But all women care about is fun and are terrified of introversion

But all women care about is fun and are terrified of introversion.

Attached: dont believe his lies.webm (1280x694, 2.87M)

Then get an introvert girl
God damn you guys. Look at yourselves, why is this level of defeat what you think constitutes attractive?

So much self-defeating degenerate mindsets I mean come on take the chance goddamn it.
You get small resistance and you all immediately lay on your back ready to let life fuck you.

Im a pacifist guy in a world that requires aggressivity

You can be an introvert and still be social and fun.

Pussy. You’re lucky you’re growing up now and not when you actually had to fight to survive. You would’ve died very young.

Okay buddy don't be a faggot, you're making us introverts look bad

I agree

While there is nothing wrong with being a pacifist, it is natural to need to assert yourselves at times.
Does this mean you have constantly be a edgy pushing asshole?

But it is required in this world if you’d like to get where you want to get.
It is never too late to start reaching for what you want.
You need to get out of this mindset though.

>lol just get a girl d00d
the state of this board lmfao

That's ok
I don't show in public anyways

This. Please learn to assert yourself and draw boundaries before someone takes advantage of you.

I know, but is a lot of struggle. much more easy go with the flow. I want peace

What if he grew from that nd chose to become a pacifist u silver spoon fucklll

So go make friends
Or did you genuinely come here expecting Jow Forums, of all places, to instruct you on how to be socially adjusted??

We can't be a panacea to all life's problems, my guy. We just cannot.

That is fine if this is what you truly want.
Yet from my experiences, and those who I have made connections with, the peace hardly ever lasts on its own.
The challenge will eventually find its way to you, I have hopes that you will rise above it.

i'm not even OP lol
your advice is trash and you just admitted you're clueless

I don't need to fight for a thing. 2 house inheritance for rent, If I wanted to stop working, I would.
I sexual desire comes, 2 clicks and a infinity of good porn

Like I said, that is fine my man.
If this lifestyle is what suits you, then live it that way.
All I am saying is people I know put in similar situations find that it doesnt last, or in the least have regrets late in life for things they would have done different in regards to their passivity.

Dude, shy girls exist. Lots of girls are also desperate for dates, if you put on some deodorant, smile, make eye contact and get to know her, there's a good chance she'll fall for you.

>Lots of girls are also desperate for dates
I doubt this very much, desu. Not in a mysogynist sort of way, it just seems very unlikely. A girl who is desperate for a date would eventually make an online dating profile and acquire quite a few matches. She would then be able to pick among them. They might not be ideal but she would have options. It wouldn't be like it is for men where you actually get no matches at all.

But expecting them to last or at the very least stay steady is no bueno

My boyfriend and I rarely leave the house and only hang out with each other.

Also stop being a faggot. Really.

No need to be mean

If what you take away from that is “dont be mean” then you are a little dense.

Imagine be 24/7 with someone so aggressive

Imagine spending time with someone who gets offended over getting called a faggot.

Imagine dating someone who gives Free hate to others for nothing

I just told you to stop acting like a faggot, it is not that deep. No hate, no anything. I don't care about you enough to hate you.
Stop being a frail little boy who is scared of words.

You didn't called me, but I thought It was rude

Been there done that.
No excuses

Oh I'm sorry.

Well, then definitely stop being a faggot who gets offended for others.

Stop being such a fag about it then

How to find one of you?

I met my boyfriend online. Thought he was really cute and funny.

dating site or..?

>he was really cute and funny.
That's It guys! just be cute and funny

Dating site. OkCupid. I messaged him first.
We had a couple coffee dates and lunches, then really just hanged out at home 90% of the time.

Should I date someone I find unattractive and boring, user? I'm not a charity, I don't suck dicks out of pity.

Introvert!= socially awkward or anxious
You can have a lot of fun as an introvert outside.

Poor poor guy

He's pretty happy. We have a lot of fun together.

If you are fat he probably is not happy

He's a foot taller and 80 lbs heavier than me. Very, very happy.

two happy bears, nice

Kek. He's 195 lbs and 6'3. He's in pretty good shape.
Neither of us is fat.

I would kill him easily

So edgy. You must be a really tough guy. I'm impressed.
Do you also talk a lot about how big your dick is?

Oh yeah? I'd rob a bank with my bare hands AND kill YOU, who can kill him (that makes me even better than you, who is better than him).

>Do you also talk a lot about how big your dick is?
my dick is average
No you can't

>my dick is average
Nevermind, I'm not dumping my boyfriend for you, dicklet.

But I have fingers and tongue. With your lesbian attitude you would enjoy

If I wanted to get my pussy licked I'd date girls. You're useless.
2/10 wouldn't date even if you killed my bf.

so i will kill you and stay with him

Then you get mad when I call you all faggots.

Dead people don't call bad names

Where to find introvert qt?

>stop being a faggot
>i met him online