's not hard to figure out - we lived in Philadelphia at the time) cannot be helped no matter what you do for them, so there's no point in even trying.

Those were essentially my views at the time too. I became more conservative as time went on, and the combination of Clinton's abject failure and limitless incompetence and corruption as Secretary of State and Trump's miraculous rise to reconnect Americans with important values moved me over for good.

She didn't go that route. First time we spoke after the 2016 election and the subject turned to politics, she flipped out. She became exactly what I had been 100 percent sure she never would be come - a graying leftist still barking the same tiresome mantras that made little sense 40 years ago and no sense now.

I never mentioned politics again, and stayed with non political humor and small talk type shit. I didn't want to see that side of her; I couldn't deal with the stupidity of her knowing her time was becoming limited and she refuses to budge off that pedestal of rage she climbed on 11/8/16 like so many others.

t. Disappointed Older Dude

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Trump Curse is terrifyingly real. Maybe we should submit to his Israeli cock sucking before it’s to late. I don’t want a heart attack or anything.

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Damn... is this well crafted shitposting or a heartfelt admission of a man coming face to face with the fruits of 70 years of mass media hypnosis and brainwashing?


no. make me. fuck off.

That’s bs

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The latter. Trust me.

It’s mostly theatre

Death 2 Yinzer's...