30 April 1945

>30 April 1945
>As Allied forces were closing in on Berlin, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide in the Führerbunker

Happy 30th April!

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why'd you have to lose daddy?


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based if redundant numerals hitler was a cringe fag

>and everyone lived happily ever after because evil nazis was defeated
>soviet russia achieved communism where everyone was equal and happy
>capitalist america didn't pursue imperialist goals of oil and exploitation
>everyone cooperated so that far-right doesn't happen again
>mars was colonized by 1991
>pic related

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What a faggot

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Then he burned some poor officers body and fled to Venezuela. Remember that his body was never recovered and he was never confirmed dead as DNA testing wasn't really a thing back then.

thanks its my birthday today first toast is to the big man.

What a absolute faggot

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I did not invent the claim that Hitler was alive, that he had not died in the Bunker, that he had left by submarine to the oases that exist among the icefields of Antarctica. Others said that, his own enemies. And it was logical that it should be so, because this belongs to eternal truth, to a Minne, a Nostalgia that recurs and comes from beyond the Universe. As we have seen, Frederick Barbarossa, King Arthur, all the Aryan Fuhrers have died and not died but only sleep in a mountain cave, icefield, island, oasis among the icefields, hot spot in the midst of cold, fiery ice, frozen fire. Oasis or cavern has the same meaning. The “Hollow Earth,” within, Enchanted Cities of the Himalayas or Andes. My Maestro saw Hitler beneath the earth, in a hidden world, perhaps awaiting the return of the Light of the Black Sun, a New Dawn. The Hyperborean Myth works by itself and through itself. Clearest assurance of a new triumph, the return of Kalki on a white horse.

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At least he killed him self instead of dying in a puddle of his own piss like that degenerate Stalin.

>at least he went out like a coward

feels good, man

Stalin literally drank himself to death. Hitler was an old, sickly man at the end. The kikes probably poisoned Stalin anyway. Hitler never gave (((them))) the satisfaction.

>Eva Braun committed suicide

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imagine the cost of all that ink

>drank himself to death

In 1945 of the Judeo-Christian era: year Fifty-six of our Hitlerian Era, in the month of April, that of Venus. Berlin has become a hell, there is fighting on every corner, the Führer Bunker is bombarded without respite by the Russian airforce, and by artillery shells of every caliber, the Hitler Youth fight without giving or asking any quarter. The remnants of SS troops, those who have not died on the front, on the steppes, battle desperately, women, old men, the SS Division Charlemagne made up of the French, form a cordon around the Bunker, the heroic Spaniards and even Tibetan Monks, mysteriously linked to Hitler, there give up their lives….what an immense battle, what glorious combat!

I also wanted to be there and die for my Führer. My wife agreed that we go and wanted to go with me. More than one hundred Chilean National Socialists were readied as volunteers in the city of Valparaiso, but the German ambassador, married to a North American, would not accept them. There are Comrades still alive who can confirm this. My German SS friends stopped me. Perhaps, without knowing, they did so in order for me to one day write these books…..But today, April 30th, in the Year One Hundred of our era, with clenched teeth I remember everything. The anguish, the sorrow, that blights in the heart….everything, everything was over, the immense dreams of grandeur and human redemption…Until we knew the truth: Hitler had not died. From the ice of Antarctica, he would return….

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>At least he killed him self
funnily enough this was never confirmed (Except you trust the (((Soviets))))

paranoia-induced control freakery
he took the reins from his commanders and fucked the war effort in the most crucial time...
or so they say


It was Adolf Hitler, as Führer, who gave us the most effective example of what the will can do (with the ‘Triumph Of The Will’), standing firm in combat to the end, never bending, from the years of his youth, until his disappearance in the bunker, among the flames, in consummate destiny. With an iron hand he first controlled his nature and his body, he was their lord and master, putting it in the service of the incarnation of the Avatar, the divinity. He was therefore Shudibudishvabhava, the Lord Of Absolute Will.

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Listeners, even those without knowledge of German, would, if Aryans, be gripped and hypnotised by his words; because he represents them all—he speaks for all of them. And if he does it shouting, it is because an entire nation, an entire race, is expressing itself through him.

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Like Apollo, Wotan is a Wolf-God. The SS initiate, the heroes of Wotan, are today also wolves. Siegfried was a wolf ling, a wolf cub and descended from Wotan. Like the Frankish Kings, like Hengist and Horsa, who conquered England and like Fredrick Barbarossa served by two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, while he sleeps in the Kyffhäuserberg. Hitler is an Avatar of Wotan an Antarctic Wolf. Wotan lives forever in the memory of his warriors and his Hyperborean people, as the tireless hunter among the forests of Oak and Ash trees…..only the heroes converted into the wolves, will remain watching and waiting.

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show me his body

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If the War had been won….what then would we be? We would not be the Warrior priests of the new religion of Esoteric Hitlerism, of this old-new religion. Thanks to the drama of the loss and the nostalgic anxiety for what has gone away, we have been able to achieve the pre-science of a universal Cosmogony, a Weltanschauung, able to develop the knowledge to resurrect the heroes who still Keep fighting on the surface of this star. They foresaw that the tragedy would happened in this way, in the rounds of Eternal Return. Adolf Hitler, as The Ultimate Avatar, came to complete the war in such a way that now, he is nothing without us, and we are nothing without him….

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