Why are interracial relationships considered bad...

Why are interracial relationships considered bad? If the man/woman chose to go for another race how is that anyone else's business?

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It offends me

It's not a free choice when it's being promoted everywhere. It's unfair to call it any less than a genocide when the powers that be are brainwashing young people to racemix by idolizing white women and demonizing white men.

>who someone loves is no one else’s business!!
>hurrr why aren’t you celebrating racemixing and homosexuality 24/7 like me you bigot?!! It’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS you fucking racist! Celebrate it right fucking now and bake my fucking cake you bigot or I’ll dox you!!
Schizophrenia is a hell of a mental disorder

I think people’s main issue is creatures.

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Because race mixing is currently being promoted with the intention of weakening my people.

>It's unfair to call it any less than a genocide when the powers that be are brainwashing young people to racemix by idolizing white women and demonizing white men.
So you're saying that all instances of interracial are brainwashing and not just preference or random acts of love?

I never said that. Why're you putting words in my mouth? It seems like you're the scitzo projecting.

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But you're not actually being weakened by it. You have the choice to be with a white woman and have an all white family. What some other irrelevant person does has no effect on you as you are now or will be in the future.

Why are interracial relationships always just black males and white females? Why isn't the vastly larger wmaf more represented in media?

Really makes you think, almost as if it's all just a ploy to lower white male value in the world.

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it means less white babies and white people are slowly going extinct. i dont care if other races want to have interracial relationships but white people need all the babies they can make. its a matter of survival

>Why are interracial relationships always just black males and white females?
I do agree that Black Male / White Female is overdone.
>Why isn't the vastly larger wmaf more represented in media?
Just your preference, and seemingly fetish based at that. It honestly sounds to me like you just want to be catered to. That's pretty selfish.

Make them dude, you can't complain about a problem and not be apart of the cure. Just ignore that shit and have your kids.

I said my race not me personally.

Every relationship I have been in has been interracial and let me tell you that it's not worth it. It's doomed to fail. Eventually you realize that your cultures are different and that your attraction to each other will not keep you together. Even if the culture isn't the killer, the family almost certainly is. When you want to marry someone, you unite your families too. I fell for a black girl who seemed intelligent and educated but when I met her family, they were a bunch of low life, good for nothing niggers. The worst part is that when she was around them, she would talk ghetto, act sassy, and become a nigger herself. It was like seeing multiple personality disorder. It's not worth the pain of learning this the hard way. Stick to your own. It really is better that way.

>Why is having mystery meat DNA there's no blood, plasma, bone marrow, or almost everything else that makes modern medicine possible bad?

Why is it always BMWF
Why is it never non white x non white
Its always white women with niggers
Never anything else

I was obviously satirizing the left’s obsession with shoving something down the White man’s throat 24/7 then telling him it’s “none of his business”, but in all seriousness there are objective reasons not to racemix depending on what race/sex a person is. White, Asian, and even Latino women sleeping with black men experience much higher domestic violence, std, and divorce rates, not to mention many are absentee fathers and their African genes drag down their children’s IQs. Every bit of empirical data shows all of these things to be true. Women who date outside their race should always try to trade up

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Niggers and Jews aren’t races, they’re devil-spawn. There’s nothing wrong with race mixing if you’re talking about legitimate races.

fun fact: matricide (an extremely rare crime where a child murders his or her mother) shoots up drastically over 10,000% statistically with mixed-raced children, specifically black-mixed children

Look at the offspring

ok ill make as many as i possibly can but can you see how its a problem if the cultural norm is to intermarry. you can see how letting interracial marriage be a culturally hip and cool thing is bad right?

I've never cared about my race honestly. Just me and my family. I want to know, what does that feel like? To me in the grand scheme of things, such a thing is irrelevant to me as long as I live life as I want.

Tell me a bit more about how this makes you feel.

But there are plenty of successful ones, and there are plenty of people with good families to match themselves. Your problem sounds like 2 things. A run of bad luck, and being in a environment that encourages that sort of behavior (Urban area, I assume)?

But how does this effect you if this woman isn't related to you? I don't mean this in the "it's none of your business" sense, I'm just trying to understand it. Personally, I could not care less for anyone outside of my family and friends. I grew up in a city, so the everyday person is an irrelevant blur to me.

Is that based on anything or do you just hate these people? Are you using the worst examples of them as "evidence"? That's hardly fair. Shitty people exist in all colors.

That is an unfortunate truth, honestly. Can't really argue that one.

Of course. However to say all interracial relationships and marriages are a product of media brainwashing is.. unfair. It is a problem though I agree. I think there should be more variation. And less stereotypes of every race that exaggerate small problems.

>So you're saying that all instances of interracial are brainwashing and not just preference or random acts of love?
Well, some people have intimate relationships with their dogs. If the stigma is removed, it'll be many more. If a sex tape of a celebrity fucking a dog is released, it'll be some more. Love is not random at all, otherwise we would be extinct, it's determined by many social factors.

Comparing interracial relationships to inter-species is just silly. Though I do agree that there's a growing problem of bad things being normalized. Personally, I think homosexuality and anything LGBT is wrong. And seeing it pushed on TV? That disgusts me. It makes me angry even. It makes me scared for my younger family members.

But for some reason, Interracial just doesn't cause these same fears. So I'm trying to understand better why it's so frowned upon.

Ok. Imagine growing up in the decaying ruins of a city and living in a white working class neighborhood. Now imagine that your white neighborhood is surrounded by black neighborhoods. Now think to yourself "... hmmmm I wonder which one is better? "

I have an innate understanding of the superiority of white homogeneous civilization. I know what happens when blacks force their way into white spaces. I know what happens to cities, neighborhoods, and individuals. These people come into my neighborhood and ruin everything. They ruin our playgrounds, our public pools, our basketball courts, our movie theaters, our restaurants, they trick or treat here, they are a constant fucking plague. They destroy their own spaces and move into ours and destroy those too.

My race is capable of living peacefully with clean streets and nice houses. They aren't. If my race decides to leave this neighborhood goes to shit, like so many have before. This is a microcosm of society as a whole. The less solidarity we have the less harmony we will have. Race mixing is a weapon against our unity. And it will bring suffering.

So faggots make you scared for your younger family members, but them being surrrounded by low iq individualistic mongrels doesn't affect you a bit.
Now I'm the one who needs to understand you.

because racemixers don't live in a vacuum. their mongrel children have physical and mental health issues, so there are associated moral and medical financial problems; they get to vote, so there are political implications that undermine the borders and liberalize the culture; they're identifiably biracial because both of their constituent races see them as outsiders, so they have difficulty making friends and finding lovers, and they also have higher divorce rates, so there are yet more moral problems (condemning children/people to suffer); it creates a feedback loop whereby more people are encouraged to racemix when they see that it's allowed and acceptable; and so on forever.

every part of a complex system like society has tons of unseen effects. if we can understand why taking the wait-and-see approach and letting sex offenders live near schools is a bad thing, then we can also see why the activities of racemixers are NOT "nobody's business that doesn't hurt anyone."

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Any instances of this documented I can view? I'm not saying I don't believe you, I want to see this effect for myself.

I've met tons of intelligent non-whites. Both mixed and not. I don't think it's fair to assume all race mixed peoples will automatically be dumb.

This guy gets it.

With blacks its devolution.

The problem is race-mixing is an individual choice. To ban race mixing would be oppressive no? And to discourage it would also be seemingly so. However you make a good point. We discourage things like pedophilia because it is bad. And the recent acceptance of homosexuality has definitely had a negative effect on the world. So how could race mixing be discouraged in a way that preserves people's freedoms?

>Why isn't the vastly larger wmaf more represented in media?
With the gook's better rational reasoning it would create a hybrid race that jews cant control thats why they hate asian and white pairings.

For the same reason Inbreeding is bad it fucks with the genes of humanity. The only difference is outbreeding is far more prevelant and destructive than inbreeding.

Documented accounts of black people destroying cities?

Sure the occasional interracial couple is a non issue if everyone started breading outside their race the results would be nothing short of catastrophic. Culture is inherently part genetic so if you want to continue and preserve your culture you need women who are the same ethnicity as you.

I feel like that hybrid race would be physically inferior to the current phenotype of Whites

>there are objective reasons not to racemix depending on what race
no, racemixing is problematic regardless of the races in question. if race is real, then racemixing necessarily erodes cohesion in every way. it impairs family cohesion, racial cohesion, national cohesion, etc.

This. I also noticed that black female and white male is looked down upon even in the media, they say it’s racist (a fetish)

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Mongreling whites is morally wrong.

There are statistics and data about the confused and chaotic identities of mixed race children.

Would you allow something that statistically is destructive?

Honest education about the reality of race and the consequences of race mixing.

In attraction yes but thats all.

White women are literally subhuman so commericals with niggers and them makes them want to fuck niggers.

That works on men not women, there were coalburners even back in the 60s the only way to make women behave is to mutilate them like in Islam.

>But how does this effect you if this woman isn't related to you? I don't mean this in the "it's none of your business" sense, I'm just trying to understand it.
While a lot of these things may not affect us personally, they do affect society negatively and that doesn’t benefit anyone. Rising rates of fatherlessness, divorce, and disease are clearly not a good thing.
>I could not care less for anyone outside of my family and friends
I probably would have agreed with this until a few years ago, but now I see it differently. Obviously my family and the people I’m closest to come first, but I feel an empathy for my own racial group like I’ve never felt before. We’re under attack from many different groups and a lot of us don’t even know it. I don’t propagate violent solutions or anything, but a little racial solidarity amongst Whites would go a long way towards making the country and the world a better place for us.

Well, it doesn't have to be that specific or on the nose. I'd love to see the effect on cities/towns though during some sort of migration.

I don't think that's an issue though. There are still plenty of same race couples

Honestly, I wish our school system did more about stuff like this. And homosexuality, and all sorts of other deviancy. I feel like the world is getting worse. And my biggest fear is that soon things like pedophilia will start to get leniency.

Well in a hypothetical situation where we are actually educating people about the reality of race we could also teach people why allowing women to have the same power as men in society ends in disaster and ideally men would protect/shame their women from outsiders.

Shame doesnt work only violence works it works so well in Islam that their women in the middle eastern nations are submissive and obedient.

With women? Shame absolutely does work, especially if it is an extreme kind like cutting ties.

No it doesnt, women will still fuck men even if you shame them. Women giggle when guys try to shame them on infidelity.


I'm sure it's worded to portray whites as racist bigots.

>and not just preference or random acts of love?
No one naturally prefers people that look nothing like the norm.

Shame used to work but then shaming people for their actions was condemned as racist, sexist, homophobic act. We are living in a post shame society.

No they don't.
They get very defensive and lash out.

There has to be a critical mass of men who don't tolerate that behavior.

Shaming never worked retard, most men in history dont even know their actual father because their mom was a lying slut who felt no shame in cheating on their father.
Of course they do they are egomaniacal subhumans like niggers but still dont feel moral shame thats why they cant comprehend why fucking african zoo animals is bad no matter how much times you explain is to them.

>implying race mixing isnt white genocide


In my case, it's moreso about the effects on the inevitable mulatto child. Life as a rootless, culture-less, people-less mutt with no homeland to call my own is a form of suffering I could wish on not even the Jews who promoted a mixing of the races in the first place.
t. 56% face

Why isn’t white male black female ever promoted? Why is it always one sided

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Unless you are pro white, pro life, christian, pro american, pro man then you are shamed

men compete against each other. why should we let nigs take our women? it's ridiculous. no reason whatsoever.

>Just your preference, and seemingly fetish based at that. It honestly sounds to me like you just want to be catered to. That's pretty selfish.

False, as I said it's the most common interracial union in the states, it's underrepresented. Nice try kike.

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>the women in that picture

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Because the white woman's genes will move into the negro community where they are actually at a greater risk of dying out due to gang violence, abortion, drug overdoses, police shootings, leftist values, and many such cases.
White woman should have children with white Christian men who raise their daughters to be excellent wives and mothers and cultivate in their sons the Aryan spirit.

most common interracial union in america is wm/lf and wf/lm. Spics have been cucking america for a long time but since their offspring usually pass as 100% white it's rather difficult to even tell who got burrito'd just by looking. I know a couple of lm/wf couples with kids and it's ridiculous how weak the hispanic blood is

They're not bad always, it depends on the mix. Like white and black, or asian and black, or anything with black really.

because "muh colonization" meme. White guys are supposed to supplicate to feminist roasties (overwhelmingly white) and never think about the alternatives. Otherwise they're the "oppressors".

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When it's acting or advertising no. They don't choose that, they get paid to pretend making it a form of propaganda.

end media interracial advertising and the ones who choose to mix BY THEMSELVES will be respected

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Yeah the Jews really did a number on us when they infiltrated the universities

The only time interracial pairings are in media is if the person who made that media has a fetish like in Japan they put in brown anime chicks because they have a fetish for that, but jews do it for subversion.

individual choices shouldn't be held to be more important than all else. racial collectives often curb the rights of the individual when they are too damaging to the whole, or in other words when a lot of people individually agree that you can't murder or steal for example. those are also individual choices, but it's the impact on other people that trumps their quality of being acts of freedom.

we don't consider this oppressive, so it seems to really be as simple as a question of the greater good, or of the "collective choice." racemixing used to be banned here, but then it became oppressive. the definition of freedom changes over time.

I'm operating on the assumption that the question is "to ban or not to ban" because I don't see states' rights as being on the table, and I lean towards banning, but that obviously won't be done in the foreseeable future, so I would push against racemixing within the range of what's acceptable with things like education if that's possible. I'm a paternalist at heart and think that letting the ill-informed and the misled to make mistakes is a result of narcissism or sociopathy on the part of decision makers.

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>Robert deniro's kids.jpg

There a fake Cia front working for Mkultra to study your pee pee

women fuck dogs user, if they could breed together we would be overwhelmed by dog-human mutts

nobody will mix by themselves m8, thats the point

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People did mix but that was thousands of years ago in central asia Finns are one type of mutt that spawned from this.

very based

What's good for everyone is good for you

>because "muh colonization" meme.
ah yes we all remember the glorious polish empire

I want sauce on this

I would be ok if it was real and not jew influenced. Remove them and 99.9% of these relationships would not exist.

because they are race traitors

traitors of their tribe

the lowest of low

because the jews are trying to eliminate all other races into a brown slave caste. if you want that for your children, be my guest.

The main problem is even in a natural race mixing relationship the kids are likely(depending on the admixture) to end up as some sort of horrible abomination whith severe identity issues.

shame doesnt work they say

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race traitors deserve gene death
so if they want to fuck niggers then they should get sterilized first
then nobody should care what some dumb whore does
she will pay the toll, but at least sterile she cant have her family and the taxpayers pay her toll for her

Because society pays for the low IQ, violent mongrels that are made instead of the high IQ, cooperative whites that won’t be made, retard.

Anything weaponized is usually bad.

Interracial relationships are WONDERFUL for Jewish people! Jewish women with black men, Jewish men with Indian woman. Terrific!

Blood and soul, tribe matters, you are not just an individual

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this, the propaganda is unfair and cruel, it's like brainwashing

BBC. 3 letters that strike fear into the hearts of white men, and lustful desire in the hearts of white women. All white women, especially the most attractive, soft, tender, delicate, thick ones want to be filled with the potent seed of a high fertility black bull and day dream about the little mixed race baby growing inside her womb.

>So you're saying that all instances of interracial are brainwashing and not just preference or random acts of love?

I am sick and tired of this brainless Jewish argument. "oH, wELL, haAha, cERTainLY U DONT MEAN ALLLLLLLDA PEOPLE U SAYD DOE RIGHT?!?!?!?!" Like dude shut the fuck up. I can't say one thing without some stupid asshole saying "oH BUT NOT ALL DEM DOE." Like, no you fucking retard. Nobody is all of anything. And you fucking know that! That's how stupid this argument is. A person is basically saying, yes, I acknowledge that you are right and X is true in a large enough number of cases for it to be worth discussing, but UHHH NOT ALLA DEM DOE ISNT DAT RIGHT? Like shut the fuck up. Not everyone is all of anything. Fuck, man. Not every faggot likes barebacking. See? That literally doesn't fucking mean anything. I don't give a fuck. Gah.

not all black people are black

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>people have no personal responsibility
>myself and no one else has any control over their own lives
Imagine living like this.
If ugly fat chicks want to fuck niggers instead of you, then let them.
I just laugh when I see it.

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Exactly. Thank you, Peanut Butter Master Race. That's how fucking stupid this argument is. It's fucking irrelevant. It's fucking postmodernism boiled down to its simplest, most hypercritical form. Now if you don't mind installing this Black Ice air freshener in your car, I got it for you as a gift, I will now go fuck your sister.

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Black is a brainlet's way of saying human of african congoid descent. In all honesty niggers should have been called monks short for monkey people because thats exactly what they are.

Based fellow ancom.

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There is nothing wrong with interracial relationships. The only dipshits saying it should be banned are racists who think the white race is superior.

>why is having sex with apes bad
They are monkeys, having sex with animals is gross dude


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