My gf has been increasingly hostile and less lovey for the past few months and recently told me I am rarely comfortable to talk to which really broke my heart.
idk what I'm doing wrong or how to properly respond to all her hostility without making it worst, and talking to her about it will just make me more uncomfortable to be around. It's starting to feel too late to fix and like we won't go back to how great it used to be.
My gf has been increasingly hostile and less lovey for the past few months and recently told me I am rarely comfortable...
she's a female so of coarse she isn't going to be emotionally sane because 99% of females aren't and its out of your control
3-4 months ago everything was fine.
she cheated on you
they always use emotions to control and manipulate people, that's the main reason I avoid them
Go to the /theredpill it helped me with my relationships. But basically you're spending too much time with her and you're losing your status. My advice is to be more busy/ or act like it. If she texts you, respond 15 minutes after you received it, or even 2 hours. Making yourself look busy helps a lot but I would recommend checking the red pill cuz it helped a lot
Sit her down and talk to her. Just tell her how this all makes you feel, in a non accusatory way (this is extremely important) and that you just want to understand what's going on. If you can't even get her to sit down and have a serious conversation then you're absolutely fucked.
You gotta get on the same page before you can work towards any resolution.
Incel hands typed this but it's not untrue
foid behaviour
Plot twist
OP cheated on gf but OP is too much of a dumbshit to realise shes starting to move on now
She's fucking other dudes.
Start fucking other chicks, dump her once you've found her replacement.
>dump her once you've found her replacement
I bet you have an ex who cheated on you because of your small dick and brain l o l
ghost her. and find a new thot to bang.
Tell her you want to have a serious, calm talk about any issues she has in the relationship
Tell her you love her, and you really want a chance to hear her out
When she explains DO NOT interrupt, tell her she's wrong, or deny anything she says.
Girls like to talk about FEELINGS, to which there is no 'right or wrong'
If she suggests you make a change, try as much as you can
Also, try touching her more, this softens people a bit
She sounds very upset and hurt, if you want to save it you need to prove that you care as much about her happiness as you do your own
m8 she's building up reasons to make you the bad guy and building up enough emotional justification for her to leave you or worst case, cheat on to you. Women are like that.
don't take the incels seriously.
sit her down and have a talk with her about how she's acting. you know, like an adult.
I hate to break it to you, but what people calls “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle and Rise above. Focus on science.
She's stuck in her own positive feedback loop sorry but it's over this is just what women do. Nature wants them to be hypergamous and she's too weak to resist that urge.
Just be glad you weren't married so you probably won't become an alimony slave
Peak incel
Hey OP. I had the same experience a few years ago. I tried to talk to her but it never lasted for too long until she had another outburst, After 2 months I broke up with her. Then after a while she started missing me and realizing what she had lost for no reason whatsoever she apologized on a really long text then she called me crying I told her it was alright. I was over her at that point so I didn't take her back. I never really learned what to do in that kind of situation tho I wish I did.
someone needs to browse r/athiesm more
How long have you two been together?
I think you should say you didn’t know that she felt that way, and that you want to do counseling to work on it. See how she takes it. If she is supportive/receptive of that, there may be hope. I think you should go anyway even if she isnt
That post hit a little too close to home roastie?
I don't know how to find the right time to do this, and even then it might just make things worst.
Maybe it's just because I'm young but I've never really been in love before, finding a new girl wouldn't be all that hard but it would't be the same.
Been together a year.
I just feel like things are ruined, it's been 3 to 4 months like this now. I'll keep trying because I'm not one to give up but I just get so tired sometimes.
>but it would't be the same.
That's just oneitis breh.
Sounds like she cheated and is now annoyed by you. Should probably confront her about the current status of the relationship and her response will be a tell to confirm it
Mate, you're being too insecure which happens at times the longer a relationship lasts. Focus on things that make you better or that you enjoy and she'll change her demeanor again naturally over time.
Lel she is immediately making it your problem.
I dont really want to shitpost, but it does feel like she cheated or maybe some outside attraction in the best case scenario