How true is this?

well Jow Forums

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Just means we've got the best traps

my hope is that the girl for me is just expensive, and once i make six figures she will appear.

>Jow Forums

your talking to one

Most people still have TDS to this day while we've moved on to clown world a long time ago.

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No, we’re full of love. It’s the elite that hate everyone

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This. Its odd to be at that stage where youre still building up yourself while a good amount of your friends are already sort of set on their paths/lives. Especially when they have partners. Its kind of eye opening, essentially as a man your job is to have the job, the money, and the looks. A bit sobering to find out that the companionship and acceptance of the other person is a side effect of those things and not really the purpose or goal of the relationship. Then again I might be dead wrong.

Change "most people" to something like "the regressive left"

How many of you are white and nailed down a partner two to three years ago? I'm not asking the shitskins that post here i am asking the white right that made this place popular.
I'll be onto my third child soon and am finding the joys of them bringing home a new flue every month.

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Its showing Jow Forums becoming happy and able to fulfill its goals when it gets a mate. Where as normalfaggots can't get a lover.

kys faggot.

>My name is Jeremy Wade, monster hunter and fishing detective.

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holy shit, americans are so sad. You will only get shit GFs if money is what attracts them in the first place.

im a trad chad and have a qt Aryan gf brother gonna make her my wife soon

Die in Hellfire.

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Replace the girl with hitler

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Saved and Based.

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Kek accurate

Jow Forums is a board of peace and love.

I think you need "Feminists" at the top of the right hand panel.

>Changing your opinion and views because of a bitch

Yikes, count me out you guys are a bunch of faggots.

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Good job, bro!

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Normal people don't give a shit about politics
Leftists are the right panel except "Trump did this"
Jow Forums is the right panel except "Jews did this"

Good for you user make sure you get your tax credits and don't pay a fucking net cent.


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on it

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