There is nothing "green" about electric cars.
"Green" is Politically Correct Oppression
saving the environment...?
>Metal needs to be mined
>Minor have a had job
Wow, no one knew this, great thread OP!
I am just here to curb the arrogance and the bullshit-tier green snobbery.
As someone who loves ICE, I hope the electric car b.s dies.
>Niggers emit CO2
Hmmmm....I just had a great idea for cutting carbon emissions.
tax breaks too?
got you covered
the nice aspect of the electric is the reduced maintenance schedule. my old man has had several tesla sedans, he drives the shit out of them. While the quality control on body panels and fit/finish is crap, the drive train is solid. No oil changes, minimal other maintenance.
What happens in winter when you need a lot of heat?
Seriously, the only nice thing about them is mountains of torque off 'idle'.
Whatever is "green" for real usually reduces profits and requires real effort, so all you will see is bullshit.