Get fucked, racists. We will NEVER back down

Get fucked, racists. We will NEVER back down.

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the shooting was a hoax

sloppy job mossad

>I do not know why God spared my life
Because you used a woman as a meat shield.

Oy Vey

The people on this site are not racists. We believe in a separate place for every race.

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Such heroism from the jewish community. I'm so glad Earnest made the jewish people look so strong.

Coward who used a woman as a shield

I just don't want my only options to be a god damn brown woman, it gets old

look at the Jews celebrating the latest blood sacrifice

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yay he gets to suck some more baby dick before he goes to hell

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wtf HAHA mossad actually cut off his finger

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i wouldnt put it past the jews to actually sacrifice one of their own to move the agenda forward.

Sloppy job Chabad


The top one is all the women that want to date me, and I'm white as fuck
I have green eyes for gods sakes

Christchurch was a hoax too. Prove peeople died. You fucking can't.

sloppy job mossad

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ok dad chill out

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Reminder this is the sect of Judaism Trump sold his daughter into.

You saying that Builders Green Remodeling is actually a Mossad operation?

its almost like its in the contract
>you must surround yourself with at least four chabad jews at all times

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Owls hate bright lights and fire.

Worst of the Hoaxs Thus Far its like they're getting sloppier with each one.

We must never allow the mass shooting of 6 million Jews to happen again. Report all nationalists to the police immediately

A leaf and a kike?
I literally can't imagine anything worse.

it could be some jew scam business, but this lady registered that business in 2013. She cant have moved from Israel in 2014.

The gun jam is nearly biblical.
I am glad that the 8ch is getting bad PR and that the guy was essentially a massive fuck up at killing and pissed his future away.

Real Nazis are stupid and should get assblasted.

the weirdest bit. the 8 year old girl has no accent at all. there is no hint of ever having lived in Israel

your stupidity is biblical

This is the first shooting in a very long while that I refuse to believe.
Everything about it is a contradiction.

Get fucked you stupid kike

Fucker should be stoned to death.
And if the kid was using a 5.56 rifle and this happened there's no fucking way he got away uninjured.
Especially if his meat shield was apparently some stalky Jew girl.

Armalites jam all the time. It's not biblical, the kid was just a 19 year old retard with no clue what he was doing.

Now this insect will only have 9 fingers to steal with.

shooter was jewish

>1 post by this ID


I watched it on video. I saw their brains splatter.

Your posts kind of resemble that of an unironic Nazi. How about you go out and try to get a high score too if you are so posh with your vehoment anti-semitism .

What about you then?

he is saging the thread with the post faggot
and reporting it hopefully

kys nigger jew

I might not be a faggot, but at least I'm not a mutt.

and your post resembles a pile of HORSE SHIT

Neither will we.

That video was fake and gay, thats why they censored it


How is he able to swing his amputated hand so violently around? Doesnt that hurt when the finger was severed less than 24 hours ago?

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He will not let cowardly hate suppress him. He will not let the verbal diaherria spewed by Blumpf and his minions tear his world apart.

For that, I APPLAUD his bravery and moral fortitude.

TWIST! He lost his finger decades ago.

Who's we ? And saged lol dumbass



>And I yelled at him and I must have yelled very loud, and he looked at me, and I must have had a really mean look on my face or something, because he immediately dropped his weapon and turned and ran. And then I gave chase.”

>San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit said the officer who took Earnest into custody clearly saw a firearm in the front seat of Earnest's car.

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>1 post by this ID
Sage. Fuck off.

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What is someone offered you 50 billion dollars


At least this kike genius found a practical use for a women.
If only she came with some kind of shield strap he would still have all his fingers.

Cries out in pain as it strikes you

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Reminds me of holohoax stories

there's old saying

‘It may have happened, it may not have happened but it could have happened."

As if our futures haven't already been pissed away for us. He's a hero and a martyr.

>god saved me

didnt he literally hide behind a woman and use her as a shield? Was that woman a goyim or something? Talk about chutzpah

Victimhood is the modern Jewish god, so congratulations, I guess, Schlomo.