Do girls prefer circumcised or uncircumcised penises?

Do girls prefer circumcised or uncircumcised penises?

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women dont owe you sex

I've met more than my fair share of women say they think uncut looks weird or gross. But then I've seen eurogirls talk about thinking cut cocks are gross

It depends on your area.

This isn't the right place for you.

Euro girls don't even know what circumcised is and if you're from the US lmaoing@your life.

>natural penis looks weird
Lol this is your brain on judaism

>do girls prefer mutilated penises that only jews and muslims have
I wonder.

Lol you're probably American cutfag incels

>caring about the opinions of thots
The only dicks a woman should ever see are those of her husband and (young) sons.
And the only one she'd ever have an 'opinion' on would hopefully be her husband's.

Most Americans are circumcised, most of everyone else are not circumcised. The different is negligible, and someone who is actually attracted to you will not even notice.

shut the fuck up incel

Reminder that circumcision is systematic, gender-based genital mutilation that reduces forever the ability to enjoy sex normally.

A girl saying "I prefer cut penises because uncut looks gross" is the same as a man saying he'd rather have a girlfriend who's had genital mutilation.

In my experience as an American who is not circumcised, women don't know the difference but have generally never seen an uncircumcised penis. They like the sliding foreskin when it's hard but they think it looks weird flaccid.

Don't cut pieces off your baby because a cereal manufacturer told you to.

Woman find sex with 9/10 of men boring. circumcised or uncircumcised doesn't really matter if you can't make her cum anyway.

Jewish girls are always looking for something with 15% off, but the rest doesn't care.

c cucumbers all the way

Puns intended

Wait I didnt add,
Unless he's huge, then I don't care if he's circ'd or not

No, we don't.

But this is about preference.
Like prefering medium rare steak instead of well done (10/10 analogy I know)

stop with the nazi fem bs

I was shocked to learn that circumcision is standard for Amerimutts. I always thought it was just a Jewish thing. There really is no health benefit to it whatsoever. If you're too lazy to wash your foreskin you deserve a cheesy cock.

Circumcised tends to be more painful and take longer in my experience

I like playing with uncut hard and flaccid
So much fun
Cut penises look so dry and sad :c

The only opinion a woman should have on male circumcision is that it should be outlawed. Anything else and she's not worth your time, OP. You might think I'm joking but I'm not, if some woman actually told me she prefered cut or uncut or whatever cocks I'd tell her to fuck off and get her beef curtains trimmed.

trannies are not female


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Logically, uncircumcised makes more sense, kinda like how guys with two arms are more attractive than guys with only one, unless she has some weird fetish.

I Will never make sex anyways, nothing changes

Ah, a fellow uncut man of culture.

I'm 30 and have been with about 40 different grillz. Nearly all of them didn't know I was uncut until after we had sex a few times and asked me about it.

I'd ask them what made them bring it up and they'd say it felt different when they sucked me off and we fucked.

>Different how?
>"Like a ribbed condom"
>Yeah I'm uncut, what do you think about it?
>I really like it.

I know you do you dirty bitches.

I wish I could cut off your tits and clitoris to make fun too

Same here user. There was once a girl I was seeing for a while who was weirdly obsessed over me beng uncut and absolutely loved it. Wish more girls could be that way about it. But yes pretty much every girl I have ever been woth either flat out didnt care or liked it.

Good girl.

I’ve had sex with both. The uncircumcised penis comes too quickly every time while the circumcised penis took forever to get off.

There is no reason to delve into this argument on Jow Forums about cut vs uncut. Us is only country that has normalized it and south Americans are out breeding the whites that get cut. There is nothing you can do about it now if you are cut other than stretching the skin out. If you have a child that is male make it clear you don't want him cut simple as.

>Us is only country that has normalized it
Jews and Muslims do it too. Every male in my majority Muslim country is circumcised.

I was reading somewhere that you can actually sue your parents for getting you cut. At least you can get some $$ mutilated cockboi

If I get a daughter, of course I will make sure to mutilate her

We need to start cutting baby vaginas so they can have an opinion too

Female circumcision is banned in all 50 states. Male genital mutilation is legal in all 50. Yay equality!

Not a problem for me