You see it everywhere. This is just an example of the decline of quality and intelligence of Jews among the younger generation.
This is Adam Moonves, son CBS’s former CEO Les Moonves.
He’s a degenerate druggie and drunk.
Give more examples of Jewish Millennials being pathetic.
I have many, sons and daughters of doctors and lawyers who are coal-burners, druggies, faggots, etc., very few of whom are all that intelligent or formidable in the way their parents and grandparents’ generations were.
the diaspora are totally fucked. jewish girls hate their religion and family. super easy lays.
Luke Hill
Can confirm. Was banging a chick I didn’t even know was jewish. One time we were chillen and I started listing the reasons why I’m not a fan of Jews and she told me she’s jewish. I was like uhhh well..whoops. She jumped on me and started sucking my thing and we had insane sex
Nathan Perry
Jewish girls are notoriously promiscuous, have been forever. What's different now is the number who are fucking niggers and having niglets. Insane numbers. And it's always the same w/ the girl's parents. The mother is super excited, super supportive. Typical Jewish over supportive mom stuff. The father just stands there grinning a stupid smile and you can see he wants to kill himself.
Alexander Walker
>I have many, sons and daughters of doctors and lawyers who are coal-burners, druggies, faggots, etc., very few of whom are all that intelligent or formidable in the way their parents and grandparents’ generations were.
>3 generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves
this is always how it is unless society or a family unit is conservative in nature. decadence and sloth will infect anything it can, and the children of the wealthy who don't need to work to enjoy comfort will not work to keep their comfort.
Isaiah Gomez
Cuck obsessed
Connor Roberts
This is decadence. This happens to every generation that’s had it too good. That’s why the government is importing so many desperate people from the third world. They’ll work for slave wages as compared to your average American wanting top pay just out of college, with full benefits.
Jose Diaz
Jew obsession is pathetic. Story whining about them like a victim, and start getting your own life together
Jace Gray
I'm hardly whining about Jews. I'm celebrating that they're younger generations are pretty pathetic. Hope for the future.
Samuel Ortiz
Seriously though, most people don’t realize this but a large majority of Jews genuinely believe the lies that they themselves created. They end up pozzing themselves and destroying their own life’s. Top that off with non Orthodox Jews having a birth rate of 1.1. Yeah they ain’t looking hot
Brayden Ramirez
>most people don’t realize this but a large majority of Jews genuinely believe the lies that they themselves created
Absolutely. By any measure of living cleanly, Jews fail. More than anyone they not only believe all the liberal crap, they live by those beliefs.
They are both capable and ethnocentric. The conflict arises from the fast that Jews are FANATIC ethnocentrists, while non-Jewish whites have taken it into their heads that they are obliged to be fanatic ANTI-ethnocentrists
Dominic Parker
The younger ones are really bad at jewing, the master jew who gangstalked me was all like "The Godfather" and the millennial and zoomer jews were pretty obvious they were doing a scam. They are fucked.
Evan Roberts
young diaspora jews are as degenerate as city coons
Joseph Lee
>tfw an ethnic jew who converted to Orthodox Christianity >inb4 nothing changed Jews are Christ killing degerate talmudist phrases. I don't care if you don't accept me because I will use my jew shnoz to sniff out the kikes and point them out.
John Rodriguez
>t. Stephen Miller
Caleb Brooks
Imagine I have a bunch of toxic waste. The way you get rid of toxic waste is not by dumping into the water supply. Same thing with jews. They are toxic. The way you get rid of jews is not by breeding with them.
The confederacy had the right ideology. The nazis had the means Combine these two with modern knowledge of genetics. One drop rule. Anyone with a single drop of jew blood is a jew.
Henry Ross
fake news
Jaxson Morgan
THIS. It's just amazing they are willing to sacrifice their own next-of-kin for a few more ounces of control or another million shekels. Even the experimentation shit they pull on the general population trickles down to their families. >tfw when Jews aren't as smart as they lead on.