Was I the asshole?

>Closer to 40 than 30
>Own a 3 flat
>Parents getting up there in years so I give them a unit and help out
>Two years ago deadbeat aunt loses custody of her kid
>Offer to take in the 14 year old girl
>Parents insist its too much of a burden for me and I shouldn't have to do it, insist on them taking custody instead
>Flash forward to last Friday
>Skinny teenage boy is in my backyard when I get home
>Ask him who he is and what he's doing there
>"Its fine"
>Remind him that I didn't ask if it was fine, I asked who he was and why he was on my property
>Kid tells me to fuck off
>I tell him to leave
>He stomps out his cigarette and starts walking towards me
>I draw a gun, don't point it, but repeat the direction
>Kid books it
>Turns out it was my cousin's boyfriend

Was I the asshole? The kid was on my property, I didn't know him from Adam, and he not only refused to identify himself he attempted to become aggressive when he was told to leave.

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No, you weren't an asshole. Talk about your cousin about dating less stupid guys.

Believe me, if I had that kind of power I would. Thanks for the outside perspective.

>some fucking twig that would get his wig split by a real baller trying to act tough just because he's banging a slut on your sofa
>"Was I the asshole?"
Damn bro, if I was in your shoes, I'd just square up with that twink and fuck him in the ass.

No, you're fine. That kid was a dibshit. Lucky he sassed you, a great guy, instead of someone else who would legit kill him for less of a reason

>does the floss on your lawn
>“It’s fine, fuck off”
>scampers away when confronted

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No. Tell your cousin if she keeps dating those guys then she's out

Unironically this. Why would she bring anyone to your property without your permission is beyond me.

Well, if she lived with me we wouldn't have this mess. The problem is she lives with my parents in a different apartment. I'm not sure how much experience you have with telling old German women how to parent, but anything I say is basically met with "I raised two doctors, how many have you raised again?" I have told the kid that her boyfriend isn't allowed on the property.

Also, fun little update, his mother showed up and rang the wrong bell. She wanted to speak to my mother, she got me instead. Thats why I was gone for a little. Dummy gave me enough information during the conversation that I could pull some property tax records so I went ahead and filed a police report. Murum aries attigit, lady.

When she bitches about you telling her how to raise children, remind her that she fucked up enough that you had to take care of her. Fucking boomers are the worst.

>Murum aries attigit, lady.

What does this mean and in what language?

Sounds like your cousin is the asshole

That guy died

frick i miss that intro song

That might be illegal, but the kid definitely deserved it.

Tell her to stop being a dumb slut or shes the systems issue now

>beating up a white boy and splitting his wig is edgy

You offered to shelter a cousin, not some useless fuck of a boyfriend. No you're not the asshole at all. How did he get in though?

Explain the situation to your cousin, you we're not the dick, he engaged in retarded behavior first.

Is he dead?
I don't understand your broken English.

Yeah, because thats great for long term family dynamics. Honestly, its not even that they fucked up, they're just old and sick and need an eye on them. If anything its my scumbag aunt I'm pissed at but life is taking care of that grudge.

Latin for "the ram has touched the wall." It was Caesar's policy of accepting a besieged city's surrender up until the moment the ram touches the wall. From there it was happening and there was nothing the other side could do to stop it.

Throwing hands with a child when you've got a gun on you is foolish. Using slang you learned from a tv show about prison is edgy.

Walked through the gate. That one's on me, I guess, but I don't see much of a point in securing a gate that pretty much anyone could step over.

You acted perfectly normal he was at your house not identifying himself. He also seems like a really disrespectful kid.

>You acted perfectly normal he was at your house not identifying himself
Yep, this. It's your property, someone who you don't know is on it and confronting you and is also aggressively approaching you. Just keep your eyes open for any of his other goons.

I'm less worried about goons given that theres a 120 black German Shepard, already a gun in the situation, and I'm built like a yeti.

120 pound, not 120 dogs.

I bet you would laught at the kid no matter the outcome :3
>floss on lawn, escallates conflict, gets shot
>floss on lawn, escalates conflict, beats the poor boomer to hospital, gets ass raped in prison
>floss on lawn, escalates conflict, shoots the boomer, gets life sentence

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Kid literally could have just said, "Oh hi, I'm [cousin]'s boyfriend, she invited me over. Is that okay?" and had a completely different interaction with you. He chose affirmatively to make that situation go sideways instead, how could you possibly be the asshole here?

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

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120 dogs would be awesome on a bigger piece of land.