Why do so many millennials on Jow Forums vote Republican? You do realize that boomers fucking hate you, right...

Why do so many millennials on Jow Forums vote Republican? You do realize that boomers fucking hate you, right? You job is to slave away to pay for their Medicare and die for Isreal's wars.

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Fake and gay.

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>Every single college professor and administrator is a raging leftist
>Fuck up college prices by building giant buildings and hiring full time workers for every little menial job
>Why did conservatives do this?

Also why would we support bernie? You realize bernie supports medicare for all right? Most healthcare costs come from old people, young people have to subsidize that shit

But we're already paying for it. Medicare for all would force boomers to share the benefits.

The fuck are you rambling about? "College prices", or "tuition" (as a non-retard would say), was driven up by government-guaranteed loans, not simply buildings being too tall.. The reward is passed on to kikes, and the risk is passed on to the US tax payer, giving lenders zero incentive to NOT give bad loans, and giving colleges zero incentive to keep their tuition low.. It's a problem that anyone with a brain should easily be able to identify.

Fuck off shill. This is a horrible attempt of a Psyop. "Boomers hate you"? Really? No, they don't "hate" Millenials, they are just greedy and self serving. Get better sociologists...this is literally boomer tier.

>going to change
>something that should have been taken care of 40 years ago
Jews in a nutshell.

Dont forget all those newly hired and tenured professors for the new
>Gender Studies School
>POC Studies School

And when (((they))) saw that there really were dumb sheeple willing to get Ph.Ds in these worthless fields they expanded on it, upped tution and books and anything else to make a shekel.. err dollar..

Lul democuck

This doesn't prove the economy is rigged.

It proves the education is rigged.

Someone needs to start questioning him on why he doesn't oppose the Federal reserve. Every year it robs everyone and makes it harder on the poor by devaluing the money they use. Watch him kvetch and twist, no Jew would oppose it.

Because I hate niggers, trannies, Muslims, faggots, the environment, and taxes (everything Democrats push for).

>Every single college professor and administrator is a raging leftist
Not on economic issues.

i've got your vote right here

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Bernie is going to win it all, this message resonates with the people

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Because what he is not telling you is that it's liberals like him that made college so expensive in the first place.
No, I am not generalizing. I mean Bernie specifically. Look what his wife did to that nice rural college.

>Believing a single word out of Bernie's mouth after that stunt he pulled in 2016
It's almost like you enjoy being Jewed

>college is ridiculously expensive
>which is why I'm gonna make it free (but not really)
why not, idk, make college cheaper? Make reforms by threatening to withhold funding, or not allowing students there to get federal loans? Or we could encourage other life choices, like trade schools or certifications

College is expensive because of non-teaching staff and facilities. Who the fuck needs a student union? Or a gender resource center? Or subsidized cultural events? There's nothing special about American unis that make them pricey, it's just plain old bloat. We'd be in line with others if we simply made college about education instead of selling it as an experience too.

According to self reporting surveys, yes. About 85%.

This is how "free" college works: instead of the people who actually go to college having to pay out about 5% of their income for a few years to pay off loans, the government is going to take 60% of everyone's money so we can turn higher education into an extended high school for everyone so we can give out more waterdowned degrees to niggers to stupid to go so that they will feel better than themselves.

Just pick a major that isn't retarded and you will be fine.

>Why are so many millenials aware of idpol and ignoring it when they've had it forcefully shoved in their face across every platform?

"the economy today is rigged..."
the actual fuck? the government legitimately caused the problem

He'll move the tax burden to the super-rich though. He's made that clear.

Yeah ... I get that most Democrats want the middle class to pay all the taxes so that the upper class gets bailouts. Sanders is not like most Democrats. He understands how progressive taxation is supposed to work.

>Force boomers
>Force every taxpaying healthy 20 year old to have a deficit paying for rotting mummy boomers' healthcare
>add an income deficit to average Joe's while making healthcare a government aided institution
Fuck off gibsmedats lowlife brainlet.

>Said the man posting a tweet as evidence

A University degree back then was highly praised. Now't it's African this and Gender that.

Why's he talking crazy?
About $2 X 306 = $612

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most democrats are only interested in identity politics and race baiting.
Ironically, the democrats that are most focused on the working class come from outside the machine - Sanders, Yang, etc

>Progressive taxation
The super rich will shift their wealth off shore so the feds can't get it. Companies already do this with dummy P.O. boxes in Switzerland. You're deluded if you think that shit is gonna fly.

why not ban collage so dumbfucks wont go bankrupt while in a scam institution

Just because he identifies the problem correctly doesn't mean that his proposed solutions will work.

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In 1982 4 years of college was around $20,000.
There's no way that we made 65 bucks an hour - AFTER TAX.
Socialist math.

dude, there is no one cause.

universities have to have hundred million dollar athletic facilities or they dont get top recruits... fsu seminoles have gone to shit because they would not build a complex like bama has.

how u think they raise money for that? not from boosters...

why do colleges invest in wall street? where doess that money come from...

there is no one cause to it.

>"Boomers hate you"? Really?
Umm ... yeah they do. Just earlier today, there was a thread on Jow Forums made by a boomer about how millennials are allegedly lazy, selfish shits. The mods removed it, but it existed. I see this shit from boomers all the time. The only good boomer is a boomer with a bomb strapped to his fucking chest. Ka-boomer!

>No, they don't "hate" Millenials, they are just greedy and self serving.
They also constantly talk about how my generation is "stupid, greedy and lazy". All boomers should be raped up the ass with rusty curling irons.

good argument for removing government from student loans.
unlimited loan $$$ = infinite tuition cost

Bernie is a good Jew though. He is against Netanyahu and the Wall Street kikes.

Fuck Bernie Sanders in the ass!

Also fucking faggots in Burlington Vermont with their RESIST flags hanging from the porch of their homes. Ass cunts.

I plan on joining the military after college. A nice perk, is that the government will reimburse me for it, VIA the G.I. bill.

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I'm a realist. You can't wave a magic wand and bring back the post-war economy. America will never be in such an advantageous situation ever again unless the whole world burns.

Everything costs more nowadays, not just education.

The dems hate them more. They just lie about it.

He really isn't though, he decided to run for president way too late in his life, he's playing the "not all kikes are bad" role to appease the enraged right wing death squads being created in front of your very eyes on this sudanese khat planting image exchange platform.

The Federal Reserve isn't nearly as powerful as Alex Jones claims.

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The boomers also lived through a period when Europe and Japan were recovering from the war. The world is more competitive now.

Boomers were born between 1945 and 1960 following Allied victory in WWII. Most Boomers would have started attending college between 1963 and 1978. Given how old Bernie is, he was probably using inflation rates for 1965, which may be more-accurate to what his point is.

He considered Clinton to be the lesser of two evils, and he only started supporting her when his loss was guaranteed.

>Given how old Bernie is, he was probably using inflation rates for 1965
He's always been out of touch

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Boomers earned degrees in fields for which jobs were available and that paid a living wage. There were no Wamen's or gender studies degrees that only get you a job that pays whatever a Starfuck's barrista or McTacoBurger employee makes.

Nah it's '46 to '64. I'm a boomer and started uni in 82.

>so we can give out more waterdowned degrees to niggers to stupid to go so that they will feel better than themselves.
Shouldn't you want blacks to be educated? It gets them off the street and helps them buy actual homes.

okay godfucking damnit, let's form a nationalist party. we need a new paradigm.

This is pretty based

The corporate tax rate in the glorious 1950s was 90%. Also, there were regulations against union busting.




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>t.leftist kike

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Getting a degree in Blak Hztry won't get them educated, jobs, or mortgages.
Best to ship them back to where they can be Kang's.

>Force every taxpaying healthy 20 year old to have a deficit paying for rotting mummy boomers' healthcare
America already has government healthcare for old people though.

>republicans are dissapointing
>I’m sure mayan trannies and somalians will be better
>wtf I love democrats now


Moron leftist, tuition has gone up about 600% in the last 25 years due to Federal Guaranteed Student Loans. The Universities realized they could charge whatever the fuck they want and people would pay due to the importance placed on credentialism. Meanwhile, academia has gotten more worthless with bogus degrees that end in the word "studies". So now Millennials pay $80,000 for a degree in Lesbian Dance Theory. And they want us working folk (I didn't go to college - I'm 33, a homeowner etc) to pay for their fucking bullshit. sage goes in all fields you ignorant child.

Evidence points towards Bernie being a premeditated and paid off fall guy to channel dems voterbase into having one option, or Trump. People voted for the lesser of two evils, and a businessman without blood confirmed indirectly directly their fault will beat out a businesswoman who needs a fall man, accidentally's what potential incriminating evidence would be held on as she was put under scrutiny, sold uranium to who she calls our enemies, and sold ambassadorships to foreign interests through the DNC pay to play system.

Reminder Bernie spent campaign money on himself, and shilled the latter person after working alongside Hildog's own interests of dynasty and legacy alongside money.

Power 5 athletic departments make a profit dumbass, thats not where the money is going

Because the college tuition, UBI and all that other shit is just bait to take away our guns, rights, race, culture and history.
Fuck off commie jew.

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Imagine trusting a fucking JEW to lead the nation.
A Jew millionaire that bitches about other millionaires at that and tells White people they don't know what it is to be poor.
You'd have to be a fucking idiot.
At least Trump pretended to care about the White working class, the bedrock of this nation.
Fuck you and your Jew dogs.

>The super rich will shift their wealth off shore so the feds can't get it.
You can't pack up land and take it overseas. Estate taxes are rock-solid. We've been over this.

>implying I support republicucks neocon faggots
Democrats, Republicans. Two sides of the same coin. They're both shit. Neither party has any interest in preserving western ideals. Both are (((globalist))) parties. Let me know when a movement emerges that actually venerates classical western culture, art, history, philosophy, and civilization. That would be the party for me. Until then, I'm out.

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Bernie Sanders voted in favor of the federal student loan program that caused tuition to go up dramatically. It turns out that when you give 18 year olds who never worked in their life unlimited money, the college's can charge whatever they want for tuition.

third positionism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leftism > neoconism
conservativism is still closer in spirit to trad ideology, even if its further in practical quality. and since there is no option to vote for real politics, our best bet is to vote for this particular flavour of fake politics

Most jobs nowadays prefer employees with degrees. This even includes simple jobs that involve simple tasks.

You have no idea what communism is.

Please tell me all about it, I'm sure I know nothing of how it cheats people out of aid despite being enrolled on it because you're over a certain income threshold and according to them dont need the help someone retired with no income clearly does need.

I'd rather vote for a shotgun blast to my brain than a kike. Trump may be a kike puppet, but Boinie Sanduhz is an actual kike.

Why do millennials support government-controlled healthcare but not government-controlled education?

Government could set tuition prices and make Harvard affordable or free for everyone.

>You can't pack up land and take it overseas. Estate taxes are rock-solid
What are offshore trusts for $200, Alex.

Didnt he sell out his voterbase, split the donations with Hillary and bought another house?
On top of that, he's a fucking coward.

What about the blacks who are into engineering or computer science?

avg tuition at 4yr universities in '74 was $599.

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fuck their holy land right in its ass. they got 40 billion dollars and all we got was negative earnings growth in the first quarter of 2019... which makes that 3.2% gdp growth look like a lie

I don’t know why you think we had it easier than you do today. Travel was unheard of except for trips to grandma’s in Florida in the back of a hot station wagon with no AC in July. Entertainment was highly censored and bland vs stuff that started surfacing in the late 80s and on (except for music, we had the best music), jobs were boring and you were expected to spend your entire career at one place, women were more prude and required much more work to lay than you lucky bastards have with swiping on an app, religion was the most important thing and not holding dogmatic beliefs meant instant ostracism, not being married and having kids by 25 made you “weird” and people thought you were a closeted homosexual, and life was just more dangerous due to threats of drafts, nuclear annihilation, shitty regulation, open corruption, etc.

You guys are blind to just how great you have it. I so would have rather been born in 1998 vs 1958. Stop being so spoiled and stupid.

>cue african helicopter memes

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40 billion dollars and we get nothing out of it. seriously, we need a new party so we can lock up neocons and neolibs.

I'm gonna be honest, if college become super low tuition I'm gonna jump on that shit and my masters while the opportunity is there.

I graduated with a bachelors debt free as I was a poor kid and got a lot of grants and scholarships. Now that I make money with my current job all the grants and scholarships have gone poof and I'd be fully out of pocket to go into graduate school which is not an option. University in america absolutely fucks middle class people.

>You have no idea what communism is.

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"Conservatives" don't know shit about the good old days that they long for. There were higher corporate tax rates in America during the 1950s. There were also regulations against union busting, but conservatives never mention this.

All 5 of them will get a job and be fine what's your point?

You do realize that old fuck is literally just another boomer right ? fucktard


>You do realize that boomers fucking hate you, right?
Yes, and they're all dems; hence, why one would vote Republican.

Boomers also didn't have to compete with H1B Visas and Dreamers you fucking retarded faggot
Nor were Spics and Niggers celebrated just for drawing breath

Everything fucks middle class people. The ones that campaign on helping the middle class ends up fucking them the hardest.

>On top of that, he's a fucking coward.
For a "coward", he's very good at standing up against Netanyahu.

I mean, he's saying the right thing but his motivation and practice are garbage.
He's just going to try to deal with it through taxes, not by fixing the actual issue of inflation that makes your stored wealth worthless in the long run unless you're like him and have an astronomical amount.
Same thing for all Democrats, actually. Especially Bernie, though, since he scammed millennials himself.

If you have to compete with people here to pick lettuce and cut lawns, you messed up in life. You have far more career options today than we did. Stop complaining and get the skills in demand by today’s employers.