Reminder that if you want to be a real warrior like your past ancestors, a noble knight, a brave samurai, a true protector of the people, you have to join your nations intelligence agencies. They are the equivalent of past elite warriors because these agencies protect their people to the full extend. I'm talking CIA, CSIS, M15, MOSSAD, I don't care where you are from, they are protectors of Western civilization
This is the only way to be like your great warrior ancestors.
partially true. There are plenty of 'hurr top secret' idiots in these groups whose only real talent is sucking cock (they don't even pretend to just kiss ass anymore).
>low income The highest paying job in the United States
>serving traitors Patriots by definition
Juan Cooper
>rambling conspiracies LOL
Jason Garcia
I need to talk to your boss, can you put me in touch?
Thomas Torres
if you want to be a faggot tattle tale join the cia
Jaxson Ramirez
Based and red pilled. But you have to ask yourself, would you fit in with the new generation of died red/blue hair, piercings, and black fingernail polish, perhaps even open political partisanship?
Ethan Sanchez
I touched a hemp plant once in a dream so they won't take me. Pro tip don't think about drugs kids.
Hunter Jenkins
...get ...fucking ...real
If they were ANY FUCKING GOOD...
There would be no and I mean absolutely no need for /pol of any description
So yeah... There's that.
Kevin King
Fuck u my nail polish is cool ur a twat fucking faggot skullcap yourself fucking retarded hillbilly ass niggerloving faggot. If I want to paint my nails, there’s nothing wrong with that; fuck you.
Hidden camera shows cia officers in action they literally are retarded. its like calling the retarded room a classroom, when it doesnt teach anything so it shouldnt be called class.
Ian Brown
lol one guy of our secret service got so bored he became a double agent for the cia.
a drug dealer has something to do with that woman why? your full of shit schitz ciaretard
Asher Powell
Luke Perez
taht makes no godamn sense why would any drug dealer be paranoid about the godamn road they are on? ur fucking so stupid.
Jacob Sanchez
thanks for the (you)s I l sacrifice them to moloch along with all the foreskins on fullmoon nights. gangstsalking is real. they are all commie jews.
Angel Ramirez
CIA was born of the OSS. A group dedicated to fucking over whites in Europe during WW2, Not much different that the NSA's founding. FBI was founded by a cross dressing faggot on a power trip who arguably had more power than many presidents during his rein. Fuck all glowniggers.
Samuel Ross
ok retard
Christian Wood
If you have any success in an intelligence agency and have a moral compass, you will likely end up suicided.
The CIA is a criminal organization and has been caught red handed a dozen times or more.
those people are cianiggers who are buggign some person for doign something that doesnt go along with the nwo agenda. not a drug dealer, why the fuck would you think they are it? did u realize u youd me.
Brandon Sullivan
holy alester crowley, batman. look at those digimons
if they put me on a lie detector and asked something like "do you think the USA is the greatest country on earth?" i would flop so fucking hard
Austin Rodriguez
Based satanist poster.
I was in an institution once and found a cracked open ampure under my bed. Im sure they left it there to let me know they were drugging me in my sleep.
I also saw a black helucopter outside the window and theres no landing pad so that might have been a hallucination
If I can roll up some subversives and traitors to our nation(we all know who they are), I'll think on it. Call me when gallows start to get built. Until then, you guys have a major PR problem on your hands that your Boomer bosses created due to "boomer worldview".
Hey, in all seriousness though: Are there actually UFOs inside Area 51?
I’d easily do it. Bush used a position in the CIA in oil related diplomacy in order to fund and organize his political career. Why couldn’t I do the same?
Luke Taylor
totalt agree.Syria war was good organised and made a lot of money for future dirty work.They also filled europe with them now.They can even now control the hard core to make false flag operations killing innocent civilians.That's my argument that mossad is protecting west culture
a couple actually, things have changed drastically and they started recruiting them in the mid 2000s.
Thomas Harris
Go to banking instead.
Starting salaries are around 100k.
If you move to hedge funds after a few years, you earn 300k - 500k.
Or if you move to private equity after a few years in banking, you earn 1-1.5 million per year.
Apply to banks on their website.
Adrian Long
i would its just i dont really have anything i can offer them. im not an elite hacker or genius or something. i tried to look at the cia instagram post to figure it out but alls i seen was objects no hidden clues or meaning.
Nolan Hill
Fuck off. They are unconstitutional agencies and violate the rights of Americans. They should be disbanded!
Chase Stewart
I could possibly go for an NSA job, but the zionists would prevent that from ever happening I'm pretty sure. Fuck being a glownigger though.
Parker Lee
>Reminder that if you want to be a real warrior like your past ancestors, a noble knight, a brave samurai, a true protector of the people Watching hookers fuck tripping johns is not "noble".
Camden Price
They're probably pushing both sides I mean that is how this always goes.
His dad was a very important person, Prescott Bush.
Andrew Mitchell
Daily reminder that all intelligence agencies are servants of their Jewish overlords. Jews truly are God's chosen people. Just ask your friends at any three-letter-agency.
Aiden Hernandez
>the only way to be like your great warrior ancestors is to literally become a traitor to your nation and its people LOL
Carter Gomez
And be apart of a mass toture &murder program against its own ppl while turning the nation into a communist controlled policed state that obeys jews via easy mental indoctrination
Logan Green
Want makes you think the cia has any idea what goes on at Area 51?
they probably wouldn't have me. i would have a lot of fun though. just pay me enough so i can make my art and i'll topple governments with my memes and hacking skillz
Noah Reed
only as a contractor but not as an agent pay isn't worth that kind of danger. IM only interested in recon and intelligence gathering the rest isn't my ball park. fuck off satan
But i admit it could make me very rich in my own country. But Nah I don't like masons so it could be a problem working alongside them long term
Brandon Reed
>elite warriors Ha! More like a bunch of Grima Wormtongues
What have they done that's been so successful anyway? They go from one fuckup to the next pretending like they manage it all.
Samurais and knights defended their people from actual foreign threats.
Modern intelligence agencies intimidate teenagers who post on mongolian basket weaving forums
Kevin Cruz
Because I'm not Israeli.
Oliver Foster
>Why are you not Joining your Nations Intelligence Agencies? First, the US is not a nation. Second, fuck the US government. Finally, every single member of the US "intelligence" community can rot in Hell.
>Why are you not joining a horde of monsters destroying negatively influencing your life in ways you can't perceive because they're literally the Gestapo?
The world would be a better place if you all died overnight. Plan on never needing my help with fucking anything even though you want it.
Carter Hernandez
I don’t invest my talent in the zog.
Henry Bell
they need everybody to go along with them cause its a cult not any legit group. literally retards, a retard room if you will.
because they're all going on trial for crimes against humanity as soon as washington falls
Benjamin Brown
never fear death. it's the beginning of the next part of life.
Isaiah Williams
>They are the equivalent of past elite warriors >This is the only way to be like your great warrior ancestors. These are lies, I (and you cousin) descend from farmers, I dont give a rats ass if you or your father work for them at 'amazon'; they will never have my brain regardless of how much they may want it. You only make things worse at your own peril and you realize this after the fact and you know I'm right. Join them? Be a warrior? No, I'd rather patiently wait for an opportunity to destroy them fully. Not splinters but ashes, and I do expect to see you at thanksgiving/Xmas cousin. Uncle got pissed when I started talking about pearl harbour and the creation of that hellish organization during last holiday I could care less if it was the first time I've seen y'all in years; just wait until I ask him directly about estimated time frames and dates as to HIS service. Fuck the CIA, I'd kill you myself if the opportunity presented itself and you didn't simply surrender. You aren't a warrior, and I, your opponent, am not a warrior. Surrender is futile, side with me and turn on them from within and maybe I won't have to rip out my own kin's tounge. >he couldn't make it, he got a new job programming for Amazon Right uncle right. Let's talk 1980's I've got some questions and would looooooove to hear that 'but I'd have to kill you' line again.
Austin Morgan
CIA are one of the most blatantly evil groups in existence.
Nicholas Stewart
Go home schlomo
Christopher Martin
They're filled with annoying fucking normies and leftists. I want out of this.
I'm not going to stop smoking marijuana for 12 months only to get rejected for thought crime.
Henry Thomas
I wanted to when I wasn’t younger but I realized I had too much of a social media presence/not good enough grades. The only positions they’re looking to fill are ones that can be occupied by socially retarded super brains who won’t ask questions
Other than that it’s all ex-military (with Ivy League degrees)