Hey Jow Forums, my parents are on holiday and I purchased ~10 flags, most of them Nationalist Dutch flags (VoC, Prinsenvlag, Oranje-Vrijstaat) and also Rhodesia.
However, I am doubting whether I should hang up the red-Iron Cross flag, my parents are BLUE-PILLED as FUCK and I don't want to get kicked out, I know you are all gonna reply "DO IT FAGGOT/PUSSY" but I hope some non-retarded Jow Forumsfag can tell me their opinion.
wear it like a diaper, nothing else, and go run through your town screaming racist slurs at the top of your lungs
Jonathan Thomas
Unfortunately this
Jaxson Walker
Fucking cringe dude. What are you doing? Can you think this through for even one second? Yeah hang up your flag and let your parents think you’re a failure for the rest of your life. Don’t do it dude.