Whats the /pol stance on CBD?

A good way to relieve anxiety, ptsd, and ease withdrawals from the devil's lettuce, or should it be banned like thc? Personally I wish it was legalized in all 50 states long ago, I would never have started smoking cigs or pot.

P.S. Jannies, it's a Rebel flag not a Confederate flag.

Attached: cbd.jpg (5616x3744, 2.92M)

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Not cheap enough and it's never done much for me that THC didn't do better. You need a high dose for medicinal use so farmers grow THC instead, which is generally more profitable and in better demand. I'm excited for hemp industries, though

CBD will not get you high. It's also not a cure all but a lot of people I know use it on their knees and elbows.

It’s fine if you’re a 65 year old woman who’s frail.

yeah the prices are insane, but it has only been legal in my state about 4 months, since I don't think its the same as selling narcotics, I am really interested in investing. Apparently it's still illegal in at least 4 states

dang user, whats wrong with us working class white males using it instead of tobacco?

>not a Confederate flag
it quite literally says it is

We are rebels now, big tent party :) Confederates are so 150 years ago

I got a modest 40% gains on $CGC buying when the farm bill happened. I sold at $48 a few weeks later, but I see it hasn't done much since.
Wish I went all on on that. I only made a few hundies

technically it's the Virginia Battle Flag, so yeah it's not the official Confederate flag....

niice. I made some bank off tilray

CBD is great. smoking cbd flower is a good way to relax without getting fucked up. anyone who smokes a lot of weed should try cbd flower instead.

a few years ago i got a disease that cause sometimes intense, debilitating stomach pains as well as shitting blood a few times a week. it increased my anxiety and amount of panic attacks tenfold, because once it first started it was so bad i was getting ready to die on the way to ER

with no other medicine that helps in pain and the anxiety, i have to travel to sweden a few times a year to smuggle CBD oil. it really has helped when nothing else could.

it's a wonder how every country in the EU has CBD legalized except ours, especially when it has proven to be less dangerous than sugar. i guess bureaucracy is a bitch

All psychiatric drugs are much worse than this, some are even opiods and anfetamines.

snake oil

>smoking hemp
No thanks. The 99% pure crystal barely has an effect when dabbed, I wouldn't want to smoke something for no reason.

Is cbd the latest health meme that women waste money on?

Its Snake oil CBD doesn't do jack shit.

its cool man but i go for the THC myself as an artist

for me, the non narcotic aspect is my favorite part. You can only spend so much of your life making yourself retarded on purpose.

it's supposedly gives some health benefits of weed without the getting high part. cancer patients have been into it 10+ years. i dunno if there are real studies on it, hard to do on controlled substances.

everything has a time and a place, user :)

as a layman, ex weed smoker, used to have medical weed for ptsd, I regret ever smoking weed and wish i'd known about the benefits of CBD

Still degenerate, and you will still fail a drug test.

not if you are trying to 'get fucked up'

womp womp. I am blessed to be already stable with the work situation.. but I don't wanna be a degenerate.. I think it's no more degenerate than coffee, but this is why I asked my friens at /pol. maybe some junkie sees this and tries it for withdrawals

if it makes you fail drug tests that's a massive issue, user, Not for me but in general..I will have to look into this.

It's not really legal in Germany too. Police raided many Spätis and other shops. We have 3-4 shops in Berlin who sell it and some Spätis still but it will disappear soon. The pharma industries are planning to remove real cannabis flowers for patients and chance to capsules and other more profitable stuff for them.
I bought some grams of different CBD strains in the last couple of weeks. It helps with my todays low dose opioid withdrawals a bit and it's nice after a workout and inflammation.
But I cant approve that it relaxes me. I'm even more anxious some of the times I smoke them. I have also higher BP after smoking because I don't smoke otherwise but smoking the flowers is more affordable than oil to me so I got some cigarettes and smoke about 3-4 joints. A gram lasts about 3-4 days and it's habit forming for someone like me. On one side it helps but on the other side it's very contraproductive and I think of lowering and even stopping it and will one day try the oil but I think we won't see CBD getting sold in Germany in a couple of weeks.

The headshops were you can buy CBD oil. gel, flowers, for pets etc. have a letter where every customer simply have to sign right now that "you know that the sold stuff isn't for consumption and that the staff didn't advice you" - that's the grey area for now but it looks like it will get banned like everything that is helping. There will also be bannings of 1P-LSD and other "new psychotropic research chemicals" which have benefitted me and other people. Microdosing changed my life last year for example. CBD helps and benefits many people and they will ban that too here in Germany.
I'm mostly conservative and right leaning but I have seen and tried drugs apart from opioids with responsibility and many really really worked and helped me get my life together in the last 10 years. The only thing I'm more liberal with.

cannabis probably saved me from what would otherwise have been alcoholism. now it's my only real vice and i can control my consumption of it pretty well and have no cravings for anything else. it tends to actually complement my work (artist) by making it easier to get into a flow state so there's that too. all in all, i like the weed.

So true. And as long as hemp competes with pine for pulp and paper production... research will still be restricted
t: paper industry

Don't listen to he's a retard. THC metabolites are what they test for.

Nah it honestly just has no effect on me like i don't feel more cal after taking it it feels like a placebo pill to me.

I have only tried the flower for cbd once, and it was because i was visiting a grow... The oil seems like better effects and less coughing.. Im surprised Germans have such a strict view of cbd, why do you think that is the case? I am also very conservative, but as someone who spent my college years as a liberal douche, i still have sympathies for some of those folks...If we can give them CBD instead of locking them up, i'm all for it. The only medical issues i can speak to it helping is withdrawal and PTSD.. like germanbro said it is addictive so use caution.

CBD is a fuckin meme. Don't even bother trying it unless its the 99%+ isolate. You wont feel a thing.

right on, user, this is what I had assumed

lol the problem here is you have to make sure it's not the one with actual THC in it. they sell the 99% at gas stations

Been smoking pot for 5 years and just quite cold turkey with my girlfriend and her mom last night. Really going to miss it coming home from work tonight o_o

the struggle is real! I would obviously suggest ya try cbd to wean yourself off.. dont make it a habit, just a short term substitution :)

hmm theres more than 1 person with this opinion.. do you actually have anxiety or do ya just like smokin bud? I agree it doesnt have any narcotic effects... except that one time habibi sold me something that was def not cbd

I drank some jack last night, I never drink. Feels bad man I know I'm getting pissy around my gf without greens and she doesn't deserve that. I guess that's all the sign I really need to keep with quiting.

Wrong faggot. The song goes like this
> Head and shoulders knees and toes
> Knees and toes
> Head and shoulders knees and toes
> Knees and toes
> Add eyes and ears
> And mouth and nose
> Head and shoulders knees and toes
> Knees and toes

Only faggots want it recreationally legalised,medically its fine

That was surprising to hear, I thought Germany was a lot more liberal when it came to CBD oil. It's pretty sad how headshops and stores and customers have to go through legal loopholes or go across the border to buy something less dangerous than most of the shit you can get in a grocery store. Lawmaking involving medicine and drugs really need to get a fucking update. It's like the politicians and lawmakers in charge are just sitting on their ass all day instead of doing what's right.

I used to smoke so maybe that's it also i don't think i really have anxiety to begin with. I dunno i guess it works for some people maybe i just haven't had good cbd.

You can't recreationally use CBD. Sugar gives you more of a high. Some people with anxiety disorders get a very mild, calming effect with it. I wouldn't call that using it recreationally.

I thought this for a long time. I tried some in a vape and nothing. A few months later, I decided to give it another try and bought some mints that were really high dose and they didn't do anything. I had a box of them, so I took more than once and never felt anything. I also tried a caramel, it was free, and felt nothing. Then I tried a chocolate bar and got a really strong body buzz from it. It was expensive and I didn't want to buy another one, so I bought some CBD water that was cheap instead and it hit me really hard. I just use the water now and always get an intense body buzz/euphoric feeling from it.


i know it's vice, but there's been a lot of companies, especially on the internet which sell badly made shit or just straight up synthetic cannabis as CBD. you should be careful.

A good 1:1 strain like Cannatonic or Hurkle is wonderful for soreness relief after being on my feet for 10-12 hours.