ave a line ya LARPers
Brit/pol/ - LARPcels BTFO edition
Bump lol
abolish the CPS and bring back grand juries
first for styling on Keanecels
Anyone else seen the Sala autopsy photo? Fucking grim.
What the fuck let me know lad
I'm building my Jerusalem.
Revel in its glory.
I'm building my Jerusalem.
Revel in its glory
repeal PACE
renounce Macpherson
repeal the handgun ban
bring back beat policing
bring back the treadmills
bring back the silence rule
bring back flogging
bring back the death penalty
it's easy enough to find on Google images
>wasting coke with massive lines like this
It's not sized properly man, unlike my penis
>Keanecel can't handle big lines
>t. teetotal virgin
>bring back beat policing
bring back police beating too
Some little tramp just got smashed by a bobby with a truncheon last week. Hopefully op gets smashed with one soon too!
using 1 dollar bill, probably straight out of a diseased strippers snatch
your nasel cavity can only hold 0.05g ea at a time
Ohhhh yeah I love coco. You should try it. Delicious
I have a question For You bongs..a couple in fact.
I've been watching "Nightmare Neighbors" first off, you guys are fucked
>arrested for antisocial behavior
But I digress.
What I want to know is, what are the zigzag white lines on your roads for?
And why is "black bitch" an insult when the person is clearly not black?
Oh, and when we're you guys gonna tell us that Ligger is an insult that means last and a mooch?
Wtf bongs, we could have so much fun with that.
maybe your nasal cavity can only handle that much lmao
why do drugs and sex intimidate you?
Hopefully. Sending the scum of the streets on short prison holidays doesn't seem to be helping the crime rates. We need a real deterrent.
fuck off
President Israel General is that way ->
I wanted a poltards quick rundown. Are the pictures actually bad by Jow Forums standards? Cheers man
boring post
>get a load of this nasalet.
Test results are in. You're gay.
Fuck using any money is disgusting. Prolly worse for u then the scnay. Get a straw if not illegal in UK. Shit even a receipt is better
please check your facts, you are wasting coke by taking it like that
not at all, but using a 1 dollar bill is fucking nasty
testing flag
What? Wth are talking about?
>checks flag, post dismissed
>Slattery pretty much vanished from public life in the late 90s, and while 20 years will change anyone, he looks at least a decade older than his 59 years, and close to unrecognisable from his Whose Line days. Where once he was energetic and prickly, occasionally accused of grating self-satisfaction and gratuitous cruelty (he once said Jeremy Beadle should be “clubbed to death”), the man I meet today is like a lost, anxious teddy bear. Heavy-set and visibly nervous, he is still hyper-eloquent, with that familiar melodious voice, but the syllables sometimes stumble on his tongue. It is noon and there is a faint smell of alcohol about him, although he promises he hasn’t drunk anything today. “I made a special effort for you,” he says with a sweet smile. As we walk through the office, I notice that he is limping.
>“I’ve got to get my leg sorted,” he says, rolling up his trousers. His leg is purpled with vivid rashes and lesions. “It’s some kind of cirrhosis,” he says, unconcernedly. Whatever Slattery took out of life when he tore through the 90s British entertainment scene, life has since reclaimed its debt tenfold.
Public nuisance
>gets triggered
>tried to deflect
Look, im serious. I want to know. Better answer. If you dont, I'll report your anti social behavior.
his chest and head are ripped off but what got me if that his arm tattoos are perfectly visible, and next to all the pictures of him alive it's like a depressing before-and-after memento mori: one minute you're smiling and on top of the world, the next you're at the bottom of the Channel with half your body ripped off.
Ligger = blagger, some cunt whos just afterr free shit. Turns up at a party with a bottle of cheap cider then swills your malt whisky all night.
Zigzag lines indicate a mosque is nearby and only worshippers can park.
>Ligger is an insult that means last and a mooch?
ligger? Are you sure it wasn't "lagger", i.e. one who lags behind?
>gay middle class drug addict also has health problems
Why should I care?
why are you pretending you know anything about taking drugs you LARPcel?
>t. virgin
why are you so mad that your post was boring?
Theres worse ways to go.
The zigzag lines mean you cannot park there, they are usually placed either side of a pedestrian crossing. I don't know about the other things.
Anyone else watching this Ross Kemp behind bars kino on itv1? These scottish prisoners are nutso, plus he's gotten massive
t. retard
It is your future, only your future will be worse. At least he used to be successful.
i know you're a retard lol
Lissen you top blokes
Why is calling someone "colored" racist but "person of color" is perfectly yass queen?
Where is his head? Also I suppose that's one reason to get tattoos, if you lose your head people will still know it's you.
You have an interview with the Guardian, thinking this could be the start of your comeback, or at least remind the world you're still alive, and the condescending cunt writes about how you're a sad, washed-up day drunk
why do you envy people who live and die on their own terms?
Disgusting. Hand in your brit card on the way out.
Listen raped chest an ead an in caVITTY .. i TRIED TO WANK BUT NAH ..
>"He reportedly died of injuries to his head and torso"
You don't fucking say?
Was he OK?
I think this might actually help him, he could have a career as a failure, like Les Dennis or Matthew Kelly.
Kek, fuck knows, it probably fell off when his plane slammed into the ocean.
No, it was Ligger, I was looking up British slang/insults to find out about black bitch. Never got an answer on black bitch, hence my question.
Still tho, black bitch? The zigzag lines? I lived in Europe for quite a while in the 90s never went to bongland. No offense, but it never intrigued me. Ireland does, but didn't get the chance.
>Where is his head?
OI ref he's fakin faking it, Ngubu DiDnt't toUCH YOU!! REF!! REF!!
It'll be on eBay for £20k tomorrow morning
>a career as a failure, like Les Dennis or Matthew Kelly
Fucking kek. Anyone remember that awkward interview between Kelly and Frank Skinner after he got cleared of noncing?
Yeah he isnt going to be shouting "on me 'ead son" no more.
I think my uncle has some Argie heads left over from the Falklands, reckon anyone will know the difference?
Because they chose that apparently.
Personally I think we should change it to people of shades, cuz you know they are all just different shades of brown.
Same reason saying "nigga" as a white may not get a negative response, depending on context.
Never liked the cunt.
Kelly's career arc was funny, after his nonce trial he started getting serious acting jobs as serial killers and things, and doing "Of Mice and Men" and "Waiting for Godot" in the theatre. I can see Slattery doing a similar thing if he can stay off the booze.
Matthew Jelly is a horrible weird cunt.
Did he have face tattoos? If not, you might want to grab a few, maybe in exchange for some Nik Naks.
Look up the video of the feral pigs eating corpses on the beach in Haiti.