You must be stupid to fight against bankers and money

You must be stupid to fight against bankers and money.

You are going to be humiliated and dead.

Long Live America
Long Live Israel
Long Live Brazil

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't put that disgusting hebrew in the same image as Saint Hitler.

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JFK shouldn't be in that image.

one of those fought against the National bank
can you spot him

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Hitler aided the bankers
He gave them the headstart they needed

Look up 'The Transfer Agreement' by Edwin Black

>spoke out against the military industrial complex
>got shot in the head
He did more than Jesus and Hitler.

If only the democrats had half the balls of their founder.

Don't forget the fed

Fucking neck yourself.
He drove merchants and tax collectors out of a temple you faggot. More than you've done against them in your life.

The 1965 Immigration Act was his project and he most certainly did not oppose the Fed. EO 11110 was written to help the transition off silver money.

Stupid or you are so fucked up you don't care.

t. dude who got jewed too much, too hard and too fast

>He did more than Jesus and Hitler
Jesus actually went into a temple and flipped a table.
Hitler started an entire war.

But Andrew Jackson won.


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And we should ALL step up our game

Ah yes, the great Banks of the Soviet Union
Such as...

His face is on the 20$ bill, user...

Printing our own silver backed currency of course is taking on the Fed. EO 11110 was made to transition TO a silver backed money.

Please tell me you're just larping as a commie. You haven't read any commie litterature?
>#5 Establish National Bank
>All money and loas are owned by the federal government which constitutes a monopoly

Communism in practice is just capitalism with more over slavery. Both systems establish a ruling class that live of monopoly-banking systems and FIAT money. Only difference is that communists slaves tend to know they are slaves, whilst capitalists slaves remain oblivious, but are in return slightly less exploitable.

Attached: Commjewnist Manifesto.png (467x574, 63K)

>Believes a work of fiction that parallels with communism and paved the way for the current standing of the jews world wide.

You've been tricked user.

Harriot Tubman inbound

The soviets actually did break free of the Rothschild central banking system.

Attached: a history of central banking.jpg (308x475, 40K)

we're just morals , money is nothing compared to the spirit

"No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Mt6;24

Jesus is a work of fiction and in that same jewish son of a whore spoke about a story that basically "justifies" one being content with whatever wage they're given (like communism). One person actually started to work, the other is an sympathetic character made by jews for non-jews. That's why pic related happens in countries that ain't even their's and damn near all entertainment has biblical influences within them. Even when it ain't about religion.

Even DMX prayed to the jewish god and rappers that promote drug and gang culture do as well. There's a reason why "it can't be proven by science" and it isn't because science is "of the world". It's because the whole thing is a flat out lie.

Even the worst human is greater than christ simply because he was alive in the first place. People are made to be evil, they are NOT born evil. To believe people are born evil stems from biblical beliefs.

The jews play the middle ground and all abrhamic root religions comes from unpublished jews. There's a reason why all their "prophets" lineages go back to abraham. A jew, "one of god's chosen people".

There are two kinds of jews. People who attend a synagogue and think they're a jew and the actual race. This is how sinister the race is. They make a religion of their own race and try to prop it up as it's own thing. It's meant to misdirect and confuse. While more than half the world believes in your fake savior, they're race mixing and doing NOTHING spiritual. Hell, race mixing is bad spiritually speaking. The bible won't tell you that though and the actual race of jews who are in the know do keep to their own race despite having the audacity to go into other people's countries and push them to open their borders. Europe is a fine example of what happens. Increased crime, rape, murder for nothing in return. Then the government in desperate attempts tries to act like nothing is going on. They go so far as to censor people speaking out.

Attached: Thats alot of influence.jpg (3755x5759, 2.63M)

>meme flag kike shill

jackson is the only one who directly affected the building of a central bank and delayed them for seven decades.
kennedy's family were first known as cavdendish and they're part of the black nobility finance network, he was killed for opening his mouth about the family.
jesus is a myth created by roman caesars.
hitler accepted loans from the warburg, bush, and got help from other black nobility finance families like the rockefeller

>Doesn't purposefully make himself poor.

You don't believe in it and you shouldn't quote it to quell dissonance. The bible is basically a blueprint for communism.

>t. homosexual who can't repent so much deny

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I'd use my enemies the same way they'd use me. Unknowingly.

>and the actual race.
kek, no.
ass-can-NAZI's are persian mutts who fucked ugly italian and greek women to stay alive.
the original jews were lead by persians but were largely palestinian arabs and bedouins

No user. I don't believe in a jewish work of witchcraft.

Attached: 6 mil before ww2.jpg (823x1174, 266K)

It would be fun to do that but with the shabbos goyim society, aka freemasons, make it difficult to have fun fucking around with the persinan mutts larping as levant jews

No one cares about how redpilled you are about the Jews. You are still gonna burn.

and replaced it with their own.
Western jews (roths) back then saw eastern jews as Europeans see niggers. Eastern jews were pissed and wanted their share of the goyim-pie.
Their goal only aligned insofar as they both had anti-European goals, but the eastern and the western kikes were competitors at best of times and enemies at worst - not actual allies.

Attached: First Soviet government was mostly jewish.png (664x779, 280K)

>(((They))) killed the Christ

And now there are 2.5 billion Christians

>(((they))) killed Hitler

They never learn

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it's fun when you do stupid things that make others aware that you're a circle

Spotted another homosexual.

That happened in 1928, far after he was dead. Just because America eventually lost the fight doesn't mean he lost.

And you larp spirituality that jews gave you while your soul stagnates and atrophies away because your fake ass religion teaches you nothing truly "spiritual". True "spirituality" can be proven by science. It's just that there is no profit to be had. There is if you can scare and guilt trip people with a program that compells them to give away their money for nothing in return. The vatacin is prospering, solely on the donations of its adherents while its host country has been in economical turmoil for several years. I bet they even have the audacity to tell people who live there to tithe anyways. Your religion is full of the sickest people on earth and was created by some of the worst people that ever existed. While replacing the truth with their fiction for you, they were too busy trying to complete their great work that you haven't even started. On the bright side user, they got what they deserved, but your fake religion's first five books is the torah, it's full of heavy jewish bias, and even your "savior" is jewish, born of jewish parents, who came to save the jews first and the "rest" second. That's some heavy racial bias there. Then your fake savior hypocritically breaks the law of the OT (law of the jews really), while telling others that not "one jot or one tittle of the law shall pass until the earth pass". Considering all the death and destruction in those books. It's a stealth occult spell. YOU might not believe in the fact that when you connect with something, you connect with the entire spectrum of it regardless if you only like one part to it. Then you put your whole being into it, like countless billions, and boom. You're manifesting end times with the power of your mind along with countless billions. Your kind will talk shit and even go as far as to wish death to their own country/people, while defending the jews (some don't, but they're still relatively brainwashed thinking their book isn't a part of the problem).

Attached: True face of jews.jpg (1023x1279, 334K)

user, I live in the real world. Not in a jewish fairy tale.

Attached: 6 mil again.jpg (1125x846, 109K)

Nothing wrong with being a homosexual. Your tendency to think people that won't force themselves to believe in your bogus fiction are homosexual could be a great suppression of your true character, considering your false beliefs on the matter.

>Nothing wrong with being a homosexual
Spotted the Jew.

Has bolsonaro killed all the browns there yet?

Believe it or not, you piece of shit, you're still going to burn

>Ignores my posts in this thread.
You spotted someone who actually understand the world doesn't revolve around a jewish fairy tale. Gay people tend to have a certain gene more than others do. user. It's a matter of science and when one is born out of the whom a certain way, and they act on it, that compulsion is natural and not wrong. Now, when a subconscious program disguised as a religion causes people who would feel compelled to partner up with someone of the same sex simply because they were told to ignore "what god gave them lol", that's wrong. It leads to all sorts of imbalance within the person and they suffer needlessly, because there will be no reward for following the bible's bullshit. Everyone knows that killing and stealing is wrong. Thinking about having sex with someone is not. It's natural, normal, and healthy. It's unnatural to suppress natural desires. (I'm not saying rape is okay, I'm saying that one shouldn't be ashamed for being their selves, but your fake ass religion teaches people to see themselves as trash worthy of nothing while producing trash that uses this jewish trash to spring forth more trash) The book is so full of shit, they had to genocide entire populations in the past, force people to worship (under threat of torture and death) and would still torture and kill people just for someone simply claiming they were a witch.

While they use the occult to elevate themselves and destroy the rest through subversive means. The bible is all self-proclamation and people believe it willy nilly without realizing it's an occult working. You clearly seem to believe in it, but if I told you that I could strike lightning down and have done it a number of times, would you believe me? I'm self-proclaiming just like your jewish book. You'll believe things impossible when it comes from a jewish book though.

>Says the brainwashed npc who unknowingly is killing himself while elevating the jews, just like his book teaches.

Afterall goy, according to your book, they're "god's chosen people". Hahahaha. If I could loan billions of dollars from these people, I'd give away the money and not pay back a single dime. It's not like their loans are backed by anything outside of their empty words (much like the bible and its texts)

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Ironically people are fine with kikes. Theres 10 million kiies on earth and 7 billion non kikes. If people were upset about kikes theyd be dead.

Are you upset about kikes?

Kill them

>muh jewish fairy tale i so smart
>muh imbalance
>iz ok to be gay

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Leave Jesus alone you kike

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does anyone know where i can buy a PHYSICAL copy of "a history of central banking (and the enslavement of mankind)" by stephen mitford goodson?

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>Likes to troll, give me opportunity to post more.

Sure thing user.

For a program to not lose it's hold over time, it has to be reinforced somehow. So if someone where to leave the church and spend several decades away from this jewish influence, they would reclaim some of their natural character back, but when you have subliminal reinforcement in basically all the entertainment that's out there (owned and operated by jews by a very large margin) you know have reinforcement for your subconscious programming tool.
Even one liners like "Oh lord have mercy!" or "I'll see you in hell" or depicting certain concepts that were never depicted in such a way until the bible showed up are all subliminal references to trigger the subconscious mind and "refresh" the programming.

I mean if your shit was real, this wouldn't have been the sign off for TV in the 1960s. Today, you just have the concepts outright in your entertainment in general.

Even as we speak, jews are too busy trying to unite the world under "a one world order" and they're basing it out of the vatacin. The idea is already creeping into entertainment. Instead of defending feelings that you misappropiated with a jewish work of fiction, you should grow up and actually do some research into it. You'd find there is nothing good about it. It doesn't make people good, it makes them bad. Furthermore, someone being good is independent of some jewish programming book. After all, if YOU actually followed it, you wouldn't even be online considering your savior even tells his own disciples to throw away all their belongings. What right do you have? I don't believe in your fiction, so I don't have to throw away my computer, but why are you online?

Here's a little secret about me user, I followed the bible closer to its instructions more than you ever have. It left me worse off.

Attached: The bias is for real.jpg (681x901, 105K)

I'm guessing you're either a fedorafag or a pagcuck, either way you're copepost wont save you from hellfire no matter how bad you don't want to believe.

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You're also on the same side as the Jews, because you are too weak to give up your sin and accept your salvation

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>EO 11110 was made to transition TO a silver backed money.
No. We already had silver backed currency and JFK intended to switch to Federal Reserve notes (which were backed by gold) exclusively.

>I again urge a revision in our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as a metal for which there is an expanding industrial demand. Except for its use in coins, silver serves no useful monetary function.
>In 1961, at my direction, sales of silver were suspended by the Secretary of the Treasury. As further steps, I recommend repeal of those Acts that oblige the Treasury to support the price of silver; and repeal of the special 50-percent tax on transfers of interest in silver and authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $1, so as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of the silver thus released for coinage purposes. I urge the Congress to take prompt action on these recommended changes.
-t. JFK

Thats about as real as it gets.

You don't fight the bankers by climbing the ladder m8 if you do you already lost.

>Still keeps using definitions set forth by a jewish book he vehemently defends (probably because he doesn't actually read it [it's not good to read]) that never proves itself.

user, I'm strong. Strong enough to do this while you'll feel a certain away.

Fuck yahweh, fuck christ, fuck the holy spirit, and fuck the jews.

Quite frankly, and considering history, I have more strength than you. There wasn't even internal resistance (which you will have because that resistance is programed into you from your book). user, did you know I can be aware when people pray for me to their fake god even if I never see them do it?

I bet you can't even tell when someone is approaching you from behind.
All my posts have been about how the bible is jewish in origin and you post what jews claim, without evidence, to justify your lie to yourself. I sure as hell ain't gonna believe it, but you think it give credit to something fiction. By your standards, Goku is a living God and there is real video footage, not a "re-enactment" of something no one ever saw.

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theres a difference. one thing wtf is jefferson on ther with your bullshit comment for??
2nd there are just a few of them, there are a lot of us.
explain this again.

he and lincoln didnt do anything but the same exact thing. it was national. it wasn't any standard, except compared without any difference to theirs. so they controlled it.

>Still keeps using definitions set forth by a jewish book he vehemently defends
I defended the Talmud? Why would I defend the Jewish book that mocks my Messiah in the same way you do? Liar. All liars will go in the lake of fire too, Jesus said.

Matthew 22:21
>Pay your taxes goy.

>Fuck yahweh, fuck christ, fuck the holy spirit, and fuck the jews.
Demon agitated.

(((A7HatXUX))) showed up to this thread specifically to shit on Jesus, when this thread is not specifically about Jesus all while dumping "redpills" to make it seem like hes not a shill, all while defending homosexuality. Responding to everything in paragraphs because of how much he hates Jesus.

A kike if I have ever seen one.

contact your system administrator. you're malfunctioning.
it's what happens when you don't use a proper OS.

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Also, he doesn't know the difference between the Torah and the Talmud!

This is a good one. You should add the many more important figures throughout history that the kikes killed off.

>calling god & hitler stupid
kys jungleniggers

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you can't answer the question or too much of a ciaNIGGER to read?

when people are born, they print money for the certification of live birth. thats the money the government gets and spends taxes whatever the fuck ever.

Do you not get that? they keep going on about we need more births. the more births the more they can overspend if birth rates increases.

this causes a problem, like extinction, and htey dont even attempt to fix anythign, thats why they are moral-less

if you think i'm a circle that's funny.
no, i'm a former roman catholic with my foreskin still attached who deprogrammed himself over two decades while researching the roots of abrahamic religions, which lead me to the discovery of a tribe that started all belief systems and later religions as a fifth column attack on societies.
On the topic of science and asscannazi here's a link to the study proving their persian/iranian origins:
>Gay people tend to have a certain gene more than others do
that's also not true since the human genome project was completed and there was no discovery of a "gay gene", but what is true is trauma does play a huge part in the shaping of the mind of the young and infant genital mutilation is just one of many forms of trauma that lowers testosterone production for life leaving the male to grow up feeling overly anxious and seeking to be a part of a group.
>Male Genital Mutilation is Trauma Based Mind Control [45m]
>backup link
>Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma (news article) (archive link to study)
>Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?

ty, and checked, lots of mis info on Hitler and the banking houses

>Jesus said.
>Unpublished dead jews wrote
You defended your beliefs by trying to disprove that the jews are responsible for the bible depsite the first five books being the torah, the bible being full of heavy bias for the jews (they're even called "god's chosen people"), full of contradictions in general, the central character being jewish whose lineage stems back to the original jew that "the god of israel" had made a promise with (abraham). The bible conditions people with morals you already knew coming out of the womb and some that are suicidal in general. While you and your recent ancestors (because this religion is one of the newer religions) have been too busy turning the other cheek, thinking that this life doesn't matter (thus opening the door to complacency), and going so far as telling others that being poor is a virtue, the jews have been rising in power socially, religiously, politically, and even financially.
While you'll go and larp "spirituality", they're too busy trying to turn shit into a communist regieme and considering how even your fake jewish christ tells people to throw away all their belongs, to be "content with their wages" (even when someone does much more work than someone else and gets paid the same (like communism)), turn the other cheeck (opens the door for injustice to occur like law abiding citizens loosing rights because of the actions of a criminal (who never obeya the laws in the first place).
Also, I never claimed you defended the talmud, I was talking about the bible, which you haven't actually been defending. Rather, you have been openly aggressive towards me on a public forum with your troll posts. You only pulled that picture out of no where as if to validate that your jewish religion has no connections because of what some other jews wrote.

Remeber those pics where the jews claimed 6 million before and after ww2?
It's a meme they use and you allow it because of your religion.

Attached: 6 mil agenda.png (1215x887, 781K)

if they really hated hitler his book never would have been published and he would have been erased from all history books

>Long live Israel

Some bait still deserves the death penalty

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>another essay-sized copepost
The Bible says the (((Jews))) like you are the synagogue of Satan. You're a homosexual who is going to burn in hell. Sorry to break it to you, but no matter how many paragraphs you write, you can't cope your way out of eternal fire.

Just remember, there is no Jesus or Bible when you get to hell. You'll be begging for it then.

Your post doesn’t make sense, leaf. May Jesus redeem you

always keep in mind who owns the money supply, img related, and who helped create israhell, because it's the same family:
>Jacob Rothschild Speaks: My Family Created Israel

Attached: Baron Alfred Rothshchild - Federal Reserve Act.png (632x153, 64K)

Attached: this ID.jpg (400x600, 186K)

hell doesn't exist, it was a concept created to scare stupid people.
Also judgement in the afterlife is also a mythical concept which allows shitty people to continue what they were doing because stupid people were indoctrinated to believe bad people would eventually get punished.

>he thinks the little painter fought the banks


Long live the orkneys

everythign that happened before jesus was born was still history. we had to turn into a civilization and society somehow. every time though some new thing were learning from comes around you bitch adn try to destroy everything, attempting to build another tower to heaven babylon

You can believe that and argue about it all you want, user. Its not going to change what happens when you die.

I know what happens when I will die because I've had experiences that taught me more than you'll ever learn from a book made to indoctrinate you.
You will never understand because you're afraid to learn, I get that, but don't bother trying to scare me because it will never work.

Then Jesus entered the temple[a] and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 He said to them, “It is written,

‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’;
but you are making it a den of robbers.”

14 The blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he cured them. 15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the amazing things that he did, and heard[b] the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” they became angry 16 and said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read,

‘Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies
you have prepared praise for yourself’?”

17 He left them, went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.

jesus was much more national socialist than either a capitalist or a communist.
That's literally why the jews hated him.

What proof do you have that hell (or god) is real?
I really would like to know, im quite curious

>fifth column attack on societies
this looks juicy

Attached: giphy.gif (640x360, 1.86M)

There is an actual race of jews. They have a "cohen gene". There are three original races (not counting the jews). It's White, Asian, and Black. Anything else is a mix in between (which is "spiritually" wrong because of how it hurts the soul as souls are predominately one or the other and what one does to their body, affects their soul and vice versa). As above, so below. As within, so without. The soul is connected to our physical self in an instantaneous way (quantum entanglement comes to mind) and is open to the physical and itself like a two way street. So when races mix, they're actually hurting their offspring even though there are no screams or cries.

It's like drug users who try to elevate their selves and ends up blowing up a part of their subtle body to simply because they mismanaged the energy imbalance produced by their drug use within. Then appears physical signs of said trauma to the subtle body even though there wasn't any pain.

The jewish laws are bunk and the only law that truly matters is natural law. Believe you can fly and jump off a skyscraper and watch natural law in action. Christ wasn't talking about these laws, he was talking about the OT laws and whatever the jews shit out. There are two kinds of jews. Those that THINK they're jews because they dawn a hat and attend a synagogue and make flat bread. Then there is the actual race whom is responsible for the larping religion, which is really an occult working under the hood. Those, whom are a part of the actual race and in the know keep to their own, because they DO understand that race plays an important role while having the audacity to tell others to race mix and open their borders. Europe has been doing so "well" in this regard.

Attached: Bold because of the programming.png (439x501, 413K)

>has supernatural experience
user, death exists because its the wages of sin. It is essentially an arresting officer, and when it catches you, you will be tried. If you have not taken the free 'get out of jail' gift from Jesus, you will be punished accordingly. God is just.

You'll find everything you need to know about hell,

How is that proof?

I find it fascinating that Jacob speaks to the families disagreements over its creation

I can't prove to you that God is real the same way you can't prove that he isn't real. God only reveals himself to those who are looking for him. I can only plant seeds in your mind. You have to find the truth on your own, but if you go searching you will end up at Jesus, who called himself the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.

When you find the truth in your own mind, you will know it. You will know when you have the Holy Spirit.

if go searching for the truth*

I'm not the one coping here. It's you. You still own that computer and your christ TOLD his own disciples to toss out their belongings. Stop larping user.

Here's the verse for you since you obviously only regurgitate what a preacher tells your while your emotions are elevated like a drug by group thought causing you to become incredibly suggestible and once the song and dance is over and the boring parts come in, you fall into an semi-alpha state of mind (from boredom) while your pastor reads off snippets of this programming book to you and reinforces it with his own words.
matthew 19:21
>21Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.”

Considering all scripture is valid to guide you user, you really should stop posting and get rid of your computer ASAP, along with all your other belongings. Because by roman standards, everyone here is rich.

I won't be begging for a book of sorcery that's basically responsible for all the sin it claims against the world.

Attached: Jewish census 1933.gif (640x420, 77K)

Show flag, kike