I don't even know anymore

>"Wow user, you're the whitest black guy I know"
>"Let me guess user.. you like white girls?"
Sometimes I sit in my room and cry, and I wonder why my life had to be this way... Growing up, I was bullied. I lived in the ghetto, so I was always bullied by my own people. You know what's funny? The white kids accepted me. They were cool. People who looked like me would hurt me, so what other choice did I have?

I almost feel traumatized, because I'm 24 now, and I sometimes get nervous around other black people sometimes. A 6 foot, 200lb black man who still gets anxious when he has to go back to his old neighborhood. I'm black, but I never learned how to be a black man. I dress like a white man, and I talk like a white man. My girlfriend is white. I made it out the hood, and I'm advancing into a great career.

Often, I feel hollow. All my friends are white, but I still feel like I can't trust them. I know how they really feel about black people, you know? I'm just one of the "good ones"... Why don't they have any other black friends? Sometimes it's just all too much. I didn't have a dad, and my mom was an alcoholic, so I never felt like she really loved me.

Jow Forums, I just want an identity. I'm not asking for pity, but if there is anyone else out there like me, how do you deal with this? feeling like you can't choose a side?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Try finding other like minded black people. There are a lot of them my dude

Join one of those nerdy black kid Facebook groups

just attach yourself to a different identity, whether it be political or some other one, then you don't have to put yourself in this rut.

Transition to a white man like mj

I am black as well. I grew up feeling strange around other black people, but was very comfortable around my all black family although they would mock my "white" voice.

I moved past it by realizing that I'm just a different kind of black guy. They say there's no-one lonelier than an intelligent black person, and dammit its true.

But I'll tell you what; the best thing you can do is embrace yourself, your passions and personality, and still associate with other black people like normal. When they say you're the "whitest black guy" or that you're "into white girls" they mainly mean that in a sense that you seem uncomfortable/awkward around your own people, and they can sense that judgmental aura about you, so you make an outsider of yourself. They don't bully you because you're "nerdy" or whatever, they bully you because you act have an air of superiority about you, and I used to be the same way.

Its very easy to judge and look down on your own brethren because well, I don't need to explain it. But you will /NEVER/ be white and when it comes down to it they will /NEVER/ consider you one of their own. You will always need to "prove yourself" to certain groups of white people who will treat you like a black first, person second. So avoid that false identity.

And to expand on this a bit, part of the air of superiority came from my superiority complex that I have came down a lot from, and honestly, fear. I was afraid of other black people because I took them for the boogeymen I heard they were from everyone else, when really, it was just a stigma of dark skin and afro-hair. You have to judge them on a person-to-person basis instead of as a collective. When you change your way of thinking to this, you'll see how they open up to you and you can become more comfortable with them.

And despite having an all-black family, I was mostly raised around females, so I had to develop my own masculine identity. I've got a fun, smoking hot onyx gf with a big ass now though, so I think it all worked out.

Stick to your own. Find a black girl who also is like you in not sympathizing with ghetto mentality.
>I just want an identity.
And yet you'll rob your kids of one by chasing after white women. That's selfish in the extreme.

Listen to this guy, OP. He is the unironic based black man that you should look up to. Not a self-hating guy who shits on his own heritage and then proceeds to shit on another group's out of despair.

I'm not black, so idk how much I can really tell you about your experience and how to handle it. I can tell you the story of a girl I was friends with. She was black, bubbly, nerdy girl. Came from a rough background and struggled her way into a state school. We became friends pretty quickly, we were in the same nerdy ass clubs, most notably a game clubbed that revolved around shit like Dungeons and Dragons.

Two years in she has a mental breakdown over a really mean spirited comment from a black faculty member after they got into a fight over the faculty members comments about a white student. Woman called her an oreo that tries too hard to be white and only surrounds herself with white people etc etc, the shit you probably fear. She lost her fucking mind dude. Became a different person overnight, priorities and relationships all over the place, politically radical with zero understanding of the situations around her, she eventually cut me out of her life. This was in California, so maybe its weird.

Take a deep breath. You are you, and only have control over your actions and reactions. Other black people don't like it? Their problem. It is worth talking about and considering how important 'tribe' has become and how important it will be not too far down the line. Surround yourself with people like you, who you trust. Invest in your history maybe? I know its cliched as fuck, but just slow down and bee urself.

embrace everything. im not black but i'm sure there's other black people who feel like you. I've definitely seen other black user's posting this sort of shit before on /co/ and Jow Forums. Interesting stuff to hear about.

You should be proud that you’re one of the “good ones”. Unfortunately, most stereotypes are indeed rooted in truth, and the vast majority of black men succumb to them. Being civilized is nothing to be ashamed of. Take pride in being better than most of your kind.

why would you want to be part of a society that hates you?
embrace your race and don't look down on your own, learn from them

listen to kodak black

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>this thread

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Wish I could lay the dude that said that the fuck out, that's so messed up. I hate hearing things like this.

>I'm black, but I never learned how to be a black man.
imagine being this prejudiced against yourself

you sound like a good man
relax and live life, youre obviously loved for who you are, do your thing man

Fellow nerdy/alternative black man here. Reporting in to show support.

you're putting too much pressure on yourself user, stop trying to fit into molds and be yourself.

>whites trust you enough to lower their guard around you, but you can't trust them for some reason
>they think you're one of the good ones cause you earned that by not being an ape and that's somehow bad
Go back to the hood and get killed by some crack dealer nog fag. You do 't deserve white people's attention

Yeah, i get you. I'm a pajeet, but i was raised not really in tune with my culture because my parents neglected me, they had their own problems. I don't fit in with the whites, or the indians to be honest. I have bad social skills because of my own mental issues and my parents didnt bring me around any other family. A lot of the people here see indians as scum so it really isnt helpful. I've been made fun of for being uncultured, or not knowing the language. It sucks not fitting in. I dont know anybody else like this

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Stop this bullshit.
You're just a cucked up white boi incel. This board isn't the right place for you. Now fuck off back to Jow Forums

you know what? I bet your mom smoked while she was pregnant with you. not because she was addicted, but because she didn't really want to have you. so, she picked up smoking, half-heartedly hoping that it would kill you. but your mom was too stupid to realize that it wouldn't, so you were born with ADHD. now you're a fucked up person with a mother who didn't want to have you, and here you are being a retarded faggot posting on Jow Forums thinking you're above other people. go crawl back to the whole you came from you fucking piece of shit. i hope you get arrested for trying to rape a child so that you get stabbed to death in prison. fucking stupid nigger. i hope you try to hang yourself and fail so that you get a damaged trachea and have to go to a mental hospital. fuck you.

op, I am so sorry for the people that have and will post on this board saying shit like this. also I'm sorry for saying nigger, i don't mean it as a way to be disrespectful towards black people, although it's certainly ironic considering how I just reacted to a racist

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lol this nigger's mad

This hurt my sides because I laughed so hard

That's a very touching testimony user.
I recommend therapy, of course, since you seem to have suffered a lot from bullying and a professional would probably be very well suited to that. Much better than random retards on the internet.
I think the best advice that came from this thread was to find like-minded black people, with whom you could be yourself in a way that you can't with either your white friends or your black neighborhood.
Your life doesn't need to change, but it looks like you need somewhere to go back to, and just haven't found it yet. Keep searching, user. I'm sure it will work out for you in the end.

You trust a white girl enough to be your girlfriend but you can't trust white people in general enough to be your friend?
What an idiot

>white girls would rather fuck a bitch ass nigger like OP, the lowest of all races, than an average white guy
Yeah, I'm done, fuck this society.

I hate when I put my heart into a post like these and op just fucks off and never responds.

What do you expect from a nigger who hates niggers?

>I'm just one of the "good ones"...
Are you saying you aren't actually good or are you trying to dispute the fact that most niggers are bad?

Don't embrace a racial identity to learn from them. Embrace winners in all races and model yourself after them. You are a free agent. Just because your ancestors were African and did African things doesn't mean you have to or that its wrong to enjoy things pertaining to another culture. Some cultures need to die off and that is okay, and the ghetto niggerism is a prime example. Also try and get over your distrust of whites. This was programmed into you by racist blacks as a cope for thier own laziness.

So I'm white. (Half Mexican really but I look super white). I am confused as to why you feel this way. I don't know the black experience in America but it sounds like you're equating black culture with ghetto culture. What is it you think you should be doing as a black man! Dating black women? Studying black history? Watching bet? Listening to hip hop? I don't understand. My Mexican side may call me whetto but they still love me. I don't let it get me down. I am what I am

>Why don't they have any other black friends?
Why don't YOU have any black friends? Fuck you dude, expecting people do want things that you yourself don't want.

Wow, you're upset.

Yeah, I am. There's a whinny fag complaining why they don't have more nigger friends when this OP can't even stand going back to his old neighborhood full of them. Like, does OP want these white friends to subject themselves to things that real human beings hate, such as crime, violence, etc when he himself would not? What is he expecting? This should be a no-brainer: There are definitely not a lot of black people that belong in white society. They exist, but they are a rarity. But when they come along, it's not like all these white folks crowd around him saying PLEASE BE MY FRIEND OMG!

how did you get a white gf

$20 says OP is white and trolling

Less than 1% of blacks commit violent crimes.


I don't understand your question. You're Anglo-Mexican but asking what a black guy should do dating a black girl? Obviously if they're dating that means they see something in each other just the way they are so why would he have to change himself?
I think it's something you woulnd' understand unless you're black. You could be as smart as Eistein but in a room full of white businessman they will treat you like an outsider that needs to prove themselves before being "allowed" into their social group, or being taken seriously. It's most noticeable in professional environments, but even in every day life. I wouldn't expect you to understand.


>You could be as smart as Eistein but in a room full of white businessman they will treat you like an outsider that needs to prove themselves before being "allowed" into their social group
Oh no I know what you're talking about. I practice that and I'm not even white. You share skin color with a group of people that commit the most crime per capita. They aren't just going to have their doors open for everybody that decides to talk to them. Niggers commit (the most) crime. You need to show them that you aren't interested in that life style. If they aren't keeping an eye out for their own safety, they are simply naive.
I would say this brings us into why you posted this in the first place, as to how to cope with that. I've received my fair share of non-black stereotypes but it's just another part of life. People make decisions based on previous encounters and when they see a brown boy, they expect me to speak spanish (I live in Arizona too, close to the Mexican border). I've worked with people that very clearly thought I was just another dumb spic but eventually came around because - I proved myself to them. I feel like I was going to write more but I lost my thoughts.


Ok I'll give you that one. Out of all those black arrests, those 1,044,012 violent crimes amount to 2.2% of the 500000 of black people. Wow, 2% of blacks commit violent crimes.


Why do Americans care so much about race? reading the OP I thought I travelled to the 1950s, didn't realize it was still this bad in America

>if you don't count X crime, then (it paints a better picture)
Nice dude.
I don't know where you're getting 500M black people but the 2010 census and this
indicate there was "only" about 40M
Total arrests, about 2M, that's a 5% rate.
That same website indicates there was 223M whites, and with 6M arrest rate (rounded up). This put whites at a 2.5% rate.
Now if you consider that niggers do things to get arrested at double the rate of white people, despite there only being 1/5 of them, that 5% should be multiplied by 5. I can't be bothered to do the math for each race individually, but if the entire US population was only white or black, you have a 25% chance to get FUCKED by one of them. Is that really a chance you want to take? Live in a neighborhood where there is a 25% chance they are a convicted criminal?
>Oh but they were convicted before, they might not do it again
>An estimated 68% of released prisoners were arrested within 3 years, 79% within 6 years, and 83% within 9 years.
Dude, you can't hide from the truth.
OLOL Jow Forums PLS GO yeah fuck yourself. You start lying about statistics, you get the sources.

hey I appreciate your posts. I was just busy. I'll take what you said to heart. I've just been doing my own thing and not hanging out with most of my friends lately. I'm in the midwest aka tons of rednecks everywhere in the more rural areas, so you never know who secretly feels a bad way about black people, etc. It's crazy because some of my friends have gotten drunk and said some really suspect shit before, and that only makes me not trust them even more. This is gonna sound stupid, but listening to Kid Cudi makes me feel better every time. I think he suffered from the same issues that I suffer from, especially since he grew up in a very white area.

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>Actual black people start sharing deeply personal stories about their struggles with feeling out of place *among their own people*
>You rush to stuff their stories into your neat little "lol, old-timey bigotry, am I right?" box so fast that you just write them off completely
Are you a trained monkey? How did you skip all critical thinking so utterly to get yourself so cleanly to delivering the trained response?

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It feels weird to browse a thread like this as a bonafide Jow Forums-posting racist and realize that I may be one of the only White people left who can hear a dude like the OP's screams. On some level, I feel embarrassed that so many White people are too busy singing kumbaya to take a problem and a story like yours seriously. It only isolates people like you further when you end up mixed up with them while they all act false about how things really are, and that makes the world a worse place.

This other black guy is absolutely right though. About all of it. Noticing that your People has its problems, serious ones, even, does not take away the responsibility you have as a man to love them and lift them up as best you can - if writing them off and walking away was an option, your heart would not be torn the way it is now in the first place.

All easy jabs and jokes I could make right now aside, it's not like you're the only intelligent brother on Earth. Humble yourself a little and you just might be able to find your way home. For whatever it's worth, this racist-ass cracker with a chip on his shoulder hopes that you do. And not just so you'll keep your damn ashy hands off our women and/or bikes - we're all trying to find our way home in these confusing times, and I respect the struggle. May we all find our peace.

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You've struck me to my core, wise namefag. My life of thoughtcrime ends, tonight.

just bee urself, op :-) everything's fine :-) stop thinking so much :-) :-) :-)

user, you are not acting white. You are acting civilized. You stand out against the usual that people see all the time. Just be you.

ITT negroes with survivors' guilt for escaping the hellhole "their people" created desperately try to convince themselves they're not better than the trash they left behind. You don't trust white people? But you do trust the cesspool of violence and sabotage that inflicted real harm upon you? Eat shit. You shouldn't pine for the ghetto, and a whiskey tango born between two meth labs that somehow grew up to become a surgeon shouldn't yearn for the trailer park. Unless you need the pitter patter of subwoofers and distant gunshots from your youth to help you go to sleep, the correct distance from the ghetto is as far away as you can get. Make your passions, your ideals, your life as you want to live it your identity. Not your melanin content. Most white people have no concept of "their own". The ones that do hold themselves back.

Don't lose trust over a few Uncle Ruckus lines.

You sound like a classy dude. Be proud of who you are and find people that you respect.

OP, Jow Forums was the wrong place for this and you know it.

Stop assigning 'blackness' and 'whiteness' to objects, ideas and actions. Just focus on being a kind person and real friends will stick with you.

>didnt have dad
>mom abused drugs
Ah, typical black family upbringing. How come you didnt turn out like the rest of community then?

>gets anxious when in black ghetto
Dont worry, thats literally how everybody feels in these locations.

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You basically just confirmed that white people are superior in intellect. In fact you feel the way you do because of your strong european admixture. Just embrace it. Yeah, sometimes you will have to prove you're one of the good ones but you ARE IN FACT one of the good ones.

thanks user. that means a lot. I think spending some time by myself and becoming more comfortable with who I really am will help with this.

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Yeah, niggers are truly subhuman garbage. What else is new? Fucking thugs.

Idk man, when I go to the gas stations in the cities, the "collective" of blacks are hood rat scum

Plothole detected!

Person to person dipshit

But person to person, they all wanna do the same thing, rob me and steal my car. Ergo, collectively, fuck violent niggers

How many times have you been mugged or had your car almost stolen?

you're adhering to shitty american identity politics, once you leave that shithole you'll realize people don't care much about your skin color

You can see it in their ugly eyes. I'm a young pretty white boi. Everything they can never be. I dare you to live where I live, and still sit around jerking over values. Fuck 'em. The minute you let your guard down, it's over. It's animal mentality out there, dominance is all that matters.

They drive around with their NigzBop music blasting, glorifying violence and crime. God I fucking hate them. Has a nigger ever helped me?


There's no way to "act like a black man". Fuck you're brainwashed.

I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Illinois and lived there until I was 18. Naturally, all I knew were black people and their bullshit, but at the time, all i wanted to get away from was black people and their bullshit.

I'm somewhat like you user, in the sense that there are times where i feel like i don't belong anywhere. However, I feel like this what caused me to develop my own character who identifies with his own code of conduct and his response to adversity.

Now, I'm 25 and live in the heart of Oregon, far away from Chicago and black people and I love it. My wife is half white half mexican and she too struggled with identity issues. It's pretty fun, though--the both of us have discovered what we want out of life and are carving our personalities with each other.

My advice to you user is keep your vision focused on better days. Before I moved and met my wife, I would spend nights crying and drinking because black people intimidated me and made me feel like they are not interested in a person like myself who acts and dress nothing like the rest of them. I didnt want to conform but I also didn't want to be alone so i was stuck in a rock and a hard place. But for some reason, in yhe back of my mind, I always knew that my life was gojng to be grand and that i would meet the person who understands and accepts me for me. A person who would also help me grow and a person who I could confide in. I found all of that in my wife and man has my life changed.

Bottom line, law of attraction is definitely real as long as you keep on believing in sunnier days.

>all this homoerotic subtext