Truth right here

Face reality you snowflakes

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Democrats are the real nazis

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American leftists have no fucking mental state whatsoever. they should come live here and we will teach themm all about how great "far left" really is fucking dumb ass lying loser

Seems like a balanced and well thought out statement.

I am an he assrealy spii i had he beases of ja educaions. Nunchuk, Daekwondo, Beefchuck, noing gread iskrally indellekc can no comprehand all hings. Rabbis' always yeel : Möshe demonsrad decknieeks on knoing goyimses! : i demonsrad goyish rampage golem desruksion. More hen 6,000,000 golem desruked by Möshe had is me sorvend of Rabbis and G*d o rain juwsdace on bad goy. Pladinumsdein and goldenberg recommended Möshe hat is me to wride posk his o demonsrad uselessness in resisking Hebrew superioricky on goyim. Mudslambs give up know or Möshe me is dhad he will add you for collecsion of sdeinbacks, and bergbucks widh ineresk. Dehy do no call me Möshe he ilamb layer for noding. Rabbi alway ay Möhe me i he bring back hekel o all choen one. Möhe i wadching you goy. Möhe never forged dypography of bad goy.

Möe dad i me i confron all you bad goy.
Bad goy! Rabbi know you bad o hey end Möe o end bad goy.
Goy ge rap in lp onigh if no pod rply!

I wish we could deport them all to based Poland for retraining.

National socialism is left leaning. However, it’s benefits are only directed towards its citizens.

I will gladly walk with them through the old socialist neighborhoods where the buildings look like shit covered in graffiti because of the nihilism and apathy it produces. They can see our communist boomers who are all fat self entitled assholes who cry and moan because nowadays they actually have to WORK (many just flee to foreign country like germany and UK for gibs from fear). In soviet times people went to work DRUNK and nothing ever got done. Slowly we are changing but slowly. communism is a fucking disease socialism is mental tyranny. People always think its just economic its far worse. it fucked up our boomers beyond mentally repairing.

what is this new copy pasta you are spamming?