Anyone here can tell me how to stop being a half baked lazy ass nigger-tier motherfucker.
Anytime i try to do one thing to impove myself i end up doing jack shit.
I start saying i wanna lose weight and end up doing nothing.
I say i want to study for uni and end up doing nothing.
All i want to do is be a guy that can function.
Anyone here can tell me how to stop being a half baked lazy ass nigger-tier motherfucker
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maybe u could put bricks in ur pocket and hang off a bridge faggot kys
do it.
do it NOW.
no excuses.
Start with working out.
Once you start working out you will feel great of your accomplishments.
You will want to do more and it will be hard to stop again.
Once you know how this works, just do the next thing you wanna improve.
Keep at it.
Don't give up.
Take Concerta or aderrall like a normal human being
In most workplaces there are fundamentally two types of employees. Workers and slackers. Slackers stand around talking all day. They make friends with each other and their bosses. Slackers love working with each other because it's basically just hanging out with friends. That's why they're the ones getting promoted. We look out for people we like, so the most important thing in looking for a promotion is making friends with the boss. If you manage to make friends in high places, sooner or later you'll land somewhere high up too. All the higher ups are socialite slackers- this is important to remember.
Workers are the golden goose keeping the business running. They're perpetually overworked and forced to do the jobs of 2-3 people alone. Despite this, nobody ever recognizes them. Out of sight, out of mind. You will only ever receive negative reinforcement because the only time interaction occurs is when you fail to complete your (unreasonable) workload. This cements you as being lazy in the mind of the boss. Despite being the hardest working and most productive, you are devalued in comparison to the social slackers. Why? The boss just likes them more.
The bottom line here is that the ability to make friends is more valuable than any kind of actual skill or work you could do. Networking is king. Make friends with a rich kid because his dad will hook you up with a six figure salary sitting around doing nothing because hey what else are friends for? No experience, no diploma, forget engineering or computer science. That's what they pay the workers (half your salary) for. You're just there to goof off and chat with buddy so that his time on the clock passes just a little bit easier.
At last I truly see. I was just grumbling to my wife about how if it wasn't for the mistakes I make, my boss wouldn't admit I did anything
>Didn't do
My sides
do 3 pushups before every shower
the habit will become automated
then adding 1 more and 1 more becomes VERY easy.
Dont stop trying!
We have all been at your place before my dude. But don't give up. It feels shit when you try and fail, but keep trying, and keep failing.
One of the days you fail you will get SO FUCKING fed up with yourself, you WILL push through. Thats the real secret, you're welcome, dont @ me.
Nothing realy
Goyim are ment to be cattle
Work your ass off in a warehouse
Once you push through, it becomes a snowball effect. Trust me, keep trying, keep going, keep failing. But don't try to just fail, try with viggor in your heart.
Get fucking angry at yourself, command yourself.
>when someone loses then spergs for years
just stop
I felt this in my soul man
You sound young. What you’re experiencing will naturally dissipate as you inch closer and closer to 40 without having accomplished anything. Because lemme tell ya buddy, if your ass isn’t in gear by the time you’re 40 I can guarantee you will die poor and alone and probably homeless.
Start smoking weed. You’ll have a reason to earn money. Before you know it you’re halfway through uni because you know it will increase your chances of making more money = weed. Suddenly you have a house and a family because they are the perfect location and facade for your weed growing operation.
Please just kill me shlomo
Finish the job
I don’t want to live in this world anymore
When are you guys gonna snuff us out? How long is it going to take? I’m ready to die
>Start with working out.
No, start with cleaning your messy-ass dwelling place and taking a shower. Then go work out.
Maybe you have adhd and a problem with your executive function due to that part of the brain being underdeveloped.
how 2 get concerta? cant get it here without a prescription and i cant go and get evidented as a pill fag
Fuck, I'm dying.
welcome to jewprogramming. school is jew programming, when you are tought from young age to think about shit instead of do shit you become useless.
Go to Jow Forums if you want to lose weight and watch the magic work
Clean your penis
the only fix is actually doing something
find something you enjoy, and do it religiously, like fuckin clockwork.
that's your structure sorted.
then find something you enjoy less, and add it into your routine.
and just build up into things you need to do.
and then before you know it, you've improved.
stop watching anime faggot
Try to you "You-Proof" your life. Ponder what that means for a minute, and then see if you can think of anything you can do.
>take shower before workout
lol wut
fucking ouch
I'm not fat but I have literal assburgers.
I just don't have any incentive to work out, nothing is driving me.
>find something you enjoy, and do it religiously, like fuckin clockwork.
Watching youtube videos.
>then find something you enjoy less, and add it into your routine.
Posting on Jow Forums.
Don't say, do
then you gotta turn it into a job to watch those videos. You gotta do it even when you don't want to.
You gotta post on Jow Forums like you're literally a paid shill.
It's a small start (certainly given your predelictions) but it's something
>muh bootstraps just work harder goychan
what this anons says is the truth from the evidence of my whole life experience.
basically if your personality type isn't an obnoxious normie your'e going to eat shit your whole life and be shat on even harder if you dare to complain.
i like weed and booze but i eat multivitamin, am i ok?
or you need to be such a madlad of counter-normie that you form a cult of personality