How much politics do writers of big TV show intentionally include in scripts?

I see these threads here complaining about “muhh, stronk wymen killed evil blue eyed Nordic man” and “walls don’t work, only diversity does, just look at GOT” and “have sex any time you can with strangers, no condoms... because who knows, it might be your last day!”

But isn’t this just all reflecting the common mainstream ideas the viewers of these shows already have? If viewers were all Christians with strong family values and patriotic ideas of defending the border... wouldn’t GOT just have had a major battle at the wall with the King’s Slayer in a shiny armor killing the Night King in hand to hand combat while women in long dresses cheer from the wall tops?

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I hate to break it to you but the events in last nights episode of GOT were foreshadowed in a book that came out 20 years ago.

Walls have historically not been effective at forever preventing invasion. IN some case they even provoke it.
Setting aside differences and uniting to fight common enemies has happened throughout history, much like when the GReek City states united to fight off the Persians (and then divided again to kill each other)
GRR Martin was inspired by history.

everything on television was put there with some kind of intent.
also game of thrones is gay

>Walls have historically not been effective at forever preventing invasion. IN some case they even provoke it.

>caring so much about mindless entertainment
i dont get it

>Walls have historically not been effective at forever preventing invasion. IN some case they even provoke it.

I give you two examples of massively effective walls / barriers.

A. East Germany. Say what you want, but the wall/barrier worked. Between 1949 and 1961, over 3 million Germans illegally exited the GDR and moved to the West. During the time of the wall/iron fence from 61 to 89, this number dropped to around 100,000.

B. Israel. Illegal immigration from Africa to Israel (often also referred to as infiltration by the Israeli media and by Israeli government organizations) refers to the act of African nationals entering Israel in violation of Israeli law. This phenomenon began in the second half of the 2000s, when a large number of people from Africa entered Israel, mainly through the unfenced border between Israel and Egypt. According to the data of the Israeli Interior Ministry, 26,635 people arrived illegally in this way by July 2010,[10] and over 55,000 by January 2012.[11] In an attempt to curb the influx,[12] Israel constructed the Egypt–Israel barrier, which was completed in December 2013. Since then, illegal crossings have dropped close to 0.

I said "forever" preventing invasion. The Berlin Wall worked for a time, but it's inevitable destruction symbolises the entire fall of communism now.

The Great Wall of China, was breached countless times and ultimately failed to keep out the mongols and continues to cost China enormous amounts in upkeep to this very day.

the Wall in GOT is based on Hadrians wall. A wall that was more there to demarcate territory than act as any sort of defence, You'll note that the Roman's no longer occupy lower Briton.

Your country is literally Muslim now. How dare you try to be all smart n shit..using big words like a faggot

>Walls have historically not been effective at forever preventing invasion


>I said "forever" preventing invasion

Nothing is effective "forever". According to this logic, every mesaure is ineffective since it won't be effective "forever"