This is what happens when a white man shoots a mosque

Someone will seek retribution for it. fuck Tarrant. he started chaos just like he planned to.

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false flag

>Guys I have a great idea, let's start a tit-for-tat terrorist war against the entire world when we are the minority! What could possibly go wrong?

OP are you from Pittsburgh?

Yeah fuck Tarrant. Just let the Muslims outbreed us.

Tarrant is the reason that this faggot military vet was radicalized. fuck you, fuck tarrant, and fuck every blood thirsty race war wanting, ethno state memeing faggot.

Who cares if they're radical or not? Muslims worship satan. They're all evil, regardless if they're out beheading or not. Do you not realize that if violence escalates too much, muslims will be chased out of western countries, like in Nepal?

Quality over quantity, and with the weapons of the modern age, even in a full blown war against the world, if Europeans, and their descendants were to lose, we would take the whole world with us, but this is assuming European actually were the masters of their own destiny, but instead they are slave to kikes.

The guy wasnt muslim faggot. look at the name. he was a spic.

I just watched some Muslims behead a kid on best gore, but your trying to say that tarrent wiping them out is what makes people angry, tarrent only inspired people on what to do, but the will to do it was always there, and people will do it.

* Tarrant

random violence is normal spic behavior

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Look Im all for retribution against mudslimes but this faggot wanted to take it out on non muslim people you retard.

And on top of that I seems to me the event was a bait and switch. So only rabid leftists showed up.

If your referring to tarrant, religion is irrelevant, blood, and soil is all that matters, they were racial invaders, and i would have no problem with them if they were in their own lands, but they don’t seem to care, tarrant simply got rid of them, I don’t care about what religion anyone is, the only thing that matters is blood.

We still haven't got retribution for 9/11 and won't until every Muslim is dead.

Retarded spic probably killed more muslims himself

>this is what happens when a white man shoots a mosque in retaliation for constant muslim terrorism
I love how somehow it all starts with the white man & nothing ever happened before that, ever

Tarrant was most likely a Mossad or GLADIO operative, recruited online and programmed to be a disposable assassin. The CIA has been programming assassins since the 60s, I imagine the techniques are far improved upon by now.

hahaha keep voting for zionist politicians faggot im sure you will get what you want eventually. god imgine being this pathetic.

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Im refering to the faggot in the article who wanted to kill non muslim people all over Los Angeles. Tarrant is the reason this man was radicalized.

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>he thinks shooting up a mosque is a reasonable response to islamic terrorism
you newfags breed stupidity

>americuck resorts to "a fucking leaf" memes to cope with his own retardation

im laffing at you moron

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Notice how the violence is typically against Muslims, yet very rarely Jews, blacks, or Mexicans.

>Just vote GOP harder

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>>Guys I have a great idea, let's start a tit-for-tat terrorist war against the entire world when we are the minority! What could possibly go wrong?
That's what the kikes are doing and they don't want any competition.

>calling an american a cuck
>His own country is more cucked then the US
>His own country legalized fucking animals.
>Still cant get rid of that tard Trudeau
>His own country promotes and practices socialism.

>His own country is all of the above just not for whites

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so can we finally put the myth to bed that muhreens in our military are somehow based?

Religious infighting has been going on for over 3,000 years.

you can't use the leaf meme if he actually makes a good post you retarded newfag

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He recently converted to Islam though

good, i hope they kill some faggot californians