How many of you became alt-right because you couldn’t get a girlfriend?
Be honest
I'm not alt-right and I didn't want a girlfriend.
Im not alt-right and I have been with the same broad for 6 years.
Me. I hate and try to oppress women and minorities and LGBTQIAA+ people because of my deep insecurities about not having a girlfriend and because of my tiny penis.
It's probably not as tiny as you think.
This is pretty much the case. In fact, since /pol, i've become more left leaning.
My recovery should never had included the opinions of my Union (a homosexual men's club) and that of a gay LCSW who is not a medical professional and director of the LGBT program. You see, I don't give a shit what gay people think and they had no right to sit in judgment over me especially when I was whistleblowing about safety. you get the idea. I'm not a Nazi or a radical but I am reading the red pills and much of it is interesting.
By filipe
I've never had a girlfriend because most of them don't meet my standards. Not because of my political beliefs you impotent faggot
I had a girlfriend who was a covert narcissistic whore. I did all I could and lost everything in the process. I am VOLCEL since early 2012. My financial carcass has been picked clean and the criminals extorting my license can't get anymore blood from a stone. I have nothing to offer anyone but I still pray for a good wife, even if I just imagine her. Maybe I will meet her in heaven.
What even is "Alr-right" anymore?
I'm not alt-right and I fuck traps
It's a vast alt-right conspiracy!
then gay people in my union stabbed me in the back metaphorically but they would do so willingly. these are men that will stab each other in the backs with their penis. their relationships are seldom monogamous and they form a cartel where they often secretly badger straight people, disrupt their relationships, covet what is not theirs, and form gay straight alliances. so, if you have a templar interpretation of marriage, you are automatically a hate filled bigot. that's the only language the gay left agenda has.
Define alt-right, discord tranny.
Oh yes, I came to believe in immigration control and biological differences because I can't get my dick into females. Totally.
I never tried to get a GF.
I’m married, and my “conversion” happened after I was already married.
You probably should. Unless you honestly don't want one, it doesn't really ever get easier.
Based Majima poster
Idk what the fuck alt-right is supposed to denote, but I went from being a moderate leftist to fat right after I got married and had kids.
Have a girl and she was already sympathetic to my plight.
Going from being a "progressive" to "alt right" actually increased by pussy input tenfold. Now I have a great wife and my first child on the way.
>having a girlfriend
are you some kind of faggot?
What in the fuck
why are their mouths always open
That freaked me out in 1997 when I went to college. My conclusion at the time was that it was basically dog training from back when they were babies.
I became altright when I had no girlfriend, then I got a latina girlfriend who creams for me because I look down on her as the subhuman she is. We have a mutt due in September.
Members of the alt right are just sick of low IQ subhuman niggers and spics raping and murdering white women. Get gassed faggot.
Be honest; you became the girlfriend because you couldn't get one.
What the fuck is that? I'm a Nazi and married. Go to your local mosque to get shot by a jew kiwi faggot
their lungs have evolved so metabolize soi dust that is in the air of large cities
Never tried. I became culturally right because blacks and most gays disgust me.
Its a photo of gay bowel syndrome. it serves to remind me that I am not like them and that they are not a race. their relationships are seldom monogamous.
You know super-hypergamy affects all men not just those of a certain group, right?
Should I ask what that pic is of
that's fine, i'd gladly marry outside of my class its just that i'm not taking instructions from Mr. Langley anymore and I prefer pancakes over crepes.
its gay bowel syndrome, already explained.
I keep walking from the gym yeah and i touch hard yeah read like lil look make your inna stay nigga over the city yeah
Nothing now and be here say story bro. Take you glad straight out the thread il bitch keep meeting your stuck dick.
Reminder that if you didn't get with your highschool qt you will be forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.
You seriously could not find any decent white woman?
I feel you
I'm not Alt right and I fuck bitches.
you should try learning how to reply correctly, senpai.
It's the other way around faggot.
My gf is the one who redpilled me on the jews and nigress jealousy
why have a generic bitch on your side which doesn't love you, instead of having buddies with which you can see the world burn and have a laugh.
gamers rise up
i was never alt anything, but a full blown nationalist. go fuck yourself with your jew bs you kike and if i get you i will gas you slowly
She's the most loving, sweet, feminine woman a man could ask for. The white race is not worth ruining my life with a white woman.
I became alt-right because I got a girlfriend nigga
Before that I used to be a liberal incel, but thanks to God's infinite grace, I'm seeing the truth now
Why do I have to know about these things
Can't blame you, I'm just too stubborn to give up on the dream
Probably none of us. Every guy I know, including myself, that has been with hundreds or thousands of beautiful women, are all right wingers.
I became dissident right and now don't want a girlfriend, does that count?
yes, you are.
Waiting at my town about time you come down talking that bullshit like you nasty little bitch cracka you be damn nigga little bitch whatchu saying nigga speak you'll little nasty ass bullshit never become more than just nigga lil bitch.
I became far right BECAUSE I had three wives, you fucker
I'm not even alt-right lol
Ugly fucking incel
Married with a kid, we hate niggers together. Texas tho so w/e
6'6 blue eyed slav, been on Jow Forums last 10 years, have a gf of 4 years atm
Openly nationalistic in my views, forcing it on her and she agrees with it.
Hopefuly we marry so I can force my views onto the offspring as well
>The white race is not worth ruining my life with a white woman.
Either you're a shitskin female shilling for your own kind or you legit couldn't find a decent white girl and are bringing a mutt into the world who will hate you for making them half white. There are many good white girls out there that are leagues better then any brown but you settled early. RIP your genes, faggot.
i actually became mgtow because I'm scared shitless of having a girlfriend. it's too fucking dangerous in the west.
Not many i assume.
you dont know what I look like Nigel, it's not so much the looks that matter, but the mind too. A pretty airhead almost as worthless as an ugly woman with the only good thing being a fuckable body
Faggot lil cocksucker shi t cock faggot getchu nasty white cracka lil sick mothafucka getchu bitch lil nigga .
Yo can't even bitch say why u such a little faggot white weak mothafucka nasty piece of shit cocksucker. Stupid bitch get fucked to death you worthless deranged slave.
I'm 22 and have had 4 girlfriends. 2 of them hate niggers and jews even more than I do.
Disgusting race mixer. Neck yourself.
I got monkey-tree'd early in life, if anything having gf's has pushed me further down the hole
I'm not alt-right and I'm married.
I've dated over 40 women in my life. My politics has nothing to do with my dating life.
>unironically using the term race mixer
You're right, and it's my fault honestly. I'm 30 and missed the boat on finding a decent white girl. If you aren't married by 25 there are literally 0 decent white women left.
>inb4 date young
The only young women who would date me would be gold digging whores. Sweet innocent girls want a sweet innocent boys, not 30 year old men.
Cucks become feminists to "get laid" it's the opposite also with the opposite effect.
>How many of you became alt-right because you couldn’t get a girlfriend?
How many of you male Alt-Lefters became antifa, because you couldnt find a boyfriend?
Nigger, I'm married and have kids. I'm only here because I'm worried about their future.
Enjoy your goblino lineage.
Not alt right and have had a girlfriend for 5 years now, never had a problem with girls before that either. This incel meme is so weak.
You're on the wrong board
I became alt right while I had a girlfriend.
I became alt-right after I went full on Chad mode, hit the gym, cleaned my apartment(which I own), and got out of a bad relationship to a younger, and way hotter gf, which now is my wife.
Congrats user. I Hope the best for you.
> (which I own)
I have completely abandoned the hope of finding a sweet and pure gf to marry and have kids with.
I am waiting for AI waifus at this point. It's the only thing keeping me alive.
Idk what the fuck your guys problems is. I'm alt-right and get chicks all the time. You incels just grovel because you dont know how to be charismatic. Stop being pussies and actually try to better yourself.
I still don't even know what the "Alt-Right" Even is.
I'm just a simple man that wants the boarders closed and the economy strong
Anyone shilling this topic is just trying to make things worse. Yes, being an incel is pathetic, but even moreso is voluntarily getting into a marriage with a used up prostitute who will then run to her real husband the state to get all of your money forever, or trying to establish a genuine pair bond where you are literally kissing a hooker on the lips. All non-virgins are equal to prostitutes fundamentally because they can never love any man genuinely but the one who took their virginity. The normies who smugly taunt you for being incel are going to wear that shit eating grin to the bedroom where they will French kiss a hooker and beg her for sex every night until she gives in once a month, until she invariably collects her payment from Chad Court System.
I became alt-right after I got married and had 2 children.
I guess having a stake in this world made me care about it more, that stake being the safety, happiness, and success of my children.
right on
Bitter, lesser males tend to flock to the idealism because it brings hope that someday the situation may fair in their favor. Im not saying all alt righters are like that, apparently you arent, but thats why the alt right is so heavily associated with losers.
Any unmarried woman who is not a virgin or married woman who wasn't a virgin when she married, and that includes white ones, is a prostitute whose rotten pussy is currently artificially inflated by an unsustainable state apparatus. Being one of those hookers or dating one or marrying one are all far more reprehensible and shameful than being an incel.
Of course there's no shame in fucking these hookers, but to do this whole "LOL JUST HAVE SEX" bit is disingenuous and not at all in the good faith of trying to fix the problem.
Thank you user
It's like that, but stupid