>On its website, the Menorah Project explains its vision: “As the Jewish people need to publicly deal with injustice and robbery, we want to publicly bring back the menorah from Rome to Jerusalem.”
>Today, in Rome, one can still see a replica of the menorah at the Arch of Titus, which serves as a reminder of the Roman Empire’s triumph over the Jews in Judea and their conquest of Jerusalem. The Romans destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 C.E.
>The robbery, according to the website, symbolically stands for the distance between the early church and its Jewish roots, which ultimately led to what is known as Replacement theology: the idea that God replaced Israel with the Church, and the original Bible (Old Testament) with a new one. Replacement theology is often blamed as the root cause of antisemitism, including the Holocaust.
>“The church never returned the holy instruments back to the Jewish people,” the Menorah Project explained. “Instead, the church saw itself as the new spiritual Israel… We want to set a statement. We want to accept our failures as a church and set a sign of return.
>“It is a public statement towards the Jewish people and an act of asking for forgiveness as well,” the project continued in a statement. “The replica of the menorah is not meant to be a cult-object but shall find its place as a memorial in Jerusalem.”
jesus says to love, christians believe in jesus and his teachings. christians will spend eternity in heaven as a result. they have been made aware the jesus is the messiah their entire lives and have rebuked him. the jews will spend their time in hell as a result of this.
Nathaniel Cooper
>gold leaf
Wyatt Green
>Replacement theology
Nathan Brooks
Why does it look like a multipronged dildo?
James Nelson
>Why do "Christians" enjoy this kind of cuckoldry?
Christianity is a self-destructive, cuckold/shitskin-cult for idiots and weaklings. Future non-white historians will ultimately realize it was Christianity that destroyed the white race. A simple Google search of "Christian Refugee Ministry" is all the proof you need.
I give the white race about 10 more years before our demographic implosion really begins to kick off. It's already too late.
Cooper Rodriguez
Christcucks love to use this as an argument, yet forget that Jews are not just a religious but also an ethnic group. There is no reason why, according to your theology, a Jewish man who converts to Christianity, will not be in heaven.
Wyatt Lewis
For dessert they are all going out to suck on niggers feet.
Lincoln Hall
>Jews are not just a religious but also an ethnic group Wrong, kill yourself kike. There is no such thing as Jewish ethnicity.
Because Christianity was the Jewish long-op to undermine western society (at the time, Pagan Rome). It collapsed one civilization and although for a time, European converts managed to maintain a rigid social and cultural structure based in living memory and tradition it eventually blossomed into (((Enlightenment Thinking))), (((Egalitarianism))), and other such weak, effeminate mentalities that completely shun any reality in favor of a literal Death Cult doing everything it can to hasten to its own end in exchange for afterlife gibs.
Michael Garcia
Christians are cultural Marxists that's why it is the dominant religion of America. Civic nationalism and Christianity is what America stands for.
>one nation under god >in God we trust >God bless america
Joshua Sanchez
Absolutely this. Honk Honk.
Isaac Turner
then what do you refer to all those atheist commies from the USSR as?
so George Soros isn't Jewish? All atheist Jews in hollywood and the porn industry magically stop being Jewish? I also love how you try to disprove the existence of a Jewish ethnicity with a book written by a man called Shlomo Sand.
Not to mention that as soon as you bring Adam and Eve and immortal souls that all humans have into the equation, you literally erase the concept of race and tribe on a theoretical level and the only thing that matters is tea-bagging an infant into Holy soup at birth and (maybe) showing up Church every now and then.
Justin Bennett
Jaxson Bailey
And then 40 nazis jumped out of the menorah at night and slaughtered the village of jews
Brandon Fisher
>looks like a bug multi end but dildo looks like a big multi end butt dildo
Julian Jackson
>christians are cultural marxists >christians are civic nationalist you only ever get to pick one
Henry Cooper
strange that atheists only take issue with Christians, there is no denying this
Alexander Jackson
They go together like bread and butter.
Oliver Roberts
Nose don't lie. There's something genetically kike-like about that which can hang clothes.
Christian Davis
Remember based Titus was a pagan.
Ayden Brooks
>i really hate germany
Sometimes the christcuck will think or even say >Germany is bad, Germans are crazy
But does he not realize that Germany and Europe is run by christcucks? Because it is.:EU is capitalistic organization run by cuckstian morons.
Tldr; EU is bad because it is filled with jews, true, but it's filled with jews because of christcucks. Semitic religions are the enemies of Europe. Cuckstians are jews in spirit and a purveyor of the disease.
Uh oh they really are getting ready to build the third temple. Not good, gentlemen.
There isn't such a thing as "A" menorah. There was only THE menorah, designed by YHWH himself and placed into the temple to facilitate prayer and communication. It was stolen by Titus and presumably destroyed, but it was a singular ancient treasure on par with the arc of covenant. If you believe Jews, it even had magic powers. The Menorah was forever associated with the destruction of the Second Temple, and the only reason to bring it back is if they want to build the Third Temple and get started on the end of the world
Josiah Wright
cultural marxist don't have bread or butter, that's why 27 million of them died in WW2
Cooper Nelson
>this The Jews won't even care unless it's solid gold, they'll say thanks then strip the leaf and use the rest to make circumcision equipment for the goyim back in Germany.
Parker Martinez
I've always been aware Jews in the modern age are the synagogue of Satan. I've never agreed with the modern Vatican after their saint lineage has died. I've never agreed with Christian Zionists. Yet the Jews on Jow Forums tell me I agree with all these things and they place this label across all Christians as if they agree with it. To me that seems like dishonesty.
What gives German Christians the right to apologize for Romans. Germans were wild monkeys when Rome stomped out the temple
Isaiah Taylor
To make themselves feel good. Buncha faggots. Don't worry, actual Christians have birthrates far above replacement, they will inherit our country.
Hudson Phillips
>Pope is infallible as a fundamental precept of Catholics >Many Popes are objectively corrupt shit >popefrancislickingniggerfeet.jpg Yeah, fuck off with that shit. Two flavors of the same neapolitan There are subset of "rationalists" who do attack the lower hanging fruit of Islam and other religions, but yeah the reason they bother with Christianity is because its too weak to properly defend itself and purge heretics, and it has become on of the last flimsy shelters of something resembling a white ethnogroup (in practice if not in theory). Basically they are getting greedy and attack a weak ideology because they know modern Christians are too cucked to do anything but turn the other cheek, and then die off leaving a negligible progeny that already hates their parents and got caught up into liberal degeneracy themselves.
Liam James
>There is no reason why, according to your theology, a Jewish man who converts to Christianity, will not be in heaven. you figured it out heathen. simply the accepting of Christ as lord and your personal savior is all you need to enter the kingdom of heaven. all you have to do is believe user.
This entirely sums up why modern Christianity is implicitely anti-white. Because all you care about us muh-Jew cult membership numbers. More brown hoards means more saved souls!
Please martyr yourself already and go extinct.
Aiden Cook
>>There are subset of "rationalists" who do attack the lower hanging fruit of Islam and other religions plausible deniability at it's finest, so morons like you just keep attacking Christians
Jack Campbell
Jace Fisher
Are you retarded? I just attacked Jews. And I am not an Atheist.
Mason Evans
you jump from A to Z with no steps in between. youre a fucking retard plain and simple. find god.
Eli Lopez
No problem, I'll just go do obscenely immoral acts and by the end of my anti-christian life I'll accept jesus
Blake Garcia
Jesus also said not to make false idols and engraven images. Menorah is a thing of religious significance so it's covered under that. Also rejecting Jesus kind of makes them like heretics so Christians supporting this are guilty of impure worship and unclean before God.
Eli Morris
Do you have an actual argument? On the ground, I support white Christian traditionalists. What I am attacking is something on a more meta-scale and long term from an entirely pragmatic persepctive.
Your cult is LOSING. In fact its literally like "If I lose, I win; the religion". You don't care about earth, the present, or it's future because all that matters is shit that happens when literally the world has ended. You have no incentive to fight the hard battles that keep your people alive, and you are so cucked at this point YOU DON'T EVEN fight to prevent the erosion of said cult and attack back against a clearly stronger and more violent competing Desert sect. All you do is sit and cry "I am feeling really attacked right now" and expect everyone to play nice with you without contributing shit to the survival of white race and by extension, western society.
Gabriel Long
>265 lbs of menorah >1 oz tops of gold leaf gilding Jewing the jew
Brayden Gray
Anthony Russell
Jewing the Jew by gifting them gifts. Haha joke's on you Shlomo, all our manhours put into this weren't worth as much as you originally thought! Based Christcucks!
Owen Morales
>simply the accepting of Christ as lord and your personal savior is all you need to enter the kingdom of heaven
That's a really petty thing, both from "god" and people who indulge in it.
Jeremiah Scott
>Pope is infallible as a fundamental precept of Catholics Only when interpreting theology protestant boi, if the Pope comes and say the EU should accept refugees literally no one cares
265 pounds of modeling clay painted gold, well it looks like clay.
Dylan Ortiz
Not exactly how it worked in medieval Europe, where the Popes tried all they could to be universal theocrats. Also nothing is stopping the pope from claiming accepting refugees is a religious duty, making it infallibly true
Samuel Campbell
>then what do you refer to all those atheist commies from the USSR as Either they are atheist commies or they are masonic crpyto-Jews because they believe in Messianic Judaism but pretend to be atheist. How many times are you going to use this same "atheist" argument. It's like every day now.
Those people are Jewish only because they self-identify as Jewish, they are not truly atheit because they believe in Judaism to some extent and believe the false mythology that they are a chosen people which is based in Judaism. >I also love how you try to disprove the existence of a Jewish ethnicity with a book written by a man called Shlomo Sand. What's your point kike? He has renounced being a Jew thus reinforcing the point that being Jewish is nothing but a belief.
>Nose don't lie. There's something genetically kike-like about that which can hang clothes. Go look at Italians, Greeks, Turks, and Iranians and you'll see exactly where that nose comes from.
Jaxson Lee
>protestant not a Christian at all, but at least preotestisim allows even a theoretical schism of red-pilled and Deus Vult Christians with a pro-white agenda.
You are and most Catholics are deluded. Your own people would crucify you for the sake of their precious nigger souls and good PR. Go ahead, see how far your congregation or top-down priesthood would tolerate you speaking out in Church to even acknowledge the degeneracy that is now allowed from Papal retcons and the existential threat against white Christians. I'll wait to hear about the results.
Nicholas Peterson
another pagan/fedora shill thread.
this shit is only pushed by faggy "interfaith work" tier apostates.
pagans/fedoras vote overwhelmingly progressive and open faggotry and the like directly coincides with the decline in church attendance and increase in secularism.
>you're all these bad things I think about you >you're a cult and losing you sound like a typical atheist jew, thanks for clearing that up
Hudson Brown
..Central Happenings Network or CHN Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason. >NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well. No strikes were given or warnings >then his backup Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!! They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel. We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!
bitchute.com/video/ASB59iiwde8/ >This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.
Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante >NPC meme series part 1 youtu.be/WWR2ZybDqWE THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills
Also these are becoming CLASSIC quick >GTA RP vids youtu.be/9JbsGBlQJmA He will defeat the faggots and trannys at Google with Algorothmic Meme magic!!! >Based Bible study! youtu.be/H5thCNvs07E Get blessed..
Carter Sanders
Like there is any proof the original one wasn’t clay & paint...
Andrew Rogers
But the church IS the spiritual successor to old Israel, down to getting pozzed to the point of no redemption.
Jaxon Ortiz
Christians betray their own people and culture in the name of a middle eastern jew, which is much worse.
Jose Adams
More silence on arguing any sapient points from Christcucks in denial. I already mentioned that on the ground I defend against attacks on Christians in any capacity from our enemies, despite not being Christian. Among ourselves, I am trying to get everyone to see reason and understand that Christianity in its current form is not going to cut it anymore.
I honestly hope to be proven wrong and have literally any major Christian revolt/figurehead go to war for oursake but despite you all having a monopoly on caucasion theology for almost 2000 years, all you have done is continually cede ground and find yourself in this position where a bunch of faggy scientists and Jews can recruit Reddit-tier midwits into sabotaging your cultural relevance even further as you shrink away into pathetic obscurity.
Any you never took back Constantinople or the Holy Land despite having literally the backing of the entire Christian world.
Isaac Moore
This. Any Christian who choose two shitskins over 1 white non-Christian is a traitor and deserves the rope. Its win-win really because they get to die for their cause and their cloud-mansion while the rest of us can get on with things.
Eli Young
There is such thing as an Ashkenazi Jew. But it's not a cohesive ethnicity. They are essentially mongrels held together by a common tradition. They are no longer Jewish since they lost their genetic heritage.
Owen Reed
Ah lmao so if George Soros didn't identify as a Jew he wouldn't be Jewish? So I guess you believe that trannies are actually the gender they say they are, right? Lmfao. I love how you insinuate I'm a kike even though I do nothing but counter-signal every Abrahamic religion and belief. We've got a fucking pastor Anderson over here. And Orthodox Christians in the United States vote overwhelmingly Democratic, too. Does that make all the Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe liberal?
>Ah lmao so if George Soros didn't identify as a Jew he wouldn't be Jewish? So I guess you believe that trannies are actually the gender they say they are, right? >Comparing something non-biological to something biological Being Jewish is a religious belief and nothing else, deal with it. Anyone who claims to be a Jewish atheist is a liar because it implies that they believe in Jewish mythologies.
Liberalism, marxism, and the holocaust are jewish mythologies so...
Gabriel Wilson
how the fuck can you "identify" as a Jew if you don't believe in Judaism? Soros has many times said he is not religious. And once again, Jews are a distinct ethnic group. Sephardics, Mizrahis, Ashkenazis, the list goes on.
Sebastian White
>looks like clay It is most likely iron but sprayed with a anti-rust base coat to be covered with gold leaf
Liam Martinez
They are not Christians. It's a subverted jewish shit not.
Jose Collins
>how the fuck can you "identify" as a Jew if you don't believe in Judaism? Because they do believe in certain aspects of Judaism even though they claim not to, specifically the myth of "the Jewish people" and the exile. What don't you get kike? >And once again, Jews are a distinct ethnic group. Sephardics, Mizrahis, Ashkenazis, the list goes on. No they aren't kike. Those groups literally have nothing in common with each-other and they have more in common with the people of the countries that they came from than with anyone else.
Luis Diaz
Why do Jews have dildo candelabra?
Leo Sanders
people who are the most amoral are the most offended by the idea of religion.
You fail. Showing that individual groups of Jews cluster does not in any way prove that Jews are an ethnicity or race. For Jews to be an ethnicity, all subgroups of Jews would have to have the same unique culture, traditions, and language. For Jews to be a race they would have to all genetically cluster together and without overlapping with other races.
You don't even know what religion is. Let alone what is to have morals.
Gavin Allen
>Stop projecting faggot I don't think you understand what projection is. I am certainly not projecting being a broken record, due to not having to resort to calling you a kike all the time, unlike you. You, on the other hand, are projecting hard. >Libyan Jews If you read it, you would see that it says that non-Libyan Jews are genetically close to one another. >Ashkenazi What is this argument supposed to purport? The study shows they are genetically distinct from any actual European ethnic group >Not even making a point Are you fucking retarded? It clearly claims the origin of all studied Jews was from the Middle East. >For Jews to be an ethnicity, all subgroups of Jews would have to have the same unique culture, traditions, and language. No, that's not what an ethnicity is. By your definition, an American white and an American negro are the same ethnicity. You might just be the most retarded person I've ever spoken to on Jow Forums.
Henry Morgan
You are projecting when you claim I have no understanding of biology when clearly that's the case with you. >If you read it, you would see that it says that non-Libyan Jews are genetically close to one another. So are other Mediterranean populations, what's your point? >The study shows they are genetically distinct from any actual European ethnic group Still not making a point that Jews as a whole are a race. > It clearly claims the origin of all studied Jews was from the Middle East. >of all studied Jews Still not making point. >No, that's not what an ethnicity is. By your definition, an American white and an American negro are the same ethnicity. No, those two don't have the same culture or geographical origin. On the other hand, by your definition all Christians are the same ethnicity. >You might just be the most retarded person I've ever spoken to on Jow Forums. Again with the projection.
Anyways, I already posted the DNA map which clearly shows that Jews are not a race, and even that map didn't have all the different subgroups of Jews that there are.
Cope harder kike.
Wyatt Phillips
>Jews as a whole are a race. *are not a race
Jace Jackson
the holy trips say you need religion
Anthony Ross
Catolicucks are not real christians, they are closer to jews than to real christians.