Is romance and love real or is it just a disney thing? If so, is that really good? Can I live it?
Is romance and love real or is it just a disney thing? If so, is that really good? Can I live it?
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And you shouldnt until youre 14 or 15 at least
Its not real
We are all gonna die, welcome to life.
Nothing is real.
It’s real, but it’s not this unbreakable force disney usually portrays. And it can come in any way and be as messy as it is easy. It’s just a chemical response in our brain meant for reproduction. But we can put any meaning to it as we please. Welcome to humanity, it’s complicated.
How can you die if you are not real?
Not real. Love is just a meme invented by advertisers to sell you stuff. They make you feel like you're missing out on something vitally important, then claim they can sell you stuff to fix that problem.
It's insidious. Love is just a meme. Ignore it and get on with your life.
love isn't for ugly people like you Op only for chad
It's real, though as other user posted, it's not unbreakable. It isn't easy to maintain. Oh, let's not forget that true love is not easy to find either. Most of the times people just misjudge any sort of good emotions as "love" and end up in shitty relationships.
False. Love is blind so being ugly is actually like a filter for finding love. If you can find a girl who is into you despite you being a troll then you will have found love.
but I am a chad, just introvert
and then the same people say that love doesn't exist, just because of their lack of experience/luck/brain capacity. kek
How did you find out? Can you provide me with reliable sources?
[spoiler]He can't desu, he just posted a meme.[/spoiler]
Feelings are as real as you make them out to be
Just remember that love and lust go hand in hand when you start knowing a person and transcends into a more long-term, routine-based comfortable love
Make sure to factor in more than looks when you find a person and look for potentially destructive incompatibilities. Ask the person you might like to do different activities, under the guise of dates, it's crazy how much you can learn about their behavior that way (for example, if they like going out or staying in, how well they react to problems, how clingy and needy they can be, etc)
Make sure to see if they have a balanced emotional system (i.e they don't overreact when a possible fight breaks off) and that they don't pose much negative qualities (no habits which you might consider inappropriate)
Finding a soulmate takes some time, don't be discouraged to make mistakes and learn from them. The right one won't always be the first and humans are an emotionally changing species; while some people tend to be stable, there are many who are explosive or temperamental.
Best of luck on your endeavors OP!
>And you shouldnt until youre 14 or 15 at least
implying any girl would want you for you past 15.
real love is teenage love. where we don't care about looks. maybe im just a boomer.
teenage love doesnt look at height, money, and all that shit.
dont say real love past puberty because thats absolute bullshit
Love is a meme
My last gf claims to still love me. We only dated for a couple months before I broke up with her, but she is more than willing to marry me and be with me forever. She's okay with my flaws. She's even willing to start dating again at any time. She just loves everything about me I guess.
For anyone that wants to know why I dumped her, it's because she's fucking crazy. Lots of emotional problems, she could have a break down at the drop of a pen. She says she's better but I don't think I want to deal with that all again
Romance and love is a real deal.
I lost my GF, and I do miss those warm, fuzzy feelings every time we were together.
Cherish those moments, man.
Go out with her on a "friends-only" basis and take note of her behavior. Wouldn't hurt to try and see if she's changed.
Same boat as you, man. It hurts every time I stumble upon stuff that reminds me of her
It is real but fleeting and too frequently proven to be a waste of time that, while potentially pleasant, at best proves to be a mild distraction and at worst can lead to emotional, financial and social ruin.
Romance and love has been treated with a degree of disdain and sometimes outright contempt at various points of history. It's really only in the past 200+ years that seeking romantic fulfillment has been raised to a level that it is something worthy of aspiring towards. Most societies throughout human history rewarded a certain level of cold calculation given to amorous pairings with the understanding that, fundamentally, love is just a product of familiarity over time and the type of burning passion produced from hormonal youngsters is potentially damaging to both parties.
tl:dr it's real but can also be reached backwards through arranged marriages
Love and romance are absolutely real, it's just very different than its portrayed in the media. It's hard work at times especially in the long run. But if you can find the right person it's all worth it.
> teenage love. where we don't care about looks
Stop sniffing glue, it's getting to you
Pretty real.
It's the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I can't see why it couldn't happen to you.
its real but the price is never worth it, I gave up looking for it a long time ago
Don't do this if there is even a slight chance that she would put on an act. For some people with emotional problems, their whole public life is an act.
Not him, but love isn't for everyone. While I think it exists, only certain people can truly achieve it or even feel it.
For example, I truly think I was meant to be alone. Pretty sure I'll never find it myself for a very specific reason - I'm a violent sociopath. I only feel love some of the time so it cant be helped.
I was fed ungodly amounts of amphetamines as a child and neglected a lot in my life. Isolated, alien to the feelings of others, and tormented for my differences I grew up hating everyone around me. Despite seeming like a well adjusted person after some personal growth and age, there are still times when I'm consumed with such intense feelings of sadism and hatred that I excuse myself from forming close bonds with others entiriely. many have attempted to get close. While I oscillate between this hatred and feelings of love and empathy, there are times I can dehumanize their lives to those of ants. I have an extreme capability for violence , I truly enjoy it for no reason beyond a sense of cruelty at times. It's a permenant part of me I can't be rid of. Such behavior exists on a continuum. All people share it to a varying degrees, as they share the ability for feel empathy. That degree of love you can feel is just not universal to all.
>It's really only in the past 200+ years that seeking romantic fulfillment has been raised to a level that it is something worthy of aspiring towards
>The last 200 years
Shakespeare's Sonnets were a thing 400 years ago, and before that you can read of ancient mythology and religious/ philosophical teachings that say otherwise.
It's not real because women don't value abstractions
They are just reproductive automata that continually seek out the most alpha male semen possible
Love™ was invented by the Disney Company in 1937 as a means to promote Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Duh
>implying women are capable of love in the first place
Fuck off with your memes.