Downward Spiral Thread

ITT we post shit that would never be a reality if women weren't given rights.

Attached: Absolute State of Men.jpg (641x1024, 97K)

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Attached: Child Exploitation.jpg (589x785, 191K)

God I wish that was me

imagine the smell

white race is a joke

I can get on board with this thread.

Women will be property, and the fathers will arrange the marriages.

Attached: 1556158725534.jpg (800x420, 295K)

shut up Ilhan


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Attached: jhc.webm (480x360, 2.97M)

Attached: unintededconsesquences.png (639x1268, 491K)

My sister made me into a girl and forced me to take hormones at 14, im not sure if I even wanted it but its how i have lived since she dressed me at 10.

Sloppy job Haddad.

The most degenerate thing I've seen in a while

Attached: tranny-penis-packers.png (1590x1282, 2.03M)

Women were never given rights. They were given privileges.

Thread theme-
I can't wait until we reach the bottom. So much chaos will erupt, I'll be able to kill people without resistance.

Attached: dont_call_it_4_its_the_12_gauge_you_chose.gif (295x221, 1.89M)

Look at these filthy rats... with their beady eyes and victim complexes.... JUDEN RAUS

Attached: 1527471615726.jpg (255x255, 14K)

button should be on jew-york


I have, as a nurse at hospital. I will throw the paper towels and in the trash can I see the tampons or pads halfway rolled or just thrown in there with all its blood, piss and shit for everyone to see. Reeks of metal and shit mixed together. Women are nasty and smelly.

no one ever suggested that hitler was voted into power for no reason.