Here we are my fellow anons.
Today we strike again the left and we strike harder than ever.

We shall take another of their symbol and ruin it.
How?It is simple: we make turn the photos of their politics upside down as they do for Mussolini.
This simple thing will drive them mad because they associate their idols to fascism.
The real fascist are them, and this will make them angry and inclined to say-do stupid things.

Previous thread

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bump for potential

Thanks AmericaBro

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zognald approves?

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Do you know why I haven't turned this upside down?
Because niggers get hanged by the neck

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I'm all for it.. but how do we bring it to the mainstream

if you hang them by their feet it's a much longer and agonizing death


Comment's, memes, the fascist gets the rope.

Those monkeys can survive by the feet, better a quick death and kill the next row of nigger before they reproduce.


>fuck on the rope

We should focus on one or two politicians otherwise it won't get into the mainstream

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gtfo nigger

It's not that the Left are "real fascists."
Fascism is a leftist ideology. Both the Nazis and Soviets utilized it.

You are right.
Have a pupper

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i hate niggers

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>t. boomer

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Turning pictures of jews upside down for good luck is a folk tradition in Poland


Have a poll on next thread to vote for ideal persons. First 3 win and then pol can make its magic

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Shut up faggot.

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i just realized that in all the toy story movies there is not a single black human in it.

No seriously why call me a boomer that's not a real argument and it seems you're contributing to the thread too.
What you think I'm so lefty shill for insulting leftists because they don't know what Fascism even is?

Soros is not a good choice though, most of them are basically unaware of his real influence, they just think he's the right wing's boogyman and they use him ironically to "troll crazy conspirationists", then when they're exposed to all the evidence involving him financing parties and organizations they make up an half assed excuse last minute to justify him and that's when they don't just ignore the thing completly or play dumb.
The point is that using him won't have an emotional response from them

bump, let others user see it and apply

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If we're talking about american politicians, Biden is the best candidate. Upside down pics of him with "2020" written on it for his presidential campaign

I was mainly referring to Italy since at the end of the day this tradition of posting pictures upside down is mainly spread here for obvious reasons

I mean, probably the majority of people from other countries won't get it, I don't know it's just a guess

my last bump

I didn't know I had this fetish

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can pol influence the italian mainstream though? It can certainly influence american politics

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you're right, I don't think it can influence our mainstream, but in order to make this tactic effective in the US more people should become aware of its meaning. Jim Carrey's beef with Alessandra Mussolini on twitter probably helped a little but I don't think that's enough

>Jim Carrey's beef with Alessandra Mussolini on twitter
hah I just read about that

he is not GenX master race, he is a boomer

Do this with leftie italian politicians.
But honestly its a weak meme by default, as someone who read and enjoyed history the last years of mussolini and even his last hours were the peak of humanity and attempts at courage in the face of adversity,claretta's choice was tragic and yet so filled with love.

I find it hard to mock,unless you're the average commie who Berlinguer would beat the shit out of just because.

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Fuck off Boomer

Muh horseshoe theory