With all six stones...

With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers and 50% off all violent crime would cease to exist while killing only 13% of the population. I call that mercy. A small price to pay for salvation.

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Shhhhhhhh. That wont sell tickets.

Just 2% and we’d be back to the 40s in an a generation.

that's what you get for breeding the strongest most aggressive slaves into one race, irish defiance and height + nigger tribe menatlity and muscle density

right in the middle of degeneracy, sweet

I'd pick a Death note instead

Just write a bunch of
"tyrone" "jamal"
"-berg" "-stein"
"cruz" "sanchez"
"mohammed" "ahmed"

and you will solve most of the problem

Attached: death note.jpg (474x355, 38K)

I love our forefathers but this was the greatest mistake they ever made.

They didn't know any better. This is our test. War....has changed.

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Interesting point, the US certainly has what seems to be one of the worst nigger subtypes in the entire world.

You wish buddy, you gotta know the full name and know the faces. But if you do the deal for the shinigami eyes then you can see all the Levis and Steinburgs no matter how they try to hide it. Would take.

Modded nintendo power glove neat. You get all the chicks with that.

>the US certainly has what seems to be one of the worst nigger subtypes in the entire world
Second worst. Somalis still get first prize. Gibs them everything good and they squander and destroy everything with it. Classic casting pearls before swine.

>they called me a madman

Or snap and almost all wars end and only 25 million people disappear.

Attached: if my sons did not want war.jpg (2040x1127, 644K)

the real redpill is none of the "niggers" living in US today are FULLY BLACK, they all have some percentage of european admitexture, they are not pure negroes from africa, not anymore, thats what sets them above the rest of africans, EUROPEAN DNA

fuck you america

With all six stones you would just fucking die because even the goddamn Hulk couldn't handle the power without being seriously injured and almost dying.

Or you could get rid of 2% of the population and accomplish the same thing plus end all wars.

So apparently when you introduce ENA all they get from it is the ability to scheme and whine rather than learning to work and build.

not bad, OP

Attached: ten_thousand_whites_and_ten_thousand_blacks_violent_crime_stats.png (869x2074, 706K)

Sadly yes.

Does anyone else feel like that was an asspull? Thanos didn't almost die when he used all the stones in both the comic and Infinity War but all of a sudden it becomes too much?

Not bad.

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ok this is a winning meme

slaves were not bred for aggression.

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You have to have the persons face in mind when writing their name.

Attached: hannah_gadsby_standup.jpg (650x433, 84K)

I kekked

This. Americans created nigger golems.

With all six stones, you could do anything you wanted.
You could create a separate planet for each race or something.
You could give all the incels girlfriends.

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You misunderstand. The 2% is what’s keeping the 87% from cleansing the 23%.
>meme flag
Hello 2%.

More niggers will just come from Africa and we will be back to the same ol shit in no time.

>Thanos was against diversity and inclusion
Wat? He wipes out plenty of homogenous populations and even double-culls the Nordic Asgardians.

Iron man dies to take out Thanos at the end of end game. Captain America gets to wield the hammer.

Paste this on leddit or twitch to spoil and trigger söys hard. Have fun.

* snap *

Asgard was diverse, There were people of color. Plus do not forget most of humans in Earthrealm are people of color. Most of killed were people and aliens of color.

But all niggers look alike.