Based and redpilled

Based and redpilled

Attached: PicsArt_04-29-05.31.19.jpg (640x376, 43K)

homoprosochia would be the rational fear of faggotry

Homoodium ?
Actually, homo means "man", so a homophobe means man fearing, which describes the entire Democratic party.

Fear is the basis of all hate. Just because you attack someone or something, does not mean you arent afraid of that thing.
Fuck faggots tho.

Pretty sure why Muslims just toss them off of buildings: no backsplash.

Attached: arachnophobia.jpg (640x392, 24K)

No phobias or dumb shit. I just hate faggots.

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>Fear is the basis of all hate. Just because you attack someone or something, does not mean you arent afraid of that thing.

Ever hear of 'resentment', or 'revulsion'?

Perhaps 'self interest' or 'self preservation'?

Why did you block the name?

disgust and fear are two fundamentally different psychological reactions that serve different evolutionary functions.