Anime Gets A Little More Diverse With Carole & Tuesday

>nigger as MC
>interracial lesbo relationship in an anime

seems like anime isn't even safe with leftist agenda, we now have niggers in our anime, they keep pushing these subhumans everywhere in our faces, even in Anime. Fuck niggers and fuck leftist and jews

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Other urls found in this thread:

is this some netflix funded shit

but the while girl isn't a "native japanese" either

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look at the dislike/like ratio, they botted all the likes and removed the dislikes and hateful comments as well.

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Nothing is safe from the Liberals.
Convert to Islam before it's too late.

>Everyone anime has a 100% Asian cast
>But it's not diverse unless it has a nigger

Literally yes.


>tfw cant afford a nord keyboard

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It'll bomb, nips hate niggos

all anime characters are objectively "white" even the japanese ones. Nips are self haters but at least they know what are aesthetically superior thats why anime characters look like us instead of them.

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its not self hate its admiration of beauty

>oh no our escapist faggotry is being fagged up even more than we like
>if only we hadn’t burned all our lives and energy on escapist faggotry we might have some social influence and actually be in a position to do prevent shit like this

meh, overpriced

This anime's ost is about to beat my ass, I'm already loving the vocals and direction! Beautiful!

that's another way to put it, nice digits

Dead on arrival.

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time to go on netflix and downvote that
They wont get away with sjwing muh anime

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This was inevitable.

remember anime character are white people. Nips can deny all they want but it's true.

>Netflix likes to ruin anime
say it isn't so!

This. Michiko to hatchin was a giga flop and western audiences make up like 10% of anime income.
Kikeflix needs to fuck off, they have been trying to kike anime for a while already.

The director has been trying to make people give a shit about brown people since his last project, Michiko e Hatchin.

No one cared. No one will care now. Safley of ignore

Some mod banned me on /a/ last week for making nigger joke in thread about this show, anime board really changed in last few years.

It´s over...

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Literally all anime originated from Japs trying to copy Disney

Anime always was (((their))) agenda for promoting incest and pedophilia.

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Doesn't surprise me

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Lol naruto has been promoting the gay agenda before the social justice craze.


> Anime characters are slim with thin lips and noses
> Obese western mutts: "Wow, they are drawing us!"

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Dios mio wtf is that.

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yeah, blue eyes and brown natural hair, fully asian...

Its today's japan. kek

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Keep defending your pedoshit, faggot

Asian girl has a michael jackson nose, bitch she is plastic, nigger. Western? That's a fucking latina bitch.

Based Ivan.

It´s just the fucking nips desperate to fix the breed because of the virginity problem.

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There's brown women in anime all the time, it's just that being brown is the only way they differ and the artists don't even bother to alter their faces at all

Anime character also have purple or red eyes, green, blue and pink hairs, but their facial shape and feature is unmistakably Asian, except for white Kangz who go "my ancestor :)))" on it.

Brown isnt black, in this case shes black even with the afro hair + gay.


Japanese won't watch it. Fine. In the west, black weebs won't watch it because it's sentimental and not action/shounen. White weebs won't watch it because it's crap. Yuri fangirls will give lipservice to it but won't like it because the whole thing about yuri is that it's pretty and the black girl isn't even attractive. SJWs that don't know shit about anime will watch the first ep on Netflix and then just remember their backlog of other things. They'll say they like the idea but just "can't get into anime."

It will be a failure worldwide and Japan will learn that there is no money to be made in the woke western market.

Also... Shinichiro Watanabe really did just sort of peter out. Like... Cowboy Bebop and SamCham had it's cool edgy appeal in the early 2000s. Kids on the slope was boring gay shit and Sound Euphonia/Liz and the Blue Bird is better. Zankyou no Terror is nothing but empty thematic bullshit. Sort of like Cowboy Bebop but with no light-hearted breaks in it.

I haven't seen Space Dandy.

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>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
>1 Corinthians 13:11

Put away the cartoons and video games. Big changes are coming and we're going to need men to deal with them.

anime is's over lads..

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Bullshit, what asian has blonde hair, or red hair. You can't admit the fact that Anime emulates white people because powerful white Americans conquered Japan. The USA was 95% white when we conquered Japan. You're some Chinese dogeater, you know nothing about Anime. My people created the modern Japan, yours did not.

Anime characters are a work of fiction and are not representation of real people. Japanese people see anime character as Japanese because they're speaking Japanese in Japanese setting. Stop shoving your shitty race realism into works of fiction meant to escape from the real world.

>Netflix anime is a diversity-pushing dumpster fire
What a shocker. They can't even be original, its literally just Nodame Cantabile and K-on thrown in a blender with a veneer of Aria smeared on top.

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Bullshit, anime characters look more like white people than asians. Asians are all bug people with black hair and black eyes. Anime is not that.

Based and redpilled

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does anyone actually watch this shit?

Anime has always had degeneracy though. Like Bocu no pico when a bunch of children have gay sex with each other.

If anime is white character then why are your birthrates so low? Anime girls are of perfection.

Damn thats some serious fetal alcohol syndrome

Your birthrates are lower than ours faggot, don't talk shit. Do you need another nuke bitch?

Anime characters are their own race
I hope no one watches this shit. Is the being made by an American? I always said if sjw's try to ruin anime, it'd be easy to filter out the western made garbage.


Nice try english teacher.

Not the first time.

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Pajeets, based tanned pajeets.

>Anime girls are of perfection.
And that's why you make them look like white women. CASE AND POINT. From the gook himself.

>normies talking about anime
god FUCKING dammit
the island is getting smaller

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Quick exchange good anime while jannies are gone

5: Goblin Slayer (first half)
4: Attack on Titan (still based)
3: JoJo part 5
2: Konosuba (neet gets brought to a video game world and gets the most useless companions ever, namely a self ascribed water goddess who is borderline retarded, a magician who unlocked the highest form of magic first and can only use one shot per day, and a crusader who’s extremely perverted and misses every attack.)
1: Rising of the Shield Hero (best waifu of all time and a good story where the hero is framed by a slut in the beginning and he has to continue living in a world that hates him.)

I saw that comment, too. So fake.

Yuri is life

If it's Netflix funded it's not real anime.

Girls und panzer is pretty based too.

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Powerful image of Jay Z and Beyonce

I only watched anime on adult swim, sue me for not being a faggot.

/a/ is a no fun allowed zone. The autists think that fun prevents them from having high-level discussion about anime, which they think is very important to have.

I’m sorry what please explain my dick can only get so hard.

>Japan will learn that there is no money to be made in the woke western market
this is already established in japan.

>blonde extensions
>gaudy dress
>likes to dance
idk pablo jynx is pretty niggerish.

Nothing about this is new to anime, even if we only look at anime made this year.

But people who don't watch anime wouldn't know that.

Rising of the Shield Hero is based read this article for proof.

5. Gargantia of the Verdurous Planet
4. Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
3. Last Exile
2. Puella Magi Madoka Magica
1. Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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80s style was literally based in caucasian people.

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RIP japan

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1. madoka
2. clannad
3. hyouka
4. love live
5. k-on
more actiony stuff
1. bubblegum crisis
2. s-cry-ed
3. psycho pass
4. sword art
5. blue gender
those are my favorites.

One of the best anime of the season. Plus fappable yuri fanfic

>sword art
Deceptively based due to women with high price and feminism throwing themselves on the ground in front of the MC

Right? Because that's totally an asian woman and not a white person.

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Sword art is a fucking childish joke (only the season 1 is good)
>Love Live!

I like emotional stuff.

Maxima is based. Have you seen mob psycho 100 yet?

>Hibike Euphonium
>not boring gay shit
That show has as many dramatic pauses as it has spoken words.


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5. Kill la Kill
4. Kare Kano
3. Madoka Magica
2. Monogotari Series
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion

>be Gatsu
>slay thots as demons

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You have excellent taste

1. Samurai Flamenco
2. Space Dandy
3. Parasyte
4. AOT first 2 seasons
5. Konosuba

i alternate between 9anime and toonami (when the site works and wont rape my computer)
i watch a mix of sub and dub, making me a low to mid tier casual.

its when low ranking fags like me think they deserve any meaningful input on the subject. the only reason im not just lurking is that on all the fronts of escapism, anime may be one of the few that is holding a ferm line against the invasion of normie influence

They could’ve added like 15 more episodes to season 1 before Kirisuna happened and milked the shit out of everyone. People liked the tease and the build up more than the climax.

the lil nigga sucks cock on request