Turning into the American one

Here it goes, here it comes.

The new D.E.F. (economic and financial planning document) made by the ministry of economic development and finance plans to import an annual quota of 190'000 NIGGERS to satisfy the national debt (ratio between debt and GDP, which in Italy is very fucking high 131.5%).

The plan is to import them to also provide for retirement payments, since faggot Italians don't have kids.

In the meantime, Civic Nationalist Salvini, says that Italy's doors are "Completely open for whoever escapes war and suffering" while accepting 150 shitskins from Libya.

Attached: tria45.jpg (610x406, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, the Italian democratic party (which is literally a copy cat of the U.S. one) is shilling for Muslim Mayors across the nation.

Attached: image.jpg (327x582, 38K)

Immediately followed by the vice-prime minister DI MAIO CANE BOIA NEGROIDE
>Pic related is his party's candidate for mayorship somewhere

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> niggers on welfare
> paying taxes

More than half of the "Reddito di cittadinanza" (a new form of welfare introduced by Di Maio) goes to niggers. You're right.

Thank god m5s will be dead in the next elections or at least I really hope so desu

>implying niggers pay into societies and aren’t the equivalent of an additional tax burden

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According to the polls, m5s always goes down. The problem is the Democratic party, which according to (((polls))) is rising.

Someone should tell them that immigrants get old too.

No user, were all human beings, we all act the same. If the Italians worked their asses off to create this masterpiece of a country, why wouldn't the niggers do the same?
Are you... racist or something?

Yeah but according to that bourgeois piece of shit, niggers WOULD (nice fantasy) work like animals to provide for this generation. And since italian governments never look further than a 10 year span, it's good for now.

how is Jow Forums gonna spin this to blame the jews is the real question

We have a jew in our parliament, guess what? Like all of you effeminate victimized kikes, he complains non-stop about fascism and racism.
On the other hand, we have a Jewish immigrant, whom somehow got all the way to a popular talkshow (he doesn't even have a proper Italian accent) and he shills for immigration non-stop. So fuck off.

I mean yeah (((polls))) say that but what about ppl that supported them in the first case? What are they saying now? Excluding the anti-vax brainlets

Who? I don't see tv that much only for (((news)))

and the rest of the majority who shills for immigration? good goys right?

Fucking disgusting. Is Salvini's party doing ANYTHING to oppose this? How likely is it to get through?

Parliament = Fiano
Talk show = Gad Lerner

Lerner particularly is rather fucking dishonest, always subtly implies that Italians should stop being loyal to the "big proletarian Italy", subversive af.

In one word? Soros.

Fuck off kike. No one is going to believe anything you have to say here, rat.

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So italians, there are two chairs - one with dicks erected, another with sharp blades. Which one would you choose to sit yourself on and which one would you offer to your mother?

I’m very sorry to hear that

All 70% of those niggers will do is live off of fucking welfare.

It's fresh news, as far as I know Salvini didn't even reply to it yet, waiting.
Although Salvini, in a European commission summit, was pretty redpilled. In fact he said "I will not let my youth get replace with the African one, I will help Italians have kids the same way they used to instead"


i asked a question you dumb mutt faggot


Is the ministry of economic development controlled by 5s or Salvini's party?

5s, unfortunately.


Is there ANY way for this to be stopped? Like does it have to be voted on?

Or that they breedlike rats and have an 85 IQ average.

It technically can be stopped at any given time since it's not a law, but only an economical measure.
Also Salvini is the minister of the interior. Which means that nobody will import anyone without his consent. But he has to act fast, and he's slowly shifting to a softer policy towards immigrants. He truly is a Civic Nationalist after all.

I'll answer (you), sweet merchant.
Ignore most of Italians ITT, they are young and very confused.
It's not only about good goys: Zionists in Italy hold a good amount of power, especially on the communication and economical field of course, so political parties are naturally influenced by these strong lobbies. Fiano is pretty much irrilevant and i can say the same about the holohoax survivor senator Liliana Segre. But let's go to straight to the point.

Democratic Party (third way crap similar to en marche or the american democrats) had always a strong connection with zionist lobbies, most of the relevant intellectuals close to this party are jews or very jew friendly. Relationship with Israel kinda good.
LEGA-Salvini is pretty much a puppy of USA and ISRAEL, close to Steve Bannon and to all the american neo-con. It's a think tank that lead to the rise of pro-israel (((rightwing))) parties like VOX and UKIP. They are against immigration but ready to sell the country ass to the banker with the biggest nose.
Unironically Berlusconi was the politician who tried to lighten the bonds with other lobbies, considering he was busy caring for his own (m.a.f.i.a.)

Biggest news/publisher society is owned by De Benedetti, a Zionist jew. Repubblica is the most read newspaper in Italy and is basically the New York Post. All the TV main journalists are jews or masons close to jews (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilli_Gruber as main example).

The biggest automobile manufacturer group in Italy (FIAT) is 100% Zionist. President is John Elkann, a jew.

should i go on?

It looks like this will be the deciding moment for if Salvini really is one of us, and not a zionist controlled opposition stooge. It will also be a defining moment for if there is really even a democratic solution left.

Please keep us posted if and when he does anything in response to this (or nothing at all).

Attached: DemocracyIsASham.jpg (1124x1238, 349K)

Jesus fucking christ! You're right!




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>It looks like this will be the deciding moment for if Salvini really is one of us, and not a zionist controlled opposition stooge

This. If anyone is going to be an actual nationalist and not just a pressure release valve, it would be Salvini.

If he cucks or sells out then I'm officially done with trusting ANY democratic process and will fully believe what is said in your pic.


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If this goes through, Italy is fucked.

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It's fucking disturbing how they are pushing having a foreign race and religion rule over you as being "hip" and "trendy" and """progressive.

at some point it stops being coincidence

The hip and trendy Dems also censored all the Christian crosses in a cemetery to avoid "offending people of Islamic associations". Here. In Italy, yes.



>"Cardinal of Florence, Giuseppe Betori, approved of the sale saying, “The transformation of Western societies into multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multi-religious societies is a fact and a future that inevitably awaits us.”

>"Your countries being invaded by hordes of hostile foreign sub-humans with double-digit IQ averages is inevitable goyim, don't fight it.

Attached: christcucks.jpg (1362x779, 521K)

Pieve di Cento

I've said it before and I will say it again and again until people get it.


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Screw Christianity. The pope sent 500.000€ to spics in Mexico. And now he's emptying all the African social centers (in which Christian niggers take refuge) and taking them to Italy.
He also said that if you don't accept fags, you don't have a human soul.


Attached: FreeYourHate.png (600x599, 312K)

Sounds like the (((pope))) has completely fucking abandoned Christianity.

Like he's literally not even a christian any more. LITERALLY. Just a globalist, New World Order mouthpiece.

The DEF means nothing, you should know that user

What can Salvini do to stop this?

It's the strongest political indicator we have. It might not mean nothing to us NOW, but with the increasing materialistic society that cares too much about GDP etc, it's a good prevision for the future that awaits us.

Lol christcucks BTFO.

It really is a testament to how morally bankrupt and spineless modern christcucks are that they aren't in open revolt about this.

You know what's hilarious? Their divide&conquer tactic is wonderful.
>create irrelevant social tension as covering Christian symbols
>build a narrative of good vs evil
>brainlets fell for point one and get angry at mudshits (even if italy had ZERO terrorist attacks, apart from the sick cunt who tried to kill kids in a bus influenced by point 2 goodvsevil
>cucks and soys shill hard and sperg against brainlets complaing about muh roots
>politics keep selling everything to private corps and bankers
>everyone only cares about muh immigration, even if both PD and Salvini never did anything concrete in the past to avoid this situation (dublin Treaty, lybia conflict ecc.)

So it's basically Jew vs Jew, while population keep getting poorer and even the (((ancap))) and liberal cunts who now praise capitalism will face poverty in the middle-long term.

Also: most of Italian brands are owned by foreign companies..but well let's focus on muh niggers

Everybody got mad at the Dem faggots who did that, not the mudshits.
Also, I honestly would prefer getting poorer rather than getting diversified.
So yes, I care about niggers first rather than muh GDP.
Also, without a revolt I don't know what else is to be done

It's an indicator of the globalist kike occupied govenrment's intended agenda, but not of the people's real opinion's on the subject. And we already know that these kikes want a continued mass non-white invasion of white countries so that isn't new.

What really need is the great masses to realize what's going on and revolt.

Take your meds proxyfag

Diversified? Italy became diversified in the 90's when literally half of Albania and Romania immigrated there, but maybe you are too young to remember. Back then, lefties were against it because slavs are not dumb and instead of fucking with poor people they started robbing every good apartment/mansion.
Now that Albania and Romania are not shitholes anymore they stopped coming: remember that Salvini agreed on the Lybian conflict, main cause of the current mass immigration.
Anyway your statement is weird: you would like to be poorer instead of having less nogs? Do you know that poor people basically start behaving and acting like nogs in the long term?

You are correct. A good sign that a "Nationalist" candidate is Zionist Controlled Opposition is that they promote (((Ultra-Capitalism))) and (((Libertarianism))).

Cultural Marxism and Ultra-Capitalism are two sides of the same subversive kike coin.

Attached: LibertarianismIsJewish2.jpg (800x455, 132K)

the DEF is more about politics than economics at this point, you write whatever might please the bureaucrats in Bruxelles on it, you shouldn't trust that part of the document more than you'd trust its "predictions" when it comes to the output of the Italian economy.
I have the least favorable opinion on this government in here, but i still rather not fall for this sort of political trickery.


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How much power does the DEF actually hold? What do they even really do?

Giovanni Tria (Economy Minister) was a Maoist when younger.

>When I was younger I was Maoist, of the extreme left, then (I became of) liberal ideas.

His son is pro-refugee.

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What is it about these leftist rats ALL supporting open borders?

They seriously care about that more than helping the working class.

They are literally all a bunch of pro-genocide traitors.

DEF stands for "document of economics and finance", it's a document published on yearly basis that's supposed to let the parliament know what economic measures it'll have to debate in the immediate future,
But actually, it's just a "display of intentions" that gets the attention of the media, economists and bureaucrats from all over Europe, therefore anything that'd hint to a change towards an unusual direction could cause a shitstorm, making the content of the document lose any credibility.

That means literally 1 million niggers in 5 fucking years! And of course, know these kikes will increase it to more per year whenever they get the chance.

How likely is this to actually pass?

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Interesting. Thank you.

190.000/year till 2040 btw

>making the content of the document lose any credibility.
by that, i mean to say there's literally no reason for a government who intends not to comply with Bruxelles, to state its real intentions on that document, since we'd face consequences real soon.

That's literal genocide. They are literally promoting the genocide of native Italian people.

I can't believe how fucking blatant they are, holy shit.

They are so open about it now. This really is a struggle for the very survival of our people.

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It's impressive how thoroughly the jews are systematically destroying every single developed nation.

the migrants don't work and if they do they don't pay taxes, they are a negative in any country but by geting them italy can pretend it's growing and ask easier loans to pay the old loans
such is the way of capitalism

Don't be amazed, be angry.

We have to fight back. Your survival is at stake. And the world that these kikes will bring into being will be so utterly hellish that you will cry out in despair that you didn't do more to stop it.

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This isn't fucking Capitalism, this is an organized, malicious assault on European civilization.

Take this as the viscous assault on your very existence that it is.

At this point it's either mass revolution (unlikely yet), or a political party.
Exploitation of democracy to get a truly based and redpilled party to power, Hitler-style.

>if europeans can't rule africans in Africa then africans will go to Europe and get ruled in Europe itself
it's not just jews, it's a complete betrayal of the European elites after losing their comercial empires


If Salvini doesn't fix this then I'm done giving a shit about elections because it's obvious that they don't matter.

>niggers pay more into the system than they take out
>we're serious this time

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I love how all the liberal (((articles))) I've been reading are ALL like:
>New D.E.F. says that by importing 190.000 working immigrants the debt will be lowered

>Working immigrants

190 000 working africans are like what 4 milion of actual africans?


Attached: sheeiit_o_1155270.jpg (640x492, 86K)

>the illiterate, welfare dependent scum that even the third world doesn’t want will pay for our retirements!
I can’t wait to see the world 20 years from now, I wonder what it will look like when not only are all the old people living on the street, but you also have a MASSIVE welfare state with nobody paying into it, and all the starvation and misery that will cause. Will they admit that they made a huge mistake importing all of these people? Or will they import more illiterate refugees to pay for the retirements of the illiterate refugees already here?

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>Consiglio Comunale
that's town council, not mayorship

>Will they admit that they made a huge mistake importing all of these people?

Of course not you stupid faggot. These kike-puppet politicians KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is a direct, malevolent assault on your civilization by a hostile foreign race that is importing another foreign race to replace you while they construct a Neo-bulshevic police state to keep you tied up and helpless while they do it.

Stop making light of this shit, fuck that fucking gay-ass clown meme.

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>More than half
Source on that?
I read that 20% of the requestes came from foreigners, who are to be accepted only if with a clean criminal record and residing in Italy for at least 10 years (of mandatory taxpaying)

do you have bullshit that if after some years they can get the whole fucking family with them?

also if these people are so hardworking couldnt they built roads and electric stations in actual Africa wich is the place with more growth?

Are you going to post some sources for that? The drafts I read never said anything about quotas of immigrants, searching for keyword "Immigrazione" doesn't find anything related (only the usual statements of more decisive contrast to illegal immigration).

All part of the plan.

Voting won't save you, white man.

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Corruption and illiteracy also do their part, as well as mortality rate, underdeveloped economy and environmental factors.
All of this could be improved by foreign aid, but the neoliberist agenda prefers to import third world slaves and save the aids for Israel.
Sadly France and China may also have their hands into the politics of most of Africa, that only worsen things up as it favors corruption and political instability.

I don't think so


(In the latter it doesn't how much, wonder why)
Also, pic related

Attached: def-immigrati-190mila.jpg (808x300, 77K)

They are both predictions of what would happen in case of failure of the current economical reforms, Il Giornale clearly doesn't like the government and is an hive of fake news, they are able to mak a prediction pass as a solid reality while in fact it is not. the piece from FQ is old (June 2018) and both of the articles don't take into account the alternatives to immigration for sustaining old population and debt (automation could be one we should invest on). This predictions are on the same level of those on climate change from 15 years ago, variables change, and a lot of them aren't taken into account to begin with.
Also if importing immigrants is so essential I think it would be of best interests to take our expatriates back, who in every case more literate and useful than africans.


>tfw you don't even know how to spell the names of the people you're shilling

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ilGirnale is FaKe NeWs
Scaricati la bozza del documento, normie

Who am I shilling, nigger?

There's also this cucked faggot


>that profile pic

no they aren't


page 112

fucking Tria and the whole department is filled with traitors

this reminds me of a joke my teacher once told me:
>how many fags can sit on the same chair?
>four, one for each leg

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read my post again, user