Rare photos of mass shooters

whos the rarest of them all?

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This is just sad

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dios mio..

sad that he only got 1 frag or sad about his shitty optics

el goblino

gonna dump what I have

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crazed gook

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Here is a picture of a sexist mass shooter that discharged all his rage and hate on women with his 18cm gun

Attached: e8cc5045e344704d0840b2709ae9982f.jpg (640x631, 98K)

Their behind it all

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Just search "Chicago gang member". Their pics only get shared when they are published by local news. Nobody cares about their mass shootings, so I suspect there are many that never went viral, maybe even have only a pic or two in the wild. Based on sheet volume of mass shootings and complete lack or public interest, I would bet my left nut one of them is the rarest.

Cursed image

blacks don't have the determination to commit a full fledged mass shooting look at Dorner and steve stevsons or even Vester Flannagan. They all got less than 5 frags and an heroed or got killed. fucking niggers

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fbi fbi fbi


hollywood bank shootout shooter did it better

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still dumping

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what happened to the true crime fags on this board? did they all go /x/?

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Not a mass shooter but here's a high school picture of the man that shot the violent redneck over a mattress. I've only posted it once before.

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just no

saved. still very valuable. the glows scrub anything of value to prevent copycats

honestly people are wondering why this happened, why any of them happen and frankly its very very simple:

they were all ugly.

who wants to interface with a mug like that? no one really. all mass shooters have some ugly problem, you can see it in their faces, and eyes.

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which one is it?

mikey miller

nice incel smirk

thanks user didnt have him sin mask

Nikolas Cruz got laid
So did Martin Bryant
>more pussy than you user


>rare photos of mass shooters

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to be fair though dorner was hitting higher profile targets than any of the other shooters

DC Snipers?

man with cock broom raises loser

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who TF is this sperg with a crossbow lmfao

If jooz make up only 2% of the population...

Attached: Cruz15.jpg (1272x856, 658K)

he was just beatboxing

what happened to him?

Attached: thCV3KDUA1.jpg (474x226, 20K)

its from the brazil school shooting

still ugly

HAPA as fuck

Attached: elgoblinodejesuscruz.png (512x608, 223K)

what a fucking goblin

true they were pretty good desu but were inspired by islam and vengeance for an ex wife so kinda gay and played out

brazilian school shooter that happened like a few days before godking Brenton Tarrant glassed 50 shitskins

but not incel like you

that doesn't matter when you're ugly as fuck and no one will look at you without squinting or one of their bottom eyelids sliding up every so slightly, in disgust. any slime can eject his load into a ball of flesh. won't make you less ugly.

>inb4 tumblr
Some of those true crime blogs were so cringeworthy man but the only source for good shooops

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Checked. What album or song are you quoting?


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BTW that is a brazilian for your information

this is a third dude.


Thats fuckin cool

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is this true. if it is then that changes everything

Another one

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You sure? The DC snipers had a pretty good plan. And read on Colin Ferguson, the Long Island Railway shooter, see if yiu’d Like to re-evaluate that view.

ahegao before it was cool

God dammit...why did they do it? They knew not their blessings in their all white community. My heart weeps for the kids and everyone in that town.

>who’s the rarest
Well between the two guys who clearly DIDNT DO IT ... Stephen Paddock and Nick Cruz

he used a nation army/sold more weapons than anyone else in human history/created isis with muslim brotherhood/mccain.It is beyond competition so an honorable post he didn't even pull the trigger once..

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Looks like me lol

honestly he's cute. most of these shooters could be prevented if they took the gaypill because most of them could be decent twinks
he cute

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Do not commit mass murder in the name of the white race. This is a multigenerational fight. Display the patience of a white man. The time may come when we need soldiers, we don’t need you locked in jail when it happens.

What is this one?!

Is that Adam Lanza? Wew

why does he look different in every picture all of a sudden? I cant be the only one who is noticing this. This isn't the same guy from the original published photo and definitely not from the livestream.

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Does anyone have this niggers full manifesto he sent to NBC? Its supposedly been leaked but i cant find it

imagine the shame of killing oneself with an AK wearing a Fiber-Force stock :(

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>shootup middle school
>shitty trends make kids dab years later
>full circle

Wait, you guys really haven't seen these?

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Look at the fucking dad

he's a goddamn SPIC


lmao that looks so Atrax Morgue-ish

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his phase is changing every other week and has from the very beginning because they're messing with the timeline. one of these days we're going to wake up genderless with no vocal cords and we're all going to be collectively thinking "something seems wrong" but not know quite what it is.

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No, when were they taken?

Lmfao is this actually eggman?


there are several nigs who killed 10+. They were all either ex-military or employees who snapped and probably had the floor plan on their side. In a situation requiring tactical awareness, most pavement apes are well...just look at African warfare.

James Fields isn't Jewish. The rest are, except I don't know who baldhead top center is. And goblino bottom center is only part Jew


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that is jared loughner he shot someone I cant cant remember who though

gays will fuck anything, that's why you all develop aids

The Roofster doesn’t belong with those degenerates. He killed for Whites.

The world could use the guidance of their iron BUT FAIR fist

I'm looking for the really lewd pics from Abu Ghraib
I know there's some ones with naked women in there

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they still haven't caught him

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he looks really different now

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Looks like the same asshole to me

And I watched it live

Can I get a quick run down ?

He lived happily ever after

No. I'm pretty sure is up to 300.billion in arms sales. War in Iraq and Afghanistan were already stared by the Repubs.


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Very top left

tarrant is a saint

this fag was interviewed on our national news about his music career