Any y’all know more about this guy? He seems based but I don’t know much about his campaign yet .
McAfee 2020
Adrian Flores
William Green
Isaiah Moore
This dude would make trump look like a faggot in the first debate.
Jeremiah Campbell
where is he on the Jew to Muzzie spectrum?
Sebastian Williams
Is that the guy that sells shitty anti-virus software?
Ethan Long
while snorting blow off hookers
Joseph Sanders
He's crazy as fuck but believes in quantum immortality so he's got my vote
Blake Edwards
What party is he running for?
Caleb Cook
He's a lolbertarian. Of course he's degenerate.
He sold it to IBM a decade or two ago.
Colton Gonzalez
>McAfee has announced plans to run for president in the 2020 presidential election. His primary platform is to promote the use of cryptocurrencies. He stated that he will either again seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party, or form his own party.
as a blockchain dev, he'd have my vote