Why do women think every single compliment I give them means I want to fuck them...

Why do women think every single compliment I give them means I want to fuck them? I just compliment their intelligence or ideas not even their look or anything of that sort and they think I want to fuck them. It makes group projects with women difficult because they ignore me and dismiss my ideas based on the mertit of who I am.

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How do you know what every woman thinks?

They don't ask my opinion. I said I will do a certain task and at the end our leader (a woman) gave that task to someone else as if she never heard me.

It seems unrelated. You seem mad about a specific group of women your doing a project with?

Bluntly, they just don’t like you

This always happens

People not listening to your input means they don't respect you or even know you exist. They don't want to fuck you.

Just stand up for yourself a bit more and you won't have to project random sex stuff onto your peers

Stop giving them compliments.

>Why do women think every single compliment I give them means I want to fuck them?
Why would you give them a compliment if you didn't want to fuck them?

>I just compliment their intelligence or ideas not even their look or anything of that sort and they think I want to fuck them.
Do you not want to fuck them?

>It makes group projects with women difficult because they ignore me and dismiss my ideas based on the mertit of who I am.
Why? If you wanted to just give them a compliment then you shouldn't be mad they didn't return the favor.

Sounds like you really want to fuck these women and are insulted they saw through your scheme of 1 compliment = they should give you their pussy

What? If x woman gives me idea y and I want idea y implemented I can't say it's a good idea? I do with these women what I do with men and men have no problem because they know we are not going to fuck.

I'm not asking for a compliment back, all I'm asking is respect when we meet and share our ideas. That they leave time for me as well to give my thoughts on the project.

Well if it makes you feel better. All women assume any man who approaches them wants to fuck them. So don't be discouraged.

Youre probably doing it too much without realizing. You're dumb to just give out compliments. To anyone really. Do it too much and you just seem like Mr. Niceguy, to both genders. Think about it: would you be annoyed and a little weirded out by someone complimenting every couple things they do? Probably not

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Also maybe it's not the compliments, maybe you're just a weird fucker

Ok after reading this post, you just sound entitled as fuck. Don't expect anything from anyone, no one owes anyone anything

Change groups if they won't work with you. Explain the situation to the assigner

Hang the frogposting faggot.

They see every man as a rapist, basically.

unironically yes, women are built for mediocrity
why do the bpd women on this board pretend they are the same as men mentally

Do what I do. Don't compliment women. Don't really pay them much attention at all.

Just stop being so fucking cringe, stop handing out validation/compliments for no reason, and stop posting frogs. Basically just stop talking. I guarantee you'll have better results in every area of your life if you do this.

Also your issue is not women, it's that your ego demands that people value your opinion above others in the group. From extensive experience I can tell you that's never going to happen. The inverse effort rule applies here: the more you care, the less people respect you.

You have to compliment them halfheartedly and not stare at them to long.