Israel brought back the "ISIS" actor that plays the leader. Expect mossad to kill more innocents.
Jackson Morris
Where would they attack? At some point it just becomes redundant when it's done in the same countries.
Luke Wood
"ISIS" will continue to not attack Israel. Jews will continue to spur christcucks and mohammadcucks to kill each other.
Dominic Myers
Yeah I see what you're trying to say, a false flag attack is highly likely. I'm mostly wondering where it would take place that would actually have some kind of effect. France has already been marked so surely they w-wo-wouldn't do i-it here a-ag-again ri-right? haha
Samuel Kelly
Okay if we take out the muh joos bullshit, this is probably what's going to happen: >the rise in anti-semitism is mainly a meme and won't produce anything >a few more attacks against Christianity are inevitable >maybe another madlad is going to shoot a few mudslimes >The US-Iran thing will end in one of the countries cucking since a war would be one sided and neither wants war
France has the highest Jewish population in Europe, and the US in the world. We're the top targets for mossad. They want to destabilize us and get the jews to move to Israel.
Gabriel Rivera
>muh joos
I don't give a shit about the jews. Look at the fucking dot dude. Something is going to happen, it could be a falseflag like this user said . It could be a lot of things, but something is going to happen.
Leaf you have no idea how crazy the dot is. >long period of blue/white-blue >now it goes from red to pink to red to pink ...
It's finally happening.
Fuck, then the false flag will be in France again? FUCK
Zachary Ward
too bad they didn't kill more of each other would have be fucking great. I'd hope some indian church in the US fights with other shit skins too.
Juan Clark
>Fuck, then the false flag will be in France again? FUCK Guaranteed we'll both be mossad targets within 6 months.
Gabriel Price
Fuck this, I don't even go out anymore. No way mossad's killing me. Unless they blow up the whole fucking building.
Jace Reyes
hard to say where and when but my old man predicted something like this:
>Continuing trends cause certain economic structures to collapse around the globe at various points and time (Housing bubble?) >Domino effect occurs affecting industries around the world (Recession) >Govt panics and tightens the socialist gravy train to keep their asses afloat >Minorities start to chimp out because they arent getting enough gibs anymore (Riots) >General rough times >War
Juan Rogers
Ive had a feeling for a while The Great Happening is just around the corner. Be prepared for anything anons, embrace the chaos.
I'm guessing that the first 4 steps will happen nearly simultaneously (or very quickly) then the fifth step will be a bit slow (a few years).
It's definitely happening user. The dot never fails to deliver.
Tyler Miller
It kinda just looks like everything is ramping up. More attacks will cause more counter attacks. Eventually people will have enough or the government will crackdown and its going to cause conflict.
Blake Sanders
mossad sucks in imagination.europe will have the next attack.salvini in italy is doing great in antimigration laws.italy is surely a good target for them.Eu countries have lections from eu parliament near end of may,so i suggest that right movements gonna fuck hard all leftish trash candidates and then they will hit because white supermacy is rising in europe!
Nothing's gonna happen. Same shit as the weathermen era. With a little more blood. Ultimately the right in Europe will prevail, but white America is finished