Reminder that “white” isn’t a race and all you nazis are just LARPing as part of a genetic line

Reminder that “white” isn’t a race and all you nazis are just LARPing as part of a genetic line

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how do people make such blatantly retarded statements without even thinking about it? how can they believe that europe is the only continent with a complex genetic history?

Meaningless rhetorical trick

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It's like saying comic book fans aren't comic book fans they like pictures

White people know white people

Reminder that black isn't a race and all you faggots are just larping claiming that you can be racist against blacks.

Im 100% dutch and my family were literal nazis

>Oh ok, so this means i wouldnt have to pay reparations, right?
>n-no not like that!
t. Shekelberg

I mean yeah its weird i am slavic and hate krauts and anglos and they most likely hate me
But if you put in america against niggers id most likely join up with the bongshits and be "white"

I thank my lucky stars every day that I am not nor will I ever be american

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now that i think bout i am more angry with the bong then that i hate them its a bit too strong
But niggaz that i do hate

Black isn't race.
Negroid is.

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Yes yes, we have no idea why IQ goes down when whites mix with blacks and browns.
Race and Genetics are a social construct.

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Oh yeah....but we are the racists.....kys.

The question that matters is: is it good for us?

>Phenotype similarities don't exist.

White is a standard of character traits not a shade on a pint chart.

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This is a bad meme. Needs edited. Five of those images are photos with the 6th being art. Further, the photo of the human is heavily modified by jewelry. You can very easily make the point the meme wants with straight up images that are cleanly comparable to the whole.

You mean white people don't care about race and don't talk about it in every argument?

Go remind the people that complain about whites all the time you retarded faggot lmao