Should any man not go on dates/stop dating until he's earned his own place, car/motorcycle?
Don't a lot of women get turned off by this, even though a guy's still striving to earn these things (e.g: a house/apartment, his own transportation)?
Let's be honest about this:
By this logic no one under driving age or in college dorm would ever date. And yet a lot of us do.
women dont want to go on dates with me regardless of owning a house, vehicle, and a well paying job
I'm referring to adults (18 and above).
Don't women get turned off by an adult man who doesn't what I've mentioned, while he's still trying to earn them?
How often do you talk to/approach them?
You've done well by being independent, however are you fit/handsome too?
I'm sure you've at least had a date or two before.
user i'd have a gf right now if i was attractive
>user i'd have a gf right now if i was attractive
>Be me
I hope scum like you dies
>>user i'd have a gf right now if i was attractive
>>Be me
>I hope scum like you dies
Whatever dude.
Keep complaining about your life and why women dont want your ugly ass boi
Having a car is irrelevant, but living with your parents once you're past 25 is a turn off, yes. I'm 24 and I have a job and pay rent, so I expect the guy I'm going to be in a relationship with to do this bare minimum "adulting" too. The real truth is that if a guy still lives with his parents past college, then he probably has some issues I don't want to deal with (he's lazy and can't keep a job, he's spoiled by his parents and doesn't want to work, he's a mentally ill NEET, he's not gonna be able to pull his weight in the relationship, he probably doesn't know how to do basic adult shit like paying taxes, keeping his room clean, having some bare minimum cooking skills etc.). Sure there might be some well adjusted guys past 25 that still live with their parents, but in my experience that's not the case.
Also again, having a car is not important, at least for non gold digger women.
After a certain age, like, your early to mid 20's - if you don't have the most BASIC of shit, like a car and a place for me to fuck you without your mother or siblings coming into your bedroom, then it's probably not going to work.
It makes you seem childish and like a failure to launch into adulthood. It sort of lowers you into "desperate fuck boi" status. Unless your dick is huge and I get a few orgasms off of it, you're probably only going to get a one night stand out of if, if not most, of the women you bring home.
im going to say the nword
I'm white, luckily.
Have a physical job I make enough money with and keeps me in shape.
Live alone, have transportation and spare money.
If i go out to a club all I have to do is sit and women will approach me, often for casual sex.
I have male friends & coworkers I can kick the shit with.
I am still miserable.
Welcome to life faggot
Don't know how it is in America but north of the border here there aren't a lot of houses and interest rates are low so everyone's trying to buy. So prices are impossibly expensive and rent is basically just as bad. Feels like it's basically impossible to move out unless you have a partner.
I mean. It's objectively a turn-off, but that doesn't mean you can't still score enough "going places" points to overcome it.
I'm in Europe and in my country, especially in my city, a central one, the housing market is completely fucked up at this point.
I'm 27, and about half of my friends still live with their parents, the other half are renting very small places at absurd prices, most of them sharing with other people, and I can count with less than two hands worth of fingers the friends/colleagues I know who actually bought a place in the last 5 years or so.
Myself, I don't have a car (because I don't really need it, I have transportation almost at my doorstep that gets me quickly to work or to the center or pretty much anywhere), also with gas prices so high it's literally much cheaper to call the occasional Uber once in a while. I also live with my parents because I actually only started a fixed job 2 years ago. I'll say that at this point I've saved around 10k. I could rent, but then I'd have no money left from my income at the end of the month. And I could buy a house, but do I really want to spend 10-15k now in the blink of an eye for the entry payment for a loan (I don't know what you call it in english)?
75% of my money is in Bitcoin and other investiments right now. I've been doing day trading, and since I live with my parents, I can afford to do that, so that maybe, by the end of next year, I can actually buy my own place. Until then, not having a place to fuck or just chill without parents around sucks, yes, my last girlfriend (who's older than me) has her own place, but I got dumped a month ago, and I wish I could give her more, but I just can't. I can't sacrifice my investiment that I know will be very worth it in 1-2 years time. And no matter how much you explain that, and she gets it, you still don't have a house/car and don't seem so 'adult'.
So yeah, tough times. You just gotta do what you gotta do, as long as you're working to improve yourself.
It just depends. I would happily date a guy living with his parents if he had a job or was pursuing an education (even online), especially in places where housing is extremely expensive. It's a great way to save money, especially if you have a good relationship with your parents. My only fear would be making a guy in this situation feel trapped in a relationship with me if he were relying on me to stay out of his parents' house.
You can look attractive and have money while remaining totally unappealing- for example, by being a jealous baby that hates the success of others.
What, don't have your own place to fuck at? I get what you mean though, after a certain point you're just no longer at the same place in life and you don't want to parent your partner. There's a myriad of reasons that someone could be older without a car or a home of their own that don't mean they're any less mature or capable, though. And plenty of men with jobs and cars who are completely fucking useless.
Something I've noticed about white people is that they are completely detached from the rest of America.
For minorities, it's extremely common to
>not have your own place
>not own a car
Even well into your late 20s and beyond. It's just an economic reality in this day and age. Most white people just don't know about it because poor people don't talk about their business and white people don't really associate with them closely enough to ever find out.
Young White people are struggling with debt/the housing market too you self-centered nigger.
Yeah, relate to that. I live with my grandfolks not out of necessity but because it is just impossible (so far) to afford a separate living space that would be relatively big and not a shack. My room at home is bigger than anything in the city.
That's what middle class people like you think, but you take the things you do have for granted and don't even realize it.
It depends where you live and what you mean by your own transportation. Most of my friends are 20-somethings (then again, I live in Europe) without their own place (shared dorms, usually) or their own transportation (except if you call a rusty bicycle transportation) and they get laid just fine. In the post-soviet world it would be different, but round these here places, no-one can afford such shit for himself.
In Toronto,Canada most people in their 20’s still live with their parents.
On some level, I am honestly impressed by the dexterity that must be needed for the "woke" crowd to do enough mental gymnastics to literally insist they can read White people's minds and describe every thought they know is in there as a way of trying to call *us* ignorant and presumptuous.
What, have the Black Hebrew Israelites gotten that much of a foothold in your part of town, that you're convinced now that the whole "WE WUZ SCIENTISTS WITH PSYCHIC POWERS" thing is actually true?
I'm white and most of my friends are middle/upper middle class, but I also have been/know a lot of desperately poor people. Unlike you, I have perspective and don't just regurgitate preprogrammed Jow Forums comments.
lol, get fucked. Yeah, the situation is different for a young nigga from the inner city but that doesn't mean their struggle to find a place is bigger than for some workless student kid with 6k and growing in debt.
>There's a myriad of reasons that someone could be older without a car or a home of their own that don't mean they're any less mature or capable, though.
This is true and there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, it's not seen as a favorable attribute. There are many MANY more dicks in the sea out there who are looking and they got their life more put together - so like I said, unless you are a unique case that's within reason, like your apartment burned down recently and you're staying with your parents until you can get back onto your feed, ain't nobody gonna fuck with ya.
Would you want to date a girl who seems to have been happy sucking on her mommy's tits up to this point in life? She's probably irresponsible with money and too lazy to get her own place and content to stay at home for as long as mommy and daddy will pay her bills. That bitch is most likely a free loader looking for someone to pay their way through life. No thank you!
>Unlike you, I have perspective
No. What you have is babby's first undergraduate realization that there's more world out there than your high school and a massive ego. You've walked into a sociology class that starts with "101" and heard the shocking news that lots of poor black people live with their moms/grandmoms and take the bus, and jumped to the assumption that all the unlearned sheeple out there must be totally oblivious of this insane other world that your eyes have been opened up to.
You're still in the adolescent stage of assuming that everybody else out there *is presently* as ignorant as you recently were, because you haven't matured enough yet to accept that there was a point in your young-adult life where you really were just a clueless kid instead of a "normal" person with a baseline level of knowledge.
I'm 30, kid
>using ignorant presumptions to prove you don't have ignorant assumptions
it would be funny if it weren't so sad, please return to your containment board and stay there
You can be homeless, drug addicted, convicted felon, and still get women.
Stop falling for the provider meme. If you need some financial status symbol to get a girl then you are betabux.
>30 and still thinking like babby in his first sociology class
>For niggers, it's extremely common to
i'm like 30 and a pretty big fuck up and i'm gonna be real with you when i say that your personality and physical expectations are the biggest barrier to you having a better life and getting laid
If a man needs a questionnaire to answer simply, "should I enjoy a fun time with another human?", then their first step is to address that nasty clinical anxiety because it'll fuck up their chances more than anything.
You and I are the same so I say with confidence that we should just bite the bullet and lower our standards. We deserve happiness too even if the other person isn’t perfect.
dating while in school is easy
but when the moment that you feel the need to have your own place and/or you don't have enough cash to do what you want, that's when it gets complicated
You know what’s worse than living with your parents at the start of adulthood? Having parents you can’t fall back on and having to make it on your own or be homeless.
Didn't someone make a thread a month back with almost the same text word for word?
when's the last time you even asked a girl out?
As a chadfisher, I completely believe you
yeah maybe a dumbass woman
aim for not dumb ones mate