Turning 30 years old this year and never been in a relationship with a woman...

Turning 30 years old this year and never been in a relationship with a woman. Is it sometimes just fate that some human beings live their entire life alone?

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I recently turned 20 and have no friends, never had a gf, no hobbies and I hate being around people because I can't relate to them
I'm hoping to fix my life but my problems are to do with my psyche and whatever disorders I have in my mind

I started dating my bf when he had just turned 30. I'm his first gf. So yeah, it's not too late at all. I'm also really happy in the relationship, he's a good partner.

I'll be your friend user

I currently 30 and never had a GF. Didn't gave it too much thought untill my psychotherapist asked me about IT and made me realise how ackward I feel When confronted about it by other people. I don't really feel connected to people in that way and just want some good friends. Sometimes I feel like i'm still a child while the rest of my environment had grown up and busy with the latest phase in their life.

I'm interested in knowing where you met him.

Funny because most people just say I'm smart to not be in a relationship. honestly it is a smart decision if you think in practically and not emotionally.

We originally met in a therapy group, but didn't started seeing eachother after he left te group, so I feel like it's not that weird. Meeting in therapy for me had the benefit of knowing you can talk about the bads as well as the goods and that he is willing to work through the hard stuff in life.

Sure it's more practical because you got more time for yourself and your not in a give and take situation, but personally I miss having a deep connection with someone.

I still remember having really good and meaningful friendships about 10 years ago. They kept me motivated and cheerful in life, but now everyone is busy with there relationships and socializing with them is ackward.

I had the exact same experience. It is just how adult life is. People become less open, and they become socially invested more conservatively so to speak.

was this a social anxiety therapy group?

Anyone else walk around their city and just get more and more hopeless?
All you see are families, and happy couples and then there is you. You try to stay in your apartment 24/7 but even that isn't healthy for you. It's a never ending cycle.

>You try to stay in your apartment 24/7
You shouldn't. Get a job. And a life.

I have a job.

Yeah, it's fucked up. There's no winning.
>be shut-in for years
>be sad cause I'm a shut-in
>stop being a shut-in, trying to fix life
>be even more sad and now full of hate whenever I see females or couples or even fucking groups of friends

I was actually happier as a shut-in.

you bros hit my feels talking about it. It's like I'm listening to myself. To me, the worst is when my parents and their sibilings talk to me. they're all like "oh i remember when i was 29, i couldn't get rid of girls" and they all believe i'm a stud. if they only knew heh. it's so surreal when they talk about their youth. Nothing happened in mine and they all say it only downhill from here. what do you think friends? Have we already peaked? What a joke that would be

I do this. But I don't see happy couples. I just see people who I'm not compatible with or not attracted to. And the families, no offence, but I just feel sorry for what they have become.

No. It's a general therapy centre where clients spend 2 or 3 days daytime a week. Since he's not super mature for his age and I'm a bit younger we both wound up in the young adult group. However he does suffer from anxiety. My troubles are more related to trauma and mood disorder.

I think it's also because you are to focused on it but I know the feeling. Staying inside however will only make you feel worse. I took up cycling lately and personally it's a good way to clear the mind. Maybe you could find something to at least to keep you occupied for a bit as well?

let me guess, no cute, single women at your workplace

On the polar opposite, I'm 33 and have been in three major longterm relationships and I've also slept with roughly 60 different girls.

I've been single for over a year now and honestly, I prefer it. I get that you feel lonely for physical and emotional affection so when that happens find yourself a casual girlfriend who can satisfy those needs for a bit.

Focus on living life for you and not obsessing about being in a relationship, senpai.

>3 major long term relationship
>60 sex partners

this does not add up user.

>3 major long term relationship
>60 sex partners

sorry, this does not compute user.

I'm 27 and haven't had a boyfriend since I broke up with my first one 11 years ago. In all these years I've had sex once. It was a night one stand. I wanted to see if I could be like all my friends and it turned out to be one of the worst experiences of my life.

Now I keep to myself and haven't felt romantic or sexual feelings for anyone for a decade. Been roleplaying with chicks since over a year to fill a void and turns out even those kinda relationships fuck me up. Recently found out the chick I always write with right now replaced me with some chick and now I lost her too.

It's all so tiresome.

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Were you roleplaying as the "guy"?

i feel like im chasing something im not (sociable) and its just so foreign
i went to a party this saturday, overall had a great time but my friend got to kiss this 10/10 qt and im left wondering how the fuckkk

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

Sounds like you need less hedonistic indulgence and more Jesus in your life.

but that is hedonistic as well

We were both roleplaying as guys right now, she would have role played as girl soon.

I am not looking for a romantic relationship per se though but more of a meaningful friendship. But I feel like I am in a phase in life where those sort of relationships are less relevant than romantic ones. Conversations about these topics are super ackward for me, because i'm not looking for the same thing as most people. Ultimately it makes me very lonely.

i'm not really "tfw no gf", i'm more like "tfw no friends and fun times"
but to answer that question "the same amount that asked me out"

Those types of friendships are fortuitous. You likely won't be introduced to this type of friend. You will just have to look for some odd-man-out and start randomly talking to them. What country do you live in?

>meaningful friendship
So far my life experience showed me that once you leave school / university you never ever make new real friends. After this point its all
>randoms online you talk about stuff
>randoms from online games
>friends eith benefits
Its sort of like everybody is an adult and nobody has time / energy for friends anymore. Its all mild pleasantries and socialisation, but really you wont consider them friends. They just share hobby / work / gf with you.

Really, if you are out of school, your best bet is to simply find a girl and date her. Its the closest you get to friendship you were used to as a kid.

I work with all 19-22 year old girls. They don't find me attractive at all, I can feel it.

my feels shattered by your words user

When you have no money, you work hard for change. when you have a large checking account, change is worth less. Same concept many shorter romances vs longest term relationships

Yeah been there, learn to dance. It won't make you popular with everyone, but it's an exchange where words aren't needed.

Well from ages 18 to 26 I more or less humped every piece of ass I could find ie. MySpace and Facebook sluts. At 27 I dated a girl for 5.5 years.

The other two girlfriends were 1 year each so I guess they weren't really serious relationships. I just wanted to try them out but even then I was still slaying thots.

legitimately, unironically, thankyou for making me feel better about myself, user

you don't know how lucky you are, OP

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Well let me tell you about myself, user. You may have never been in a relationship but i have...

When i was 16-18. I’m 28 now, and have not been able to, or rather, have been afraid and lacking in motivation to get into a relationship since that time.

Now you might quip back with “Well, at least you’ve been in a relationship before”, to which i would respond by telling you that while that is the case, the temporal gap between now and then is so vast that i sometimes wonder if that person who was able to get a girlfriend and attention from girls in high school really was me to begin with.

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I was already afraid that was the case and it's a hard pill to swallow. As a 30 year old I find it hard to relate to others as I still have the same interests as I had as a kid. It makes me feel like I am a kid inside a adults body and I don't belong to any group.

Asking girls out when you don't have any friends feels like putting the cart before the horse.

I would say yes it seems some people are destined to be alone

I talked to my grandpa and he didnt meet his first love til he was 28. 65 year marriage after that.

dont lose hope