How to get rid of social anxiety. It's ruining my life

How to get rid of social anxiety. It's ruining my life.

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just bee yourself man :)

Smoke weed

That made it worse

Are you sure social anxiety is ruining your life? Are you sure it isn't just YOU?

True, how do I get rid of myself?

you cant

learn to cope

then how do you cope?

i dont think of some people as human
i think of them as animals

Set small progressive goals and meet them
For example:
>look 10 people in the eye monday
>say hello to 5 people tuesday
>compliment 5 girls wednesday
>jerk off 50 men thursday


Walk towards the shit that scares you, but in baby steps. It's the only way. Sorry, my man.

Also, work on reversing your negative self talk and bullshit beliefs you likely have about yourself, thats a massive help. It sounds gay, but it works.

Imo working in retail made me an extrovert and I'm so glad that it changed my life for the better! I can go up to any random person and it would be so naturally/not awkward. So I'd suggest working at a grocery store and experience talking to people who come in :)

If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer it here

Seconding this

I don't think you know what extroversion and introversion actually mean.

Literally stop caring

How exactly?

As someone that cured 90% of their social anxiety


And this (though this part came after I progressed through my training)

I feel like my social anxiety is so bad I probably couldn't make it pass the interview

Get professional help

>Just stop caring bro!
How do I do this?

Realize how little everyone else cares. Once you realize that, you will also care less

At a grocery store theres basically no interview lol. Just be yourself and practice beforehand. Trust me bro, it's worth the effort. I always wanted to be that cool guy, and working in retail (for 2+ years) made me that cool guy

Working with sales actually made me more depressed