What happened to the west, Jow Forums?

What happened to the west, Jow Forums?

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kikes happened

You already know the answer

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>people enjoying things

eww disgusting you're right i hate this

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White men became weak and allowed it to fall apart. Become strong, organize with other white nationalists, and make our race great again.

Asking the right questions.

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RFLOL , kek

its simple, fictional characters are compensating for the real modern worlds lack of people with charisma thats interesting due to lack of learning how to survive. in 10 years time there will be no suffering and every 1st worlder will be a robot

I just want to get together with like minded people to shoot guns, drink beer, and talk about memes...

god this is embarrassing i dont even know what to say. America is DONE.....fucking done.


That's how buffoons at the CIA round them up for WW3 by using MKUltra. Follow your leader in the clown world.

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im sure literallye veryone in the bar knew they were being filmed. some primal urge to over exaggerate occurs when people know theyre being recorded. that, and jews.

Too bad the blue monster didn't kill everyone and make these clowns cry.

literal manchildren. People who watch chinese cartoons are not as infantile as these mouthbreathing retards

I don't get why some people hate other people having fun so much.

God got replaced by frivolous banalities.
I'm not saying that God exists but society as a whole is not meant to be godless. Most people need some rules in their life which they can live by, otherwise they're completely lost.

damn the onions is overflowing

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kek. gotcha.

I'm glad everybody looks to be Caucasian.


I heard that show Tits and Dragons was good but was it really that good?

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There is no non white so'y boys.

It's the scourge of s o y

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No major conflicts for 80+ years.

Don't worry the pendulum is slowly swinging back to the right. Even normies are getting sick of the far left and the freaks that make up its ranks.

How was anyone feeling any tension at all during that part? With every single hero (including fan favorites) pinned down by zombies, there was literally no way for it to end except with a sudden reversal.

Some random female character showing up and murdering everyone is the new Deus Ex Machina.

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Master White Race.

Is that real? If that's real i kind of want the Muslim horde to destroy us

>shooting guns while drunk

enjoy your accident, hick


honkity honk


Jews. This is why you kill them.

>I just want to get together with like minded people to shoot guns, drink beer, and talk about memes...
That's not going to get shit done. Only your ID will.

One of GOAT redpill posts, this shit's downright terrifying when you break it down.

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Too bad so many people ignore it because it's too long. Maybe if I put a picture of tits with it people will pay attention.

That shit was lit though

are you really acting like fads were never a thing?
>people enjoy something
>people like discussing this thing with others
>people get interested for the social aspect
is it really that different than trekkies in the 80s or people who watch football at the pub?

It's not 1984 that got it right, it was A Brave new World. Can we really still save things? Should we, even?

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>Lack of any real hardships
>education system that rewards people for effort
>capitalist job that doesn't require any teamwork
result is people think hollywood movies are real life.

>clap clap clap
id drop a few satan II right on them and the culture that gave birth to such waste

You're pathetic if that's what you thought about that comment.

A bunch of shit, along with cucklords like you trying to be slick posting reaction videos of a terrible tv show that's based off equally terrible books.

i've gotten blackpilled tbhfam. the social conditioning and methods of control are too strong to overcome especially now that communications and media are extremely centralized. we're going to slide into a bread and circuses dystopia and people will welcome it with open arms

How much time do you have? Evola has become such a meme, not that I don't love him and you shouldn't read him, but yeah Guenon does not get enough love here so give this a read to get an idea of what went wrong.

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Nope, I'm a few year away from moving to the Philippines, living in a shanty in the woods, drowning my self in brown pussy, and alcohol till I die.

>now that communications and media are extremely centralized.
said on the most decentralized platform in the world, internet

media is most decentralized it's ever been in history
white population is near record high in absolute terms
dont blackpill yourself dumb ass

>are you really acting like fads were never a thing?
fads were for kids back in the day
not for grown ass adults pretending to be 7

>said on the most decentralized platform in the world, internet
where 99% of people browse 1% of websites.

These are our fellow white people, I say good riddance to the race. The fucking indians were right all along.

It feels like the West has reached it's peak around right before the second world war. Maybe the 50's still had some spirit left, but after the 60's it was all downhill on a steep slope. Honestly I see no worthwhile fiture for humanity unless the population dies off en masse. Maybe a pandemic will solve things, in time. But what about us? We're stuck in these coming decades and that's it for our little part in the story of humanity. Every smart person I know is either planning to move to another continent or want to start the day of the rope. The rest of them are mindless cogs stuck in their NPC narrative. Many avoid the news because "it's all bad vibes anyway". Even my own Gf is NPC as fuck. it's exhausting. I guess this is what Spengler meant by saying that Western culture is Faustian by nature.
Smart lad, tho I wish it didn't have to be this way

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You can debate whether it is because they are Jewish or it is a coincidence, but at the end of the day people of Jewish have led us to where we are today and that is not up for debait.

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>where 99% of people browse 1% of websites.
In the case of twitter, 90% of the traffic is robot. I'm not even kidding. I watch my website's access log, and I can tell you with 100% confidence, that the vast majority of twitter activity (above 90%) is robots.

If we really wanted to get something done, we would form a class action lawsuit against Twitter for fraud.

this. 2 World Wars back to back will fuck anyone one.

>where 99% of people browse 1% of websites.
that's how it always is because not everyone can generate value

60 yrs ago, 3 news networks decided the fate of elections
30 years ago, 3 news networks + cnn decided elecitons
today platforms like social media decide elections and despite the censorship, our ideas still reach the mainstream, slowly.
once states pass laws to stop twitter from censoring, we win.
believe and don't get blackpilled.
see how much we've come since 2016.

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Literal fucking bug people

It's a long story, but mostly, England.

>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
It is not the kikes, out in the world, that are the issue but the Jew of the mind that is the real killer of the Aryan spirit.

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>once states pass laws to stop twitter from censoring, we win.
Twitter is an absolute wasteland if you want to contact a real human. Most of the activity is robots.

>The only GoT fans are literal fucking wacked out Hipsters that hang in Hipster bars in Hipster cities.

So fucking what. Many people are GoT fans. These fucking Beta male orbiters and their shitty Hipster semi-dike girlfriends are shit tier "Muh Dragon Queen" fans.

More importantly why the hell are our eyes getting worse every year, you never saw glasses much a few decades ago now they are everywhere.

>Twitter is an absolute wasteland if you want to contact a real human. Most of the activity is robots.
I've been on interwebs since 1996. i believe it's 100% stupid to connect with humans over interweb. Social media is the best way to spread political messages.

I have a hard time respecting any man that likes this show.

Or still fetishizes superheros/comics well beyond their youth. You get until 21 to grow the fuck up, become a man, and cut this shit.

This shit makes me sick due to the absolute lack of mental awareness. Perhaps we aren’t the autists but the normies are.

There’s literally no reason to enjoy this show as a male with your balls still intact. This show has SJW political agenda written all over it.

The idea of masculinity was redefined as toxic.

so fake like american people

end times

bread and circuses

I believe it's 100% stupid to connect with humans, period. The only joy I have left in this world is the knowledge that one day i'll slip off into death and never have to look at another stupid fucking human face ever again.

>Or still fetishizes superheros/comics well beyond their youth. You get until 21 to grow the fuck up, become a man, and cut this shit.
more like 16
problem with superheros is they don't work together as a team, they promote individualism rather than teamwork.

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>I believe it's 100% stupid to connect with humans, period. The only joy I have left in this world is the knowledge that one day i'll slip off into death and never have to look at another stupid fucking human face ever again.
stop black pilling yourself.
you'll never become the next hitler unless you like other humans and to help them.

Americans will clap for a tv show

I’m a little bit more lenient I suppose.

Ideally I would get rid of it altogether.

You’re right about that. I’d go further that it removes a man from his ability to see him and fellow men as their own hero’s. To do things for themselves. Instead they have to live it through fantasy on a big screen. It’s 100% beta and gay as fuck.

Lol that's bleak, I like you. You can't really connect with another person anyway that's all bullshit. The only thing in this world you truly own is yourself and most people don't even bother to understand themselves despite that.

We're the only ones who still care, that's the shitty part about it. Lemmings gonna lem

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I'm a Gen X'er so i had a taste of the good life when I was younger, no internet, no cell phone, no social media, music was actually good.
The west has turned to complete crap in a hurry. Once I sell my house and everything else, i'm gone.
I'd rather die is some jungle than in a hospital that is filled with SJW fat white women and niggers.
White people can't be trusted, many of them have the same attitudes as the nigger they live around.
I have solo backpacked in the Philippines in the past and I have to say life there is a ton better, simpler, people still like rock music, are generally happy, and friendly, like what the US was 60 years ago.
Granted Manila has turned to shit, but southern Mindanao still not so bad.

At least they are being social and have friends, I wish I was a normie

Can't run away from the technology, you have to know this

Seriously, you can't out run the world, it's going to eventually catch up too you

>You’re right about that. I’d go further that it removes a man from his ability to see him and fellow men as their own hero’s. To do things for themselves. Instead they have to live it through fantasy on a big screen. It’s 100% beta and gay as fuck.

My problem with superheros and all of fiction is that I don't think humans can tell the difference between fiction and non fiction. I think the brain treats everything as non fiction, as real.

What people need as children is
>learn to respect their elders when they give them advice
>judge other humans to see if they are trustworthy or not
>learn teamwork, both leadership and when you're the follower.
I can't think of any cartoons/superheros/fiction that does a good job teaches these morals.
The closest if G Gundam with regards to listening to your older brother and learning to control yourself, and not be your own greatest enemy.

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>Can't run away from the technology, you have to know this
sure you can
Some of these places still don't have running water.
You have to go to the well to wash your clothes and take a bath, or bring the water to your house by jugs.
And majority of these people still cook with wood.

>We're the only ones who still care, that's the shitty part about it. Lemmings gonna lem
nah most people care
but they have learned helpless
and they are afraid of being called racist or sexist
people need a leader to show them the path.
then they'll follow.

A lot of folks don't even have the bread anymore, but they'll sure as shit make sure their internet or phone data is paid up.

It'll catch up to you, you'll see

And it’s all fake as hell.

I just moved to a new city for a job. After a few months I finally broke down one weekend about meeting friends. I’m socialable and all but just from a bit of small talk I can tell who will be an acquaintance or friend. 99% acquaintances.

But it’s fine. You have to realize how much time these people waste on their fake trivial nonsense. Meanwhile, I’m looking long term. Sure it would be fun but what’s even more fun is knowing I’m spending my time worthwhile to live the life that [I] want to live and once I get their I can fully dictate who will be a part of it and who won’t. Mold the life you want to live.

>Seriously, you can't out run the world, it's going to eventually catch up too you
Now I understand Buddhists better. They looked around at the shit world the were born into against their will, and their reaction was something to the effect of "well, this is all complete shit. I think I'll just sit here in meditation like a bump on a log, because I'll be damned if I'm going to contribute anything to this mess."

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>implying bread and circuses is anything new

We let corporations gain too much control over government.

A group of individuals over the course of many decades slowly undermined every facet of our society until we started cutting off our own dicks and calling it beautiful

I'm to old.
It won't change much in the 15-25 years that I have left.
Maybe if was in my 20s.

Jow Forums will just knee jerk blame its favorite boogeyman since Hitler hated Jews and Jow Forums worships Hitler, but it goes way beyond that. No boggeyman can instill this, this comes from within the soul of a people who have been for centuries accepting Liberalism as the foundation of society. Jews may have pushed it along, but even without Jews it was inevitably leading to this from the moment the West accepted the writing of John Locke and the anti-traditional values of the French Revolution as being the basis for our new civilization.

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people like u r the problem
cuz u run away
and then we have to clean up the mess
i'm sending all cowards to prison when i become supreme ruler of the west.

Globalism is a disease that has engulfed the entire world. We used to talk about ways to let native people preserve their own traditions. These days I treat myself as if I were an animal living caged in a zoo. Get all my basic needs fulfilled: Physical activity, being social, eating well, ... But in the end I'm still a caged animal. My ancestors had a thousand times the agency I have. And the happiness.

What happened? An entire generation of narcissistic children took control of the greatest civilization the world had ever known, fucked it economically then left. THANKS BOOMERS!

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Imagine letting the way people enjoy things stop you from enjoying the same.

Game of Thrones is some exciting shit man what the fuck is your problem

I know it's fake ass hell, I like a lot of other people,used to fake it . I can't do that anymore, because I know it's fake

>i'm going to change the world
the truth is
you are not going to do shit
you blue pilled retard

> low T male