Life has no meaning...

Life has no meaning, happiness is fleeting and all we do is wander aimless and attach ourselves to things that will never mean something, like 'travelling' and 'women', as if they are really soothing. So besides that, what is the meaning of your life?

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other distractions like art and psychoactive drugs

This is a stupid way of thinking. If everybody thought like you we would all be suicidal caveman and an endangered if not extinct species. Be grateful for your history and learn from the icons of humanity.


And the fact that you even have that image saved on your hard drive is very telling of what kind of person you are and it’s pretty athetic.

Really liked this outfit until I saw the camel toe and now it is just trashy. Get some better fitting shorts lady

If I die, my enemies get stronger. That's why I wake up every day.

>has slayer shirt

The hell , i have 25 bucks that states she only knows raining blood from guitar hero. Why are trendy girls pretending to be metal heads, literally 6 years ago i was considered weird for liking metal. I would hardly wear my band shirts at normie events in college because of that. REEEEE what the fuck

Suicide is surprisingly easy, user. So what are you doing alive?

Please read rule 2.

I am above the age of 18 as i referred to college in past tense. OR if you're talking about Jow Forums rules, number 2 states

> This is the destination for all questions regarding specific personal problems.


I like wandering.

Trying to enjoy myself, surround myself with good loving people, accomplishing something I am proud of (for me not for others), having fun, having experiences, thinking

plus what this guy said

All things you listed are actually good things. If life has no meaning, you are free to make one. If happiness is fleeting you are not missing anything by being unhappy. Wandering is better than path with set future. Things you attach are not you, so you can dispose them whenever you feel too heavy.

>Life has no meaning
A bold generalization if you can’t find meaning in your own

>happiness is fleeting
Mine is in a positive feedback loop

>and all we do is wander aimless and attach ourselves to things that will never mean something, like 'travelling' and 'women',as if they are really soothing.
Well there’s your problem right there, you’re aiming for low hanging fruit

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I wanna fuck an art hoe so baddddd

>Mine is in a positive feedback loop
>Well there’s your problem right there, you’re aiming for low hanging fruit
do tell what do you aim for

>muh legacy
>muh heritage
lol. look at this amerigoblin

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Is survival your meaning? Thats it?

Enjoy yourself with what?
Free to wander aimless like a slave to his sensations?
I have things I find 'enjoyable' and I 'pursue' them, just like I piss everyday. Doesn't make it less meaningless


That's what you call the advancement and development of the past thousands of years of humanity? Just surviving?

>It turns out that chasing shallow happiness with fickle things like pop culture told me to left my life feeling empty and pointless. Who would've thunk it?
If only there were some other way to live life. Wouldn't that be interesting to try?

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lel, would you be happier to know your life "means something"? I doubt it.

Good luck Europoor

I just work a job that I barely enjoy to survive and be able to buy beer, food, books and other shit from time to time.

>what is the meaning of your life?
Productive self-sustaining action. When that ceases, so does life.

Family, friends, art. But none of these things are the end all be all, I think more of the problem is thinking there's really something that endows your life with this big grand 'meaning.' Life isn't a line leading somewhere, it's a point. Live, do things you like, spend time with people you love, do things you care about.

Been to Amsteram, taken all the drugs, fucked the finest whores.

at the end of the day its just like church or whatever other bullshit its just a distraction from those shit feelings, i just try to stay distracted lel

Its kinda sad that thats what I'm living for, I'm studying hard and working out and getting healthy just to get money and stay alive to fuck whores, do drugs, see the WRLD