Time's up white privilege ends now

Your scared to have your white supremacy end we are going to get our reparations to inverse all the slavery, rapes ,police brutality and black oppression you demons did to us.

Attached: scaredpol.jpg (1200x826, 263K)

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Jesus Christ, can leftists ever make a meme without writing a fucking dissertation? I want to be entertained, not read a goddamned novel filled with lies, half-truths, and misrepresented statistics.

these shitty >le silly comic slide threads should not be allowed

White supremacy is alive and well and actually benefits you, nigger.

If you ran things, we’d be flinging shit at each other and living in mud huts.

Ooga booga.

Don’t like America? Liberia is really nice this time of year.

Sage slide thread


reparations is topic right now we are pushing for it

real white privilege has never been tried

words words words words words words

>niggers think that their new spic overlords are going to take any of their shit

A nation built by white "supremacy" to leech off of was the best thing to happen to you jungle apes in centuries

Attached: 251111115.gif (640x360, 173K)