I know it's the internet, but can we at least give credit to MDE for the Clown World meme?

Attached: Mde.jpg (900x900, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More specifically: r/MDE?

fuck off sam you irrelevant kike

Attached: sam hyde go back.jpg (912x1617, 437K)

When did they first claim clown world?

they didnt. the honking honkler meme started on Jow Forums where 90% of the memes start on this god forsaken website. you'd know that if you were in the oldfags club.

I'll be damned if that wasn't the one of the funniest fucking places on the internet.

clown world was a thing way before honkler

Dunno when it first appeared, but they were using it for at least a year or so before "clown world" caught on here

Can't believe it's been so long since that place was banned, and only recently has clown world taken off.

anyone have a link to the MDE discord? post it if u got it

>started on Jow Forums
prove it or stfu and gtfo

>lurk moar newfag

it started on neinch

Seems like a good time to dump my Sam collection...

Attached: AmbushedSam.png (1280x868, 714K)

The clown pepe and "clown world" were two separate memes that harmonized and synthesized into the current honkler meme.

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Attached: TwoFearSam.jpg (610x611, 81K)

MDE is the secretest of secret clubs. You can talk about the illuminati but you can't join them.

Same Hyde's humor is about six planes above the Jewish comedians, so of course they fear him as squirrels fear the deadly eagle.


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Richard Spencer actually coined the term.

Attached: JewFearSam.jpg (600x599, 70K)

Attached: OneFearSam.jpg (607x608, 34K)

The clown world meme has been around for almost 2 years imo. The expression has been around even longer though.

Attached: ChokeholdSam.jpg (878x661, 208K)

And again, nothing

The real originator is stonetoss.com in feb of this year

Death to newfags

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>deflecting this hard
yeah, that's what I thought.

Attached: honk honk oh no!!!.png (1232x345, 107K)

clown world aka started on r\mde
the clown pepe first appeared somewhere else

Attached: WhenSomeoneSaysSomethingAboutSomethingAndYouAreLikeWoahThatsNotTheThingAboutThatSomethingThatIsWhatI (202x360, 1.84M)

fuck off back to the_donald

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ironically the clown world meme started on reddit r/mde hehe

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