Spirituality Test: Which speaks to your soul more?


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Or this?

Attached: guillaume-briard-776177-unsplash.jpg (6000x4000, 3.67M)

The church of course
The gaiaist thing... gonna have to burn Op as a heretic.

Attached: The burning of heretics.jpg (401x229, 27K)

That's fine. I'll die at peace. Yahweh can have my soul

Also just saying, there's really no point comparing the glory of God's creation against a man made monument designed to glorify God. They're both beautiful in their own right and the comparison is stupid.

A representation of a heaven like environment that is designed to make you feel more connected to the divine

They both represent different needs for my soul


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Nah. One is a pragmatic living among the whole of creation, the other is materialistic extravagance offered up to a demented being. The whole of creation includes said being, although the being is angry and tries to distort truth by claiming it is all there is.

A tent in a jungle is a suitable house of God, for where two or three gather, so there is also Christ Jesus.

God is equally present in both images.

I like all the "b-both!" in this thread. Speaks volumes to the state of "whites." I know I can't claim to be white (since I'm american), but it's not looking great for the greatest race and I feel so bad that I lived to see the fall

Both are great, but is more important and "rewarding" to the soul.
The reason? Isolation can be a way to achieve great story and life, reaching deep into out consciousness and feelings, as well as a great way to begin questioning and understanding one's self, which should be every spiritual or rational person's goal.
There is something profound and amazing in extended isolation. Insanity, tiredness, no one to blame but the earth and yourself, and plenty of time to suffer and triumph.

To illustrate this, I have a dream frequently, it's like my heaven: green fields for miles and a moderate wood house, with hills rolling for miles without great changes in depth. Here I would love to have only one connection to the world, the internet, but specifically one without society and consumerism. Or, to spell it more simply, the original chaos of the internet where anonymity was the norm and care about what others do rare.

I would love specifically to have the archived internet up to whatever point this dream is in.
I would love to have all the images of such intense emotion and culture, of love and hate; I would read so many books and so many posts - so many videos would be watched.
All in isolation, of course.

And I'd die someday and sit there never to be found again, yet my plain still existent.
I would die like Cincinnatus and Romulus, fields forever to be looked upon with my person walking them, yet never again would I walk those fields, but in such a way that I would always be walking those fields, no other could claim otherwise.

Perhaps like a locked away place, awaiting it's owner forever.
So how Rome of old with Romulus's spirit forever the owner, how I look at my meager plain.

This absolutely.

What is your problem faggot, i just described the difference between the two


This is the only thing which speaks to my soul

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>A representation of a heaven like environment that is designed to make you feel more connected to the divine
>implying nature isn't the only representation of "heaven" you need to feel connected to the divine
Sure thing

Well, true, in a way. I'm thinking in terms more like if there were no niggers, jews, or non-whites (all killed) and could either have the farm/house or cathedral, where would you choose?

I would like to see the first pic, but I would love, and feel millions of times more at home, comfortable, peaceful, and happy in the second pic

Second for me fags

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Why not both?


I'm asking a simple preference. Not being mutually exclusive per se, but which fundamentally warms you up ever so slightly more than the other? My earlier wording may have come across differently, but this is what I'm asking

This landscape was created by God, so this one

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Ok since my back is against the wall I'll go with the 2nd pic of the nature, but it's a close one. When I was Germany I made it a point to visit all the cathedrals I could.

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A person's family is what warms them up.
Not environments.

For one thing no one lives in a cathedral. If you're asking about lodging preferences obviously everyone chooses the cabin. It also makes it a complete non discussion. Your thread is retarded.

I don't want to pressure anyone, just to see what their inherent preference is

>isolation in Gods creation is heresy

I was referring to one's soul, but so be it.
No, it's not about lodging preferences. Where would you rather be?

Both work out, also pic related

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>t. false binary
They're both God you nigger. The second one is his natural form, the second is his civilized form. Humans live in both nature and history as mentioned by Spengler so we need both.

is man's creation.
is God's creation.

>the first one is his civilized form*

And what is your purpose in this?

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The Church you fucking pagantranny niggerfaggot.

You are a fucking loser. kys.

I've found that when I'm speaking with unbelievers while in a church setting, ie wedding funeral, that it is much easier to bring up the subject in a positive way. I think it's because your average unchurched heathen feels somewhat closer to God being on "holy ground" so to speak. The next time you go to a funeral or wedding in a church make a point to preach to people you know are atheist.

There is no god brainlet.

The top is just prettier. Catholicism vs paganism is a false dichotomy.

Jesus is the way.

Just trying to see where people stand. Blow it out your ass, pal
Nope. "Civilization" is a product of man, who is a product of a lesser being set on destroying/distorting true creation because it's envious.

Alien building
Alien landscape

So neither.

No harm in that I guess.

Perhaps both. Perhaps one provides a tiny glimpse of something beyond, something other worldly, while the other reminds us Natures God is present all around us.

Based Nationalistic Finn. Protect what you have
One is the true creation, one is the materialistic offering to a demented being

A small church in a close-knit community is the comfiest

This one.

Honestly, when I see big ornate churches it reminds me of all the pedofile preists. That's a turn off on all those gold lined big hat wearing cathedral dudes. Memories of my school trip to the vatican are even tainted now. The pope just gave $6.66 per migrant to signal where his allegiance is. Feels like that's why the Bible says "Come out of her my people" Catholic church is the whore riding the beast.

Well what do you even mean by 'spiritually'?

probably this

Attached: godnetwork.jpg (2810x2438, 848K)

Small rural Baptist churches are the best. 50 max.

>for where two or three gather, so there is also Christ Jesus.
So God is just public opinion to you?

I don't see the abomination that it the modern church, I see the great accomplishments of our race.

European cathedrals are man's attempt to create something transcendent to the world we already live in.
A log cabin is nothing compared to the magnificence of a cathedral

they're not too exculisonary.
Low density region have always had impressive religious architectural works.
yeah the cities had the nicest cathedrals but the rural ones were lovely as well.

We need both, we can't live cramped in the confines of the church building, it's not your parents' basement.

I would say it's the study of the smallest and only transcendental part of a human, living thing, or anything in existence.

Its scripture. I realize you're a Jew or whatever, but it's saying the indwelling spirit of God is manifest most when we have someone to fellowship with and pray with and learn with.

God isn't a physical thing like a rock. The rock is His creation.


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What do you guys want to eat?



Niether does anything at all to me, but I'd still pick the second one.

Ortolan bunting.

What does do something for you? If you plan on posting a city skyline, don't bother

Attached: 1860355-John-Muir-Quote-No-wonder-the-hills-and-groves-were-God-s-first.jpg (2666x1500, 690K)

He'll post a dick. Just wait.


You could consider it in a near eastern sense of a thing that survives after death and is tortured/rewarded according to how you live, or something more like an eternal piece of existence that exists within you and can influence your thoughts

please circle in red

Random pictures of places I haven't been don't really effect me emotionally.

The first one is nice, but the feeling is short-lived and requires effort to maintain. The second one instantly brought to mind the sound of waves, seagulls, the smell of an ocean breeze, the coolness of the air, and brought a feeling of peace.

So, a thoughtless golem or what? No imagination?

My own sacred cum

I'll have a son of baconator, no mayo, and a small frosty.

I'd like two #9s, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, a #7, two #45s, one with cheese, and a large soda

This speaks to my soul.

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True, but still too materialistic. Though, if it's a means to an end then I'm on board >100%

The universe will end in 100 quadrillion years nothing matters.

So why endure this existence? Atheism demands nihilism and this soul crushing depression you're experiencing.


>he thinks it's over when he dies
You'll be back, and that 100 quadrillion years will seem like the blink of an eye

>The pope just gave $6.66 per migrant
I'm gonna need your sauce.

Is our creation to honor God.
Is God's creation honor us.



That is man-made.
This is God-made.
My soul is clearly at home with God in nature. The true divine temple.

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Beautiful, user. Beautiful.

STJ's recent vid should be required viewing before commenting ITT. As soon as Germanics started making mineral structures of worship, it reflected the wilderness of old -- the forests their ancestors performed their pagan rites in. Gothic is merely carryover, and beautiful, incredible carryover at that. Just in a different conduit, a spiritually dead one in many ways and very few wish it were true. If the West survives in any respectable form, there will be more interesting things that are newer to our perceptions and even more beautiful.

Attached: gothic 2.png (800x534, 1.05M)

pls ignore flag I was only using it for ironic purposes in an Amazon thread.

>Yes, my Germanic brothers. We are ass fucking Pagans. Hail Thor and my wife's boyfriend Jamal!

Also ITT more examples of religious-themed beauty related to Europe and the West.
>hardmode: Germanic before we all spit out the medicine and started a many-century long existential crisis for all of Western culture


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I'm not pagan I am really sad about the state of religion in the West user.

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I can tell you for sure christ would be ashamed of the former.

The cathedral of man, for the most important thing is your own folk.

Also just to make a point, could you state openly any objections about what's happening re: racial issues or immigration to your church without getting blacklisted? Could you even raise the issue?

This is another issue, because it's just so fucking gay desu. Not having beauty or the place you build your community around as an expression of your spirit is the same as cutting off a piece of your dick. You are a Semite of the soul user.

>too materialistic
What does this even mean, unironically I need to understand this way of thinking.

Demands my respect and that I serve the will of God.

Invites my sense of adventure and a yearning for simplicity and self-reliance.

It's true that Gothic architecture takes some inspiration from the natural environment of Europe, but I have to take Varg's position on this. The design is intentional, it baits in the European soul by superficially reflecting nature, then tries to dominate it into submission to the material man.
