
Now that shit is going down, who does Jow Forums support?
Should Maduro the commie be removed, or is Guaido a dishonest CIA shill?

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the standard issue rifle is for venezuela forces is the ak-103m. not m4...

things that make me go hmmmm

Wow what great choices!
Honestly Guaido will not change country in any significant way, won't pull people out of poverty or something like that, but will make people die for him, so Maduro.

I support whoever lets us kill the most commies

Then we wait if theres food in venezuels for the next year.
And if that doesnt happen and they start throwing venezuelans to the US well you have been kiked again and Im tired of all this shit.

Here's Guaido "the Grey Fox"'s new Operation

Attached: 1556630145510.png (348x228, 27K)

Also this kek

Attached: Image.jpg (431x997, 57K)

Both are going to lose when Bolsonaro troops enter Venezuela and annex the country for Brazil.

Us senators are tweeting about it so

i support whoever gives me the most blood. blood for the blood god!

Maduro should be removed because at this point if he had a way to resolve the dire economic situation of the country, driving at least 4 million citizens abroad in a few years, he would have.
Guaido is a globalist puppet cianigger tho, at least there is a chance of "free" elections in the future with him.
There are no good answers.

That pose ultimately didn't serve Bill CIA Wilson in the end. Maduro confirmed victor

They used to use more Western guns like AUGs, G3s, FAL and ((galils)) before communism

>Should Maduro the commie be removed, or is Guaido a dishonest CIA shill?

if we continue with venezuela, or interfere, americans will not only die, but we will probably lose this land. for a while.

destabilization is if favor of the zog. Therefore the choice is probably clear.

he's a big guy

Attached: niggers.png (2380x3113, 1.68M)

Because the AR-15s were shit and uncommon outside of the US. Now 50 years later and after a bunch of wars, they are better, cheaper and easier to get outside of the USA.

are there any videos?
all I see are retarded threads with no info/pics/videos.

Lol Israeli slaves working for their masters to try to make a move on iran.

Americans are honestly pathetic creatures. Literal slaves.

Long live Maduro!

One of the few countries not under control of rothschilds banks