Half my family now thinks I'm a nazi

Half my family now thinks I'm a nazi.

>be me
>at diner table with mom, sister and dad
>my leftist mom and sister are telling my dad how gender is a social construct and other cuck stuff
>have enough of this shit
>drop some bluepills
>mom and sister looks at me weirdly
>they tell me that I may be an alt-righter and that I need to listen to the way of progress or some shit
>"alt-right? I'm even more than that"
>proceed to drop the redpills about races, gender, etc...
>looks of horror
>"a-user you're joking right?"
>"no I'm very serious"
>sister is like "wow you are a literal nazi scum!"
>"nope I'm national-socialist"
>drop the blackpill about jews and politics
>mom about to cry
>sister is "literally shaking right now, can't believe my brother is a anti-semitic alt-right bigot !"
>dad steps in
>"he actually makes more sense that you both, user could you tell me more"
>mom now cries
>sister too
>mfw dad is redpilled
>mfw thanks Jow Forums

seriously thank you anons for offering me the best weapon out here : logic.

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you need to be 18 to post



good job user. now just start the draft of your memefesto.

Based this is why women are to be seen and not heard stupid whores are overly emotional children who don't care about truth and are incapable of abstract thought.

Attached: 1556424166038.png (391x331, 30K)

>nat soc
Hang yourself

>sister is like "wow you are a literal nazi scum!"
>"nope I'm national-socialist"
You are a bit of a retard arent you

Good job. It starts at home.

Op is fake and gay

put me in the screencap fucking autist and never comeback.

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