I just realized that German is such a beautiful language...

I just realized that German is such a beautiful language. Could anyone give me get some advice on how to start learning it? And how long will it take to reach the level that I can read the original Mein Kampf?

Attached: HITLER-SALUTE-GERMANY-TOURISTS-ARRESTED-838067.jpg (590x350, 63K)

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German is the worst language, even arabs speak better shit

>I just realized that German is such a beautiful language
>Could anyone give me get some advice on how to start learning it? And how long will it take to reach the level that I can read the original Mein Kampf?
Okay, that I can agree with

Absolutely based.

Maybe you could move to Alsace, it should be easy there.

I have no idea how one would go about learning german, there's literally no media worth consuming to train.
Completely pointless to learn unless you want to live here.

Fuck off you snail eating frog.
Erbfeindschaft forever.

Attached: 1541678918149.png (600x720, 12K)

Slam your foot in the door and whatever comes out of your mouth is German.

>Honestly the Krauts are having some pretty nifty tv series, Babylon Berlin and Das Boot are among the best.

>whenever possible watch videos with german subs (study shows that with 3/4h of german subbed videos a day you improve your level by 17% a week whereas the improvement is slowed down to 5% a week when watching un subbed videos)

>Read small articles

>Once at a OK lev (understanding 70-80% of what you read hear)start learning about german grammar.

>Completely pointless to learn unless you want to live here.
Or, you know, read Bernhard. C’mon man...

Don't listen to 90% of these niggers. First learn basic vocabulary and how to conjugate verbs. Then move to sentence structure, then start forming sentences. After that learn cases, and how certain words effect case, example would be "auf" which always puts things in dative case. Then learn past tense.