Half my family now thinks I'm a nazi.
>be me
>at diner table with mom, sister and dad
>my leftist mom and sister are telling my dad how gender is a social construct and other cuck stuff
>have enough of this shit
>drop some bluepills
>mom and sister looks at me weirdly
>they tell me that I may be an alt-righter and that I need to listen to the way of progress or some shit
>"alt-right? I'm even more than that"
>proceed to drop the redpills about races, gender, etc...
>looks of horror
>"a-user you're joking right?"
>"no I'm very serious"
>sister is like "wow you are a literal nazi scum!"
>"nope I'm national-socialist"
>drop the blackpill about jews and politics
>mom about to cry
>sister is "literally shaking right now, can't believe my brother is a anti-semitic alt-right bigot !"
>dad steps in
>"he actually makes more sense that you both, user could you tell me more"
>mom now cries
>sister too
>mfw dad is redpilled
>mfw thanks Jow Forums
seriously thank you anons for offering me the best weapon out here : logic.