Would you rather spend 10 hours on a factory line or 1 hour in a bread line?

Would you rather spend 10 hours on a factory line or 1 hour in a bread line?

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I'd rather have my own fucking property without daddy government expecting me to pay him for fucking everything.

is this satire?

learn to hunt, faggots

Hahaha don’t worry comrade you’ll be working 18 hours in that factor to be able to stand in that bread line

Under communism you would do both
Also under communism the breadgiver would steal bread to sell on the black market

>Having so stupid an argument you have to pretend that 10 hours at work can only buy you a loaf of bread.
Can the left be this retarded?

>spend 1 hour in bread line: get bread
>spend 10 hours in factory line: get 10 breads, plus much more, feel accomplished, don't have to sit around for 9 hours like a lump


>there is enough bread for everyone

Why is the left so scared of work?

Do I get weekends off, paid vacation time, and room for promotions/raises?

>the workers party doesn't want to work
Really jogs your noggin.

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24 hours on a factory line, my parents would disown me if I even thought about being a NEET

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because muh white hetetonormative patriarchy and small arms

Oh you stupid fuck, that bread line only last a hour because that's all they can afford to give out food for. First come first serve, if you are lucky that they don't do a voucher system. Fuck of socialist and communist scum.

They don't want to work from the bottom and work their way up because they have a distorted idea about what a career entails.

i don't eat bread anyway lol

youd spend 10 hours on a factory line and then 1 hour in a bread line tard

I currently make my own bread every week. I produce one round, one loaf and a dozen buns. I also make a weekly soup, roast and various veggies from our garden. If you fuckers want the good old days back then start doing shit the way they did in the gold old days. Learn how to cook and preserve. Your first thought should always be "How can I do this myself?"

>more like 5 hours for bread or 10 hours for an actual meal and money left over.

Trips don't lie, this ex-Soviet satellite state knows what's up.

Ten hours at my factory job is $210. I can buy something better than just bread with that.

hahahaahahahahaha i love when some wealthy westerner leacturing people from east about communism being good and just. he needs his head smashed with hammer and tossed to massgrave

Does anyone else feel like neo-Marxists have this antiquated, romanticized idea that we're still living in the late 19th-early 20th century?

>the government is suppose to take care of all your needs and wants
When did this meme start? It has to have been pretty recent, relatively speaking.

Did sitting in front of TV do this to people? Since man has walked the earth he has had to sweat to provide, how the hell is there such a disconnect in peoples heads that they think they can just wish for something and it'll fall in their lap. Fucking leftists are screwed and I don't care, I'll just keep my head down and sweat to provide for my family.

They hate having to stick to a schedule and wake up early. They hate that they can't take a three hour break. They hate all authority but very few don't have any skills or intelligence to live without it so they get mad.

Why do commies want to starve? Bread lines exist because everyone is starving.
Id rather pay and wait 5 minute in a grocery store line, then 5hours in a moldy bread line.

Yes, mass media certainly had an effect. Social media simply solidified the beliefs by enabling these people to gather in one place.

That, and bad faith education.

Spend 1 hour in line for 1 day old bread?
are these rich left leaning westerners fucking retarded?

What if you work at the bread factory?

>When did this meme start?
With the Jews and with the Marxist Socialists.

It was growing up hearing stories like "homeless man invents some shit out of plastic and started a billion dollar company like magic" and all the stories about broke people winning the lottery, becoming an instant celebrity or winning hundreds of thousands in a lawsuit.

Our generation was raised on stories like that. Most poor people, specifically blacks, think they're only poor because they aren't rich yet. I was sort of in that mentality until my early 20s when I realized nobody was ever going to give me anything.

The concept of a "bread line" is not equivalent to
a soup kitchen
the welfare check cashing line.
It already implies that there is an emergency and extreme scarcity and that for this reason the government has implemented centralized food rationing. You don't stand in a bread line for the couple of extra bagels that you forgot to pick up at the gas station. You stand in the bread line because YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO EAT.
The "line" part also implies that there's likely not enough for everybody so you have to be prepared to rush there when something comes in. And where did that something come from? Taken from places that miraculously produced a "surplus" without compensation. Such are the wonders of central planning.


>It has to have been pretty recent, relatively speaking
1917 isnt pretty recent

desu if it was minimum wage i would rather just get welfare.

>implying the bread line would only be an hour long

When you have more people standing in line for food than, you know, producing food, that line will invariably get longer and longer as time goes on.

>Bread line for 1hr $1 worth of food
>Factory $30/hr x8 + 3hr OT $45/hr =$330

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Would I just get in line for bread even though I'm the one who makes the bread? How is this supposed to work?

>Most poor people, specifically blacks, think they're only poor because they aren't rich yet.
Well said

Why are all western commies like this? Are they really this delusional that they think they would get everything for free? That Goods would appear out of thin air?
He would get both the Hour factory work and then a 10 Hour bread line and if he refused to work, he would be forced to work, lest he wanted to be executed


>work 10 hours a day
>buy 100 loaves of bread

>work 12 hours a day
>wait 3 hours in breadline
>get arrested because neighbor doesn't like you
>sent to gulag
>mfw no breadlines
>mfw working 16 hours a day

>minimum wage
IDK how it works in leaf land but here in the USA very few potions pay mimium wage, unless mimium wage is high.

CA has $15 an hour minimum and therefore a lot of places only pay minimum. But Mississippis minimum is like $6 and even McDonald's pays higher.

Capitalists are so afraid of work that they exploit those unfortunate enough to be born poor into doing the work for them, and expect you to be thankful for the 'privilege' while siphoning the value of your labor so they can live a life of leisure.

Does he think the breads magic?

>pretty recent, relatively speaking
>relatively speaking

adverb: relatively

in relation, comparison, or proportion to something else.
"it is perfectly simple, relatively speaking, to store a full catalog entry on magnetic tape"
viewed in comparison with something else rather than absolutely.
"the site was cheap and relatively clean"
synonyms: comparatively, in comparison, by comparison, proportionately; More

So much stupidity from both sides and OP eats it up like a good little retard.

TBF, moron, the right started the retardation.

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Food tastes better when you have to work for it. This reasoning applies to many things. Why do you think women are so unhappy?

>I'd rather spend an hour in a bread line than ten hours on a factory line
>Communists: Why not both?

>feel accomplished
muh pride and accomplishment

you're a fucking cuck

I don't eat bread.

They think Marx is Jesus.

>in a communist country, I won't have to spend 10 hours in a factory anyway

they literally think they'll be able to laze around all day and get bread for free. just quit your job and go on welfare if you want to live the dream.

The factory, because I can get paid and buy more bread. Win win

Unemployment was illegal in soviet union tho

>talking about the basic need of food
>outright lie to push an idea over basic needs

>10 hours of factory line: get paid
>1 hour of bread line: "Ooopsie, sorry. That was our last bread. Come back next week for new ration."

Now think: there are ACTUALLY young adults who phantasize about this commie shit.

This. Alternatively you can work at the factory for 2 minutes and have enough to buy bread.

bread lines=communism=not allowed to be unemployed


>work 10 hours a day
>employer takes 80% of the value of your work and hordes it
>buy 100 loaves of bread subsidized by the exploitation of foreign labor
>the infrastructure that was built by your grandparents and grants you your quality of life slowly crumbles
>pyramid scheme falls apart
>no more bread

basedfag detected

Yeah lmao. In 90% of cases it comes from the exact people who would actually be the ones who get everything taken from them, making their only comfy life they know go to absolute shitter.

First name one person who dies of starvation in the US who wasn’t the victim of a crime or abuse or had an eating disorder

Second if no one wants to work then there won’t be any bread

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> Everyone suddenly just joins bread lines
> No bead gets made
> Wait 10+ hours as people are forced back into the factories to make stuff
Wew lad

> Who, in the West, really works in a factory anymore?

>breadline wait
Try five or six, on a good day. Then you have a wonderful selection when you get to the front of the line of option A or option B, and they are all out of option A. So you're getting option B whether you like it or not. Sometimes they are out of both, so you have to get back in line the next day.

This is the inept communist bureaucracy deciding everyone needs to be fed. Fuck that.

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It’s spelled fantasize, Germanbro.

There is some imagined line where you think wealth collapses under capitalism when it has been the biggest producer of it

>this is how commie statism is justified
Fuggin gas XDDD

> Working in a factory
> Feeling accomplished
Pick one

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How about 15 hours in a bread line, but with no bread at the end?

Now with the logistics provided by computers and internet there would be no lines.

>1 hour for 1 loaf of bread
>10 hours for a nice dinner with your gf*
>*assuming factory pays about 15 bucks an hour. Thats about what I got paid in my factory.

>picture of costomers waiting for sues butique ti open

i did, until they demolished the fucking thing

Bernie Sanders has said something very similar to this

>10 hours for a nice dinner with your gf
this is worse

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>work your way up
What a meme. You can easily spend your entire life breaking your back working in the mines and be 100% guaranteed to not ever be the CEO or even a manager position.
You have to be hired on the way up. Be constantly disloyal to your own company in order to look to be hired in a better position somewhere else. It's not hard to do this either since your company will fire your ass the moment it becomes profitable so fuck them.
Welcome to the age of late stage capitalism and the HR department plague on humanity.

>Be hungry commie.
>Go hunting on The People's Land.
>Get charged for poaching from The People.
>Go to Gulag.

How about you start something on your own instead of trying to climb the corporate ladder

Its not either or. You spend ten hours in the factory and then 1 hour in the bread line.

Actually they have it all wrong. I’d rather spend one hour in a factory than ten hours in a breadline.


Also, why do people feel like they have the right to exist on other peoples' labor?

Who makes the bread?

Nobody, because the bakers all quit to stand in the bread line.

>2hr overtime not 3 = $285
You could probably buy the bread line.

Ten hours on a factory line. I will be eating the steak I bought while you enjoy your free loaf of bread.

>labor theory of value
This is where the meme flag would've come in handy.

The bakers keep stealing the bread to feed their own families.

>muh late stage of capitalism
Lol quit projecting your uselessness on everyone else you commie faggot

You want property you employ the weapons necessary to defend it. Those include deception.

I find it amusing that because you suck, you think it's the end of capitalism.

I know plenty of people who work at car factories, not comfy but they get a decent wage

lol Bread lines. They pushed this in the 70s/80s with russia.

this is like watching a shitty movie over and over. Instead of joo hollywood we get joo twitter pushing narratives.

based striker

>spend 10 hours on factory line
>go to bread line on way home
>4 hours later get home without bread because they ran out
>sleep for a few hours
>get up, back to factory line

Really makes you think.

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